Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 143: Breakthrough on the battlefield, fishing alone in the cold river snow

"But if you only take six moves, it's still very easy. Remember, the realm of a scholar is still extremely weak, and your body can only withstand one war poem."

After hearing the old man's affirmative answer, Ci Song's heart was relieved. Although he had recited "Presenting Qian Shangfu", "Youth" and "Three Chapters of Meiling·One", he did not write them down, so he could not fully exert the full power of the war poem.

If he wrote it down, the war poem would be recognized by the talent of heaven and earth, and then his combat power would definitely reach a higher level.

"If that's the case, then come on."

Ci Song used his finger as a pen, the few remaining strands of talent in his body as ink, and the world as paper to write down the entire poem "Presenting Qian Shangfu":

"You are forced to come here without freedom, and you have worked hard on the hills for several years.

The flowers in the hall intoxicate three thousand guests, and the frost of a sword chills fourteen states.

Lai Zi's clothes are narrow, and Xie Gong's poems are ashamed of the gorgeous clouds.

When he was named in Lingyun Pavilion, how could he envy the marquis of Wanhu at that time?"

Ci Song wrote very quickly, almost like a dragon and snake, and he finished writing this poem "Presenting Qian Shangfu" in just a few breaths.

A light "hum" sound came out, and this war poem was recognized by the talent of heaven and earth. The brilliant talent light was released from Ci Song. At the same time, Ci Song's talent was fully restored, and his cultivation was further improved, from the original one fine needle to three, ten needles as fingers. When Ci Song's body reaches ten fine needles, he can break through the Juren.

Bai Ye was also shocked by Ci Song's momentum at this moment. This war poem exuded a powerful fighting power. He seemed to see a man in brocade standing on the top of the mountain with a sword in his hand, and the sword exuded an extremely sharp sword intent.

And Ci Song's talent has been fully restored, and it is more intense than before. Bai Ye can be sure that Ci Song has made another breakthrough at this time and can completely take over his remaining moves.

Bai Ye smiled. His junior brother can always do something that ordinary people can't achieve. He is sincerely happy for him.

"Huh, Senior Brother Bai, let's continue."

Ci Song waved the Shuihan Sword in his hand. With his movements, the whole long sword exuded a chilling cold air, as if it could freeze the surrounding air. The frost on the sword body flowed, as natural as flowing water, but with an indescribable beauty.

As time went by, the flowing frost gradually condensed into ice, wrapping the originally slender Shuihan Sword in a thick layer of ice shell. The ice sword flashed with a cold light, as beautiful as a crystal under the moonlight.

"If that's the case, I won't hold back."

Bai Ye wrote six "Zhen" characters in a row, each with a different charm and artistic conception, as if it could suppress everything. As soon as the six "Zhen" characters came out, the air around him seemed to become heavy, and a strong breath was released from Bai Ye, as heavy and stable as a mountain.

Facing Bai Ye's six characters, Ci Song did not retreat but advanced, his figure turned into a green shadow, and rushed towards Bai Ye with a sword.

As he moved, the frost on the Shuihan Sword instantly converged and condensed into a dazzling sword light, slashing towards Bai Ye with an extremely sharp offensive.

"No birds fly in the thousands of mountains, and no traces of people disappear in the thousands of paths."

Ci Song continued to recite poems. This time he chose one of his favorite poems, "Snow on the River" by Liu Zongyuan.

While reciting, the ice sword in his hand suddenly turned into a cold light and slashed at Bai Ye. The sword energy was so powerful that it seemed to freeze the whole world. Bai Ye dodged the sword with a flash, and at the same time, he wrote the word "Zhen". Suddenly, the air around him solidified, and a powerful breath was released from Bai Ye, lowering the temperature around him to the extreme.

With a loud "bang", the two powerful auras collided, and the air around him seemed to be torn apart.

"An old man in a straw hat and raincoat is fishing alone in the cold river snow."

At the same time, the temperature around him dropped rapidly, as if a snowflake fell from the sky, and the entire mountain top was covered with a layer of white snow. The cold wind whistled, rolling up pieces of snowflakes and heading towards the six Zhen characters.


The snowflakes collided with the Zhen character, and a deafening sound broke out. The strong shock wave spread out instantly, lifting the surrounding ice and snow, forming terrible snow waves.

The air around him seemed to be trembling, and the snowflakes were shaken and scattered. And the powerful aura carried by the six Zhen characters was also covered by the snowflakes bit by bit.

In such a fierce confrontation, the figures of Ci Song and Bai Ye also became blurred. Their robes were fluttering in the cold wind, and it seemed as if snowflakes were falling behind them.

"Brother Bai, your word 'Zhen' can easily suppress my cold Jiang Xue."

Ci Song's voice came in the wind and snow, and then the two figures appeared. Ci Song supported the sword with his right hand, half-knelt on the ground, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Bai Ye was unharmed. Although Ci Song's attack looked fierce, it did not hurt Bai Ye at all.

"Brother, you have done very well. Even if you are a scholar, there are only five people who can survive my six 'Zhen' words."

Bai Ye walked to Ci Song's side, helped Ci Song up, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Compared with my brother, I am still far behind."

Ci Song smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knew that the gap between him and Bai Ye was too big. He was indeed a genius in this world, but the gentle brother in front of him was not the same.

"Master, are you okay?"

Shi Yue hurriedly stepped forward and also supported Ci Song,

There was worry in his eyes. "Ahem, Uncle Shi Yue, I'm fine."

Ci Song waved his hand, signaling Shi Yue not to worry.

When Bai Ye saw Shi Yue holding Ci Song, he turned around and walked to Yan Zheng, saluted him and said, "Teacher, Junior Brother Ci has taken ten moves that I used all my strength to perform. This time, I lose."

Yan Zheng had no expression, just said lightly: "Kneel down."

This remark stunned Ci Song and Shi Yue. They didn't understand why Yan Zheng asked Bai Ye to kneel down.

Bai Ye didn't have any questions, he knelt on his knees in front of Yan Zheng.

"What did I say, asking you to do your best, tell me, did you do your best?"

Yan Zheng's tone was full of blame and questioning. How could he not know the strength of his disciple? Ci Song's performance just now was indeed amazing. Even a scholar would be defeated by Ci Song's sword, but his opponent was Bai Ye. The six words "Zhen" only caused Ci Song minor injuries. In his opinion, this was a joke.

Moreover, he had never used the "kill" technique that he had taught him. Was this not a deliberate slack?

Bai Ye lowered his head and said nothing when he heard this, and did not answer Yan Zheng's words.

"You will be punished to clean the library. You are not allowed to leave before the battle between heaven and man."

Yan Zheng turned and left. Bai Ye stood up from the ground and walked towards the library.

"Senior Brother Bai, you..."

Ci Song wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Bai Ye. He just bowed to Ci Song and then turned and left.

. . . . . . .

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