Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 138: Self-humiliation, a blessing in disguise

Hearing this, Zhang Wuyan's expression changed. He turned to look at the book boy and asked coldly: "What did you just say?"

"Sorry, I just spoke a bit harshly and offended you." The book boy smiled contemptuously, then turned his head and looked quietly in the direction of the academy.


Zhang Wuyan's face was extremely cold. He hated people who pretended to be great even though they were obviously weak in strength. He never expected that a mere janitor would dare to be so rude and arrogant to him. Derogatory Ci Kuangsheng wrote poems for himself.

"Why are you apologizing? I'm just telling the truth." The schoolboy smiled, and then began to evaluate the poem: "The first two lines of this poem, 'The fragrance of ink and the ancient rhyme reflect the autumn water, and poetry and wine take advantage of the youth.' The context is acceptable. , but the last two sentences, "The world is vast and you can travel freely, and you can feel free without words." The literary talent is mediocre, and the preface does not match the postscript, so it is not worthy of the stage. With all due respect, this poem is really only worthy of being called a limerick. "

Hearing this, Zhang Wuyan's face turned livid, his hands slammed on the table, and he shouted angrily: "Who do you think you are, worthy of commenting on such a work? Apologize immediately, otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

When the book boy saw that Zhang Wuyan dared to speak to him like this, his face became ugly.

"When will it be the turn of these servants from Yan Sheng Academy to be arrogant and domineering?" Zhang Wuyan first slowly put away the rice paper, and then looked at the book boy, "I, Zhang Wuyan, never provoke unknown people, so tell me your name."

The schoolboy proudly reported his name, "Below Zhongyong, he has done some research on poetry."

"Fang Zhongyong? Never heard of it." Zhang Wuyan slowly shook his head.

"How dare you humiliate me like this?" Fang Zhongyong's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this. Everyone in Daliang knew the name of "Prodigy" Fang Zhongyong. This person actually said that he had never heard of his name. He must be deliberately humiliating him. Own.

"I'm just telling the truth. If Fang Zhongyong was really famous, you wouldn't be a little book boy here." Zhang Wuyan sneered, his words full of Fang Zhongyong's disdain.


Fang Zhongyong has never been so despised by others. After entering Yan Sheng Academy, even though he was a scholar, there were still some senior brothers who came to make friends with him. But now that he was talked about so badly by the students of Zigong Academy, you can imagine the anger in his heart. And know.

At this time, Duanmu Qingcang spoke, "Prodigy Fang Zhongyong, I know you. Everyone says that Fang Zhongyong is a genius prodigy. He can write poems at the age of seven, and he is the most promising genius who can write poetry into ink. "

When Fang Zhongyong heard this, a look of pride flashed across his face, "This senior brother is still well-informed."

"It's a pity that for such a talented person, why have you become an unknown book boy now? Are you not trying hard enough? Or have you encountered some bottleneck?"

Duanmu Qingcang slowly stood up, walked to Fang Zhongyong, and looked at him condescendingly, "Do you know what will happen to the students in our Zigong Academy if they dare to talk back to the students?"

"You may have become famous at a young age, and everyone calls you a child prodigy, but now you are fifteen years old. Do you know that at your age, Bai Ye has already broken through to the level of a scholar, but you are still just a person who has not yet entered the ink An ordinary person, a book boy who is complacent and talks nonsense based on his own talent. What qualifications do you think a person like you has to talk back to my junior brother here? "

Duanmu Qingcang's words were like a sharp blade, piercing directly into Fang Zhongyong's heart. His face gradually became ugly, "You! What did you say!"

"To put it simply, even if you can really write poetry into ink in the future, in my opinion, the state of being a scholar is your pinnacle."

Duanmu Qingcang's words were full of contempt and ridicule, and his disdain for Fang Zhongyong had reached the extreme.

When Fang Zhongyong heard this man insulting him, he clenched his fists tightly and wanted to go up and fight Duanmu Qingcang.

"Qingcang, please don't embarrass the book boy in our courtyard."

Just when Fang Zhongyong was about to explode, Bai Ye walked out of the academy together with the student just now.

After seeing Bai Ye, a helpless smile appeared on Duanmu Qingcang's face, "I can't help it, this child prodigy is too arrogant. My junior brother just got an autographed poem from the General's Mansion, but your book boy That poem is a limerick, do you think I can avoid embarrassing him?"

Hearing the key words "general's residence", "handwritten poem" and "lime poem", and seeing the angry look on Zhang Wuyan's face who was always calm and calm at this time, Bai Ye made a rough guess about what happened.

However, Bai Ye still needed to confirm whether things were what he thought, "Is it really an autographed poem?"

"Of course it's handwritten. To be honest, I'm very envious of it." Duanmu Qingcang replied.

Hearing this, Bai Ye walked to Zhang Wuyan's side and comforted softly: "Junior Brother Wuyan, this matter is the fault of Yan Sheng Academy. I hope you can be magnanimous and fearless of those who don't know. I hope you don't want to be on the same level as him."

When Zhang Wuyan heard what Bai Ye said, his expression gradually improved, "Senior Brother Bai, this person's attitude is really arrogant."

"I know, I will take the initiative to educate him. You and your senior brother can go to the academy and leave the rest to me." Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Come on, junior brother, just leave this matter to Bai Ye." Duanmu Qingcang also advised.

Seeing this, Zhang Wuyan saluted Bai Ye and said, "Then I'll bother you, senior brother."

After that, Zhang Wuyan and Duanmu Qingcang entered the academy together, while Bai Ye walked to Fang Zhongyong's side.

"Fang Zhongyong, although I don't know the reason for today's conflict, there are still times when you need to be careful with your words and deeds, and don't cause trouble because of your quick words. I just heard you speak rudely to Zhang Wuyan. With your talent, you shouldn't You should just be a book boy. You have talent, but don't be complacent because of it. You must know that there are people outside the world. "

"Senior Brother Bai, I..."

Fang Zhongyong wanted to say something more, but was directly interrupted by Bai Ye, "Junior brother Fang, this is Yan Sheng Academy. Since you have become a member of the academy, you must give up your previous false reputation, otherwise it will be a shackle for your future progress. Handcuff me, because in the future you will meet people one after another who are more talented than you. During this period, I hope you can learn to hide your capabilities and bide your time, and accumulate more and more. Do you understand?"

"Ming...I understand."

Fang Zhongyong bowed to Bai Ye and refused to refute.

"Forget it, you'd better not do this porter job in the future. I'll arrange for you to go to the library. Starting tomorrow, you will go to the library to sort out the books and accumulate knowledge. This will also be helpful for your future practice."

Bai Ye directly transferred Fang Zhongyong from the concierge to the library. This seemed like punishment, but in fact it was a kind of help to Fang Zhongyong.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Bai."

When Fang Zhongyong heard Bai Ye's arrangement, he was deeply moved. He originally thought he would be punished, but unexpectedly, he was a blessing in disguise. He was able to serve in the Library Pavilion. This was great news for him.

. . . . . .

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