The police were so angry that they tried to steal the money.

Ji Luo's teeth were almost broken!

The worst thing was that he didn't dare to speak out now!

If he told others that the box of money was stolen, I'm afraid no one would work with him.

"I swear, I swear! If I catch you, I will kill you!"

Ji Luo's mentality has always remained at the level of "student". In his opinion, beating someone up is already a serious matter, but he really wants to kill him now.

One of the six wounded died, leaving only the last one.

This man only had a piece missing on his shoulder, and the bleeding stopped at least.

"He needs to keep warm. Is there an emergency thermal blanket?"

The doctor asked, his body covered in blood.


The military supplies included food, emergency medicines, etc., but he had never noticed the insulation blanket.

The doctor frowned and searched for it himself, and soon found a plastic bag slightly larger than his palm: "Found it!"

The insulation blanket is not a cotton wool fabric, but a large, thin aluminum foil, which is only the size of an ice cream when rolled up.

He wrapped the wounded with this blanket layer by layer, and opened his eyes weakly: "Thank... Thank you."

Ji Luo, who had been worried all the time, sat down on the military rations barrel with a tired look.

I never thought that there would be so many kinds of ghosts, so scary, so weird.

He didn't know what else he would encounter, and he didn't know if he could deal with it.


Another scream came.

Ji Luo stood up stiffly, and soon someone ran over with a pale face: "Li Chun... Li Chun's family hanged themselves."


Ji Luo was slightly startled. Did he hang himself because of too much mental pressure?

The man looked horrified: "Li Chun's wife was hanging on a piece of wool."

"Such a thin wool, it will break if you pull it!"

"And... and, their son was hanged on the headphone wire..."

Ji Luo's scalp tingled when he heard it.

Hurry over.

Hong Ya was sitting in the warehouse, her face was also pale.

She was imagined to be a heroine like a savior, but she suddenly found that she was not much better than ordinary people in the face of these weirdness.

At this time, the patient wrapped in a thermal blanket had his eyes wide open, his body twisted violently, and shouted in a weak voice: "Ghost... Ghost..."


Hong Ya's body tensed up and hurried over.

The patient's body was wrapped in a thermal blanket, squirming like a caterpillar, and his finger suddenly pierced the thermal blanket and pointed to a corner of the warehouse.

Several doctors and Hong Ya were scared and looked over.

A half-burned baby.

Slowly crawling on the ground.

The baby seemed to have just been born, and there was even an umbilical cord dragging on the ground.

"Looking for death!"

Chen Kun gritted his teeth and chopped it down with a knife!

The baby was cut in half.

"There's another one over there!"

A doctor jumped to the side as if he had received an electric shock, pointing to another corner of the warehouse.

This warehouse was converted from a garage, and some sundries were piled up in the corner. There happened to be a bag of dusty things blocking that corner.

It was dark, and the light was too dim, so no one could see clearly.

Only a small figure could be vaguely seen hiding in that corner.

Chen Kun summoned a ghost to possess him, as if to cheer himself up, and shouted loudly: "No matter what kind of ghost you are, I'm going to chop you with a knife!"

When the flashlight was shone over, his scalp suddenly went numb!

It was a little girl about three years old.

Rats and cockroaches were crawling all over her body, and these things had bitten her to pieces.

Half of the girl's face was bitten off, and she cried softly: "Mother... Mother..."

"Don't abandon me... Dad..."

Chen Kun gritted his teeth, jumped up suddenly, and cut the girl in half with one knife.

"Damn, why are there children everywhere!"

Chen Kun's face was a little flushed, and he was panting.

"Here it comes again, here it comes again..."

A doctor shouted again, and following his sight, everyone saw another little girl, who was also full of holes, and her body was full of rats and cockroaches.

Those things drilled her small body like a sponge, going in and out.

Chen Kun made another move, and the Kunwu knife cut the thing in half.

Then he met several more little ghosts, all ghost babies, all girls.

After killing another one, Chen Kun's eyes suddenly focused!

"Hong Ya! I found the source of this thing!"

Hong Ya hurried over to take a look.

In the green belt of the community, a strange building can be vaguely seen.

About one person tall, hexagonal, with a lid on top.

There is a bulge in my heart.

It looks a bit like an enlarged teapot.

There is a hole slightly larger than a basketball in the wall of this building, and a baby girl is crawling out at this moment.

Hong Ya's scalp tingled, and she suddenly sneered: "This is what you men do!"

Chen Kun was slightly stunned: "What?"

"This is a baby abandonment tower!"

"The men of the Tang Dynasty have been oppressing women since ancient times. This tower is built specifically for throwing baby girls!"

"As soon as the baby girls are born, they will be thrown in here to let them fend for themselves!"

"Do you know that there are snakes, insects, rats and ants here?! These little girls will be eaten alive!"

"And every few days someone will come to set fire, no matter whether there are children alive inside, they will be burned to death together!"

Hong Ya's history is extremely unbearable, but as a "new era woman who can think independently", she knows many historical incidents of injustice to women, some of which are true and some are false.

Hong Ya stared at Chen Kun, almost spitting fire: "You did it!"

"You are fucking sick!" Chen Kun laughed angrily!

At this time, a girl in her teens, dressed in extremely tattered clothes, still full of holes, appeared at some point and squatted in the corner.

Weeping softly.

There were dozens and hundreds of holes on her body, which was really a home for snakes, insects, rats and ants, and these things were coming in and out.

Her face was full of fear: "Mother! Mother!! Chun'er is obedient, Chun'er works, don't throw Chun'er away..."

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Chun'er won't go, Chun'er won't go!"

Those thrown into the abandoned baby tower should be girls.

The appearance of a girl in her teens has already proved what happened to her in her life.

Even Chen Kun stayed where he was.

Hong Ya cried the moment she appeared.

With tears streaming down her face, she ran over and touched the girl's head: "Sister, be good, sister..."


A pair of hands suddenly pierced her heart!

The girl's hands kept tearing and pinching, her face ferocious: "Mom!! You also come to accompany Chun'er!!!"

"You accompany Chun'er!! "

She suddenly pulled her hands away, "Dad, you..."

Before she finished her words, her head had already flown away. A sense of relief appeared on the girl's scarred face, and she murmured: "Chun'er... I'm afraid..."

Chen Kun hugged Hong Ya, who had two big bloody holes in her chest, and felt cold all over.

"I... I'm so cold, I'm so cold..." Hong Ya held Chen Kun tightly.

There was no possibility of survival with a wound that pierced the heart.

Hong Ya's hands suddenly clenched, and then drooped to the ground

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