Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 12: General Slaughterer, the poem begins with white

Zhang Shuzhi remembered it at that time. After all, the title of "General Ren Tu" was heard even when he was in a remote place like Yanzhou.

During the war, Daliang was facing the conquest of the other six countries. General Ren Tu, relying on the realm of great Confucianism, held a pen and faced the tens of thousands of coalition forces composed of the six countries alone.

General Ren Tu easily killed four thousand great Confucianists with just a war poem. Later, facing the siege of two literary masters, he broke through in the battle, and his poem shocked the world. In front of tens of thousands of literati, he stepped into the realm of literary masters.

As a result of that battle, only General Ren Tu survived, and the army of the six countries composed of two literary masters, thousands of great Confucianists and Hanlin were all killed by General Ren Tu alone, and the title of "General Ren Tu" was passed down.

It was also that battle that completely established the situation of Daliang as the leader of the seven countries.

Later, perhaps as a punishment from the saint, none of General Ren Tu's children lived past the age of ten. However, his ninth son lived to the age of twelve, but he was an unlearned person.

Zhang Shuzhi never expected that Xu Shaocong, the son of a military officer, could be so close to the son of "General Ren Tu". He originally thought that Ci Song was just the descendant of a retired general. There were many such generals in Zhongzhou City. The few who followed him and Xu Shaocong to hunt were of such status.

Although General Ren Tu was a general in name, it was because he had no desires and his goal was to be a scholar, so he did not accept the emperor's reward.

The emperor was also a man of great righteousness. Although he did not promote him in name, he gave Ci Qibai the power to monitor all officials. Anyone who found suspicious people in the court could be executed first and then reported.

This is also why Ci Song could become the first playboy in Daliang before, because all the civil and military officials in the court were afraid of Ci Qibai, not only because of his high cultivation, but also because of this power of "execution first and then reporting".

Ci Song didn't know what was going on in Zhang Shuzhi's mind, he just turned to look at Xu Shaocong and said, "Shaocong, let's go out for a walk, I'm going to the academy in two days."

"What? Academy? Have you promised your father to enter Yansheng Academy?"

"Of course, go out and see more."

Ci Song and Xu Shaocong left here together, leaving Zhang Shuzhi kneeling on the ground in a daze. Seeing this, the three guards helped him up and drove him away.

. . . . . . .

On the other side, Ci Song asked Xu Shaocong curiously, "Shaocong, what's the matter with that silly boy? Why did he come to Zhongzhou?"

"What do you think? Why would Prime Minister Zhang bring back the son of an illegitimate child who has been wandering outside and hasn't been seen for many years?" Xu Shaocong asked back.

"Is he very talented? So the Prime Minister brought him back to Zhongzhou?" Ci Song guessed.

"Well, Prime Minister Zhang is not a fool. He will not let a grandson who is living in a remote state come back to Zhongzhou for no reason." Xu Shaocong said with a smile.

"But that kid does have some skills. He was able to write with his archery at the age of 9. His archery skills are superb. When we were hunting, he almost never missed the target."

Ci Song nodded and agreed: "No wonder, writing with his archery at the age of 9 is really good. I heard that my father seemed to have started writing with his archery at the age of 9."

"Come on, how can that brat compare with General Ci? Although General Ci started writing with his archery at the age of 9, the nature is completely different. I heard from my father that General Ci had all six arts and could choose any one of them to write with his archery, but he took the initiative to refuse. In other words, General Ci gave up the opportunity to write with his archery six times and chose to write with his archery poems in order to find his own way."

"I am afraid that even the sub-sage does not have such courage." Xu Shaocong talked about Ci Song's father, his face full of yearning and envy.

"So that's how it is."

Ci Song nodded. He didn't know much about his father. He only knew that his father had a high level of cultivation and rich past experiences, but these were limited to what was recorded in books.

He had thought about asking the old people in the general's mansion, but they all said that they couldn't talk about the master behind his back and chose not to say anything. It seems that Ci Song didn't even know his father as well as Xu Shaocong.

"That's right, you don't even look at who General Ci is. He is the pillar of our Daliang." Xu Shaocong put his arm around Ci Song's shoulders and continued, "Let's not talk about this. Tell me what you have experienced during this period of time. How come you have been locked up for a few days and become so gentle after you came out."

"If it were before, you would have beaten up Zhang Shuzhi yourself. Why did you let the servants teach him a lesson today?" Xu Shaocong asked curiously.

"It's better to be gentle. If you fight and kill all day, it will have a lot of impact. I still care about my image." Ci Song replied.

But Xu Shaocong's words made Ci Song suddenly realize that he seemed to have gone too far just now. For some reason, when facing the arrogant Zhang Shuzhi, he was inexplicably angry.

He even had the intention to kill Zhang Shuzhi just now. This was a negative emotion that Ci Song would never have had before, but today he actually took the initiative to teach Zhang Shuzhi a lesson, which also made Ci Song a little scared.

"Am I affected by the original owner of this body? If I really killed someone just now, what should I do? It's a sin, a sin."

Ci Song repented in his heart.

"Cough cough cough."

Xu Shaocong was choked by Ci Song's words. Good man, do you still care about your image? Do you have an image in Zhongzhou City?

A few days ago, not only did you get drunk in the brothel and ask all the girls to come out and dance for you, you also injured many clients and almost dragged the madam into the house to be executed. Although the madams were all very beautiful, they were old enough to be Ci Song's grandmother.

If the matter had not been so serious, General Ci personally came forward to take away your lawless master. Xu Shaocong dared not think about what happened later. Your reputation is so bad, how can you still have the face to say such things?

"Ci Song, you are worthy of being my good brother, Xu Shaocong. I admire you for saying such things." Xu Shaocong gave Ci Song a thumbs up.

"But speaking of it, this feeling of suppressing people with power and being intimidating without anger is quite refreshing."

Ci Song murmured in his heart, it is indeed an art to reincarnate and travel through time. He traveled to such a family. It is really too hot!

"By the way, you said you were going to the academy. It usually takes ten years to graduate from the academy. So what about your engagement? Do it in advance?"

"Engagement? What engagement?" Ci Song frowned and looked at Xu Shaocong in confusion.

"Master Ci, you really forget things. Didn't you always talk about your engagement with Mo Yao? How come you suddenly forgot it?"

Xu Shaocong crossed his hands and looked at Ci Song speechlessly. He suspected that Ci Song was deliberately showing off and asked him to talk about it so that his vanity could be satisfied.

What Xu Shaocong didn't know was that Ci Song really didn't know that he was still engaged.

. . . . . . . .

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