"This is Luoyang City, so prosperous!"

After several days of traveling, the Qingxuanmen finally entered the city smoothly.

The streets were crowded with cars and people, and the shops on both sides were full of dazzling shops. The stall owners shouted loudly, and the streets and alleys were filled with fireworks.

People came and went, all wearing ancient costumes.

Chen Nian looked around with curiosity. Compared with Gu Qingyue's place, this was the real ancient city in the fantasy world.

There was also a loud storyteller on the side of the road, and a group of children were listening to the story.

"Let's talk about thirty years ago."

"The heroes of the Jiuzhou Continent competed for supremacy, and the major forces were in constant dispute."

"A child of destiny was born in the Heavenly Demon Hall, named Jun Mo Xie. He had both strength and ambition, and wanted to unify Jiuzhou!"

"But just because there was a person named Mu Qiufeng in the world, his dream was shattered."

The storyteller was nitpicking, passionate, and spitting.

The children asked, "Grandpa, who is Mu Qiufeng?"

"There is a saying in the martial arts world, if Jun Mo Xie is born, why is Mu Qiufeng born? Just because Mu Qiufeng is here, it is a mountain that Jun Mo Xie cannot cross."

"He is too strong, so strong that he can kill the top ten masters of the Heavenly Demon Palace by himself, almost invincible in the world!"

"But later, Mu Qiufeng died."

The storyteller sighed and was extremely regretful.

The children were anxious: "Grandpa, he was so powerful, why did he die?"

"Because Jun Mo Xie thought of a plan."

"He sent his own sister, the Saint of the Heavenly Demon Temple at that time, to Mu Qiufeng. No matter how strong he was, he still couldn't escape this love test."

"After Mu Qiufeng fell in love with the Saint of the Demon Sect, Jun Mo Xie sent people to capture the Saint and set up a trap to wait for Mu Qiufeng to take the bait."

"Children, guess what?"

The children touched their heads naively: "Did Mu Qiufeng fall into a trap and die?"

"No! He rushed into the Heavenly Demon Temple with a sword, killing gods and Buddhas, and killed everyone in the Heavenly Demon Temple!"

"It's a pity that in order to save the Saint of the Heavenly Demon, he was still poisoned."

"Mu Qiufeng didn't kill Jun Mo Xie, just because he was his lover's brother. Brother, but it left him with a sword wound. Because of that sword wound, Jun Mo Xie has not appeared in the martial arts world for thirty years, and the Heavenly Demon Palace has gradually declined. "

Children: "Did Mu Qiufeng die of poisoning?"

Storyteller: "No. As a righteous person, it was a mistake for him to fall in love with the witch. Later, the four holy places wanted to get rid of the witch, and he killed all the strong men of the four holy places, and finally died in the secluded bamboo forest. "

"This is the story of the legendary figure Mu Qiufeng."

Storyteller laughed and said, "Let's stop here today. Tomorrow I will tell you the story of the son of God Mu Yun."

"It is said that Mu Yun, who disappeared recently, has returned and is about to attend the Cangshan Sword Competition held by the four holy places. Then we can see his style again!"

Chen Nian actually listened with relish.

He asked his senior brother, "What is the Cangshan Sword Contest?"

"It is held once every ten years. The three most recent generations of disciples from the four holy places compete. The winner can become the leader of the four holy places within ten years. That is the highest honor!"

"You don't know this, Chen Nian. I really doubt that you grew up in the mountains."

"What a pity. It would be great if we could also go to the scene to watch the game. It is a real event for heroes to compete for supremacy..."

"Hey, do you think we can be a spectator with Chen Nian's help?"

"You are overthinking. Chen Nian may be able to go, but we are afraid that we are not qualified."

Soon, the group went to find an inn to stay in.

The master reminded, "Okay, you can move freely from now on, but remember not to cause trouble. My Qingxuan Sect has always been low-key."

A senior brother found Chen Nian and smiled a smile that all men understand.

"Brother Chen, meet in the evening? I will take you to have fun."



In fact.

The Heavenly Demon Palace was not completely destroyed.

The seriously injured Jun Mo Xie and his remnants hid in the mountains to recover.

Like rats in the gutter, they dared not see the sun.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Jun Mo Xie sat on the stone platform and coughed up a mouthful of black blood.

The sword wound on his chest has tortured him for nearly thirty years!

The sword wound left by Mu Qiufeng could not be cured by any miracle doctor or elixir in the world...

The realm also fell from the seventh realm of the Sun Realm to the fifth realm of the Flying Star Realm.

"Master Demon, are you okay..."

"Get out!"

Jun Mo Xie suddenly waved his sleeves, and a palm wind slapped his subordinates away.

He was unwilling, he was angry!

He should have been the one who dominated the tide of the times, but it was Mu Qiufeng.

Even he was dead, and the wounds left behindStill torturing himself!

"Damn it, damn it!"

Just then, a subordinate came to report from outside.

"Master Demon, there is a guest who wants to see you, saying... that he can heal your injury."

"Let him in."

Jun Mo Xie had long lost hope. Countless people came to heal him, but no one ever walked out alive.

Because, those who couldn't be cured were killed by him.

It seems that there will be another corpse today.

Soon, the man came in.

What surprised Jun Mo Xie was that the man didn't have any mysterious aura on him, which was very strange.

"Can you heal me?"


The man smiled and took out a black magic core from his arms.

The magic core floated in the air, flashing a black light.

"What is this?"

"The core of the original demon god. Swallowing it will not only heal your wounds, but also make your strength soar."


Jun Mo Xie's pupils showed strong shock, and then he said coldly: "If you dare to lie to me, you will die miserably."

"If it doesn't work, you can kill me to vent your anger."

"Give it to me!"

Jun Mo Xie sucked the demon core into his palm.

"Wait. If the demon lord wants to absorb this core, he needs to do some psychological preparation, otherwise he may explode and die."

"What do you mean?"

"First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. I come from the outside world called "Disaster". If you want to absorb the power in the demon core, you need to be loyal to us. The triple imprint will test your body, spirit, and soul."

"If the test fails, you will die miserably, so I said that some spiritual preparation is needed. Lord Demon, don't worry, take your time~~~"


Mu Qingxuan looked up.

There were two characters written on the gate.


"Finally here!"

She was delighted.

It wasn't easy to get here.

When flying in the sky, the monks she met approached her three times. Later, when she landed and walked, some men came up to her to get close to her.

"It's better to become ugly... so as not to cause trouble when entering the city."

Mu Qingxuan took out a jade ring from the storage bag and put it on.

Suddenly, her face changed.

From a beautiful girl, she turned into a middle-aged woman.

This "disguise ring" is quite useful.

No matter how lonely those men are, they can't come to chat up an old woman, right?

Mu Qingxuan happily stepped into Luoyang City.

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