"Identity authentication completed, the boundary-breaking aircraft is starting..."

"The hatch is closed."

"Breakthrough shuttle will cause severe turbulence, please fasten your seat belts."

"Countdown 30 seconds..."

A mechanical electronic sound rang out.

Sitting in the hatch were the five members of Chen Nian's team, all wearing white nano tactical suits.

"I didn't expect to have the opportunity to perform tasks with Senior Chen Nian!"

Lin Xiaomeng was extremely excited, completely forgetting her previous clown behavior, and her eyes were shining with excitement.

"Why are you excited? Don't forget that you are the weakest. I really don't know why you were assigned to our group. Just don't hold us back." Chen Nian said unhappily.

"Don't worry, I can definitely help you!"

"Okay, don't be so mean to Xiaomeng, she is our companion now." Su Jinyu said, and the tight white tactical suit outlined her infinitely beautiful body curves.

Her chest showed a perfect streamlined shape, a slender waist, and well-proportioned and straight legs.

Chen Nian thought, next time I ask the equipment department for a set of this nano tactical suit, and let Xiaoyu wear it when he is intimate with her, it seems not bad!


“The aircraft starts, and the boundary-breaking shuttle begins!”

The next moment, everyone seemed to be in chaos, the light was swallowed, the sound could not be transmitted, and the body seemed to lose weight.


“Too awesome!”

“An aircraft that can cross the class plane, I didn’t expect that the equipment department would be able to make such a masterpiece one day.”

“Although it can’t carry the strong to pass through the world barrier, it is also a great invention that is worthy of being recorded in history!”

Seeing that all the aircraft were operating smoothly, Director Ma gave a thumbs up and praised repeatedly.

Unexpectedly, the director’s praise did not make the members of the equipment department happy.

“Director, you are too flattering. In fact, this is not the credit of the equipment department.”

“In the past, you all wanted to take all the credit for yourself, why are you so humble this time! "The director was puzzled.

"Because... the complete three-dimensional design drawings of this thing were transmitted to the equipment department database out of thin air."

"That is to say, someone designed it completely, and the equipment department just manufactured it according to the drawings."

"What? You are already the world's top engineers, and there are people who are more talented than you?"

"The terrible thing is far more than that."

The head of the equipment department murmured: "We just manufactured it according to the drawings, and all the operations of this thing have no bugs, no failures..."

"This is simply impossible!"

The head became more and more excited, spitting: "Any new equipment will go through dozens of iterations and optimizations when it is first developed before it can be finally put into use."

"But it is perfect from the drawing stage, no tuning is required!"

"It is hard to imagine what kind of person... can design such a perfect product. Everyone in the equipment department was shocked. "


Dean's office.

Merlin opened the secret door behind the bookcase. The room inside was pure white and empty.

Except... the circular teleporter placed on the ground.

Merlin stood on it.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

The next moment, he was teleported to somewhere.

Why "somewhere"?

Because even a powerful dean like Merlin doesn't know where this place is!

Only by standing on the teleporter and getting the permission of the "master" can one be teleported here.

There is no other way to get here. Similarly, no outsider has come. This place, including the director!

Merlin opened the door of the room.

What appeared in front of him was a huge pavilion, which was a super library.

The pavilion was about a hundred stories high, and each floor stored tens of thousands of books. It almost included all the knowledge and civilization of the world.

And the owner of this library was sitting in front of the main control console.

That was a woman.

She was wearing a white dress decorated with gold ornaments, her silver hair fell freely, and her light blue eyes were as delicate as gems. She was elegant, calm, and had no extra expressions.

Merlin was not the founder of the World Tree Academy. The woman in front of him was the real founder.


Merlin half-knelt on the ground, put one hand on his chest and saluted: "The boundary-breaking aircraft you designed has been launched normally, and the students are going to the sixth-level world for support."

Mo Ning's eyes still fell on the book on his legs, and he asked lightly: "The person you praised last time, Chen Nian, is he going too?"

"Of course he has to go, now he is below the seventh levelThe strongest students, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. "

"Then, I wish them good luck in martial arts."

Mo Ning closed the book and lifted it up.

The book flew into the air and returned to the bookshelf.


I don't know how long it took.

A loud bang! Several people's buttocks were hit hard.

At the same time, a mechanical prompt sounded.

[Successfully arrived at the destination, please leave the cabin immediately]

"We're here!"

"It's so scary, I was afraid that the shuttle would fail and I would be buried in the gap between the worlds."

"Is this aircraft quite reliable? "

Several people unbuckled their seat belts, and the moment the hatch was opened, the dirty air hit them in the face.

It seems that this world has been baptized by a series of wars, and it has long been devastated, with yellow sand rolling, the sky dark, and even the air is not so fresh.

After everyone left the cabin, the hatch closed again and entered the self-protection stealth mode.

"Let's go, I have written down the coordinates here, and I can only use this thing when I complete the mission and go back."

"Captain Chen, what should we do now?"

The other two male team members also came to perform such a dangerous mission for the first time, and they seemed quite nervous.

Fortunately, there is no repressive force in this world, Chen Nian thought.

"Let's go to the detection team stationed here first to understand the general situation. There should be their signal on the terminal radar, and we can just follow the signal to find it. "

"Okay! "

In this team, Chen Nian's words are absolute orders.

After all, he is the strongest and has the most experience.

The signal point on the radar is about 200 kilometers away from the few people.

As soon as one person flew into the sky, he was immediately stopped by Chen Nian and scolded.

"There is an original demon god in this world. Are you flying so high to tell others that we are here?"

"Sorry... Captain."

"Everyone fly at low altitude and rush to the signal point at full speed to gather."


Su Jinyu chuckled and said, "You are so domineering, Chen Nian Gege~~"

"Don't make trouble, now is a mission occasion, call me captain."

"Okay captain."

"Team member Su Jinyu, in view of your poor flying ability, in order to prevent you from falling behind, the captain will take you."

"Okay, as ordered! "

Chen Nian took Su Jinyu's hand, but Lin Xiaomeng's dissatisfaction came from the back.

"Captain, I can't fly fast either, why don't you take me with you!"

"Who are you?"

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