Seeing Ci Song's appearance, the man showed a disdainful smile, "Kong Sheng said: 'Wealth can be asked for, even if you are a man with a whip, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do what I like.' I, Yan Sheng Academy, Even though there is teaching without distinction, yellow and white things are still needed;

To show the difference. If you don't have an invitation, just pay five hundred taels of gold and you can be admitted to the hospital for the exam. If you don't even have five hundred taels of gold, then don't waste your time here. "

Ci Song sighed in his heart. He thought there would be some poor students here, but he didn't expect that Yan Sheng Academy valued money so much.

Ci Song also took out a gold ticket that could be exchanged for five hundred taels of gold from his baggage. At this time, he understood why Grandpa Cuo secretly gave him this money. It was to let him pay for tuition.

As for his father, Grandpa Cuo said that he left the general's mansion and did not know where he went.

After seeing Ci Song take out the gold ticket, the young man put it into a wooden box beside him. Dozens of wooden boxes had been piled up here, and the wooden boxes were filled with gold.

"What's your name?" the young man asked in a routine manner.

"Ci Song." Ci Song said.

"Which word?" The young man was stunned for a moment, because the surname "Ci" is extremely sensitive.

"The words of poetry." Ci Song said.

After hearing Ci Song's answer, the man was slightly startled and turned to look at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and then the young man wrote down his name on the rice paper.



After the young man interrogated Ci Song for some basic information, he waved his hand and said, "Go in and take the exam."

Ci Song nodded, picked up his baggage, and strode towards Yan Sheng Academy.

Yan Sheng Academy looks extremely vast, with quaint buildings standing in it. Each building looks like it exudes an ancient atmosphere. Surrounding these buildings, there are countless green bamboos and green trees, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Soon he was taken to a courtyard. Most of the people here were wearing rich clothes and holding various things in their hands. Some were holding guqin, some were holding calligraphy and paintings. There are also some wearing various jade pendants...

Most of these people were talking and communicating with each other.

Ci Song stood quietly in the corner, and no one noticed him. After all, there were too many people here, and he also deliberately concealed himself. It was not a good thing to show off his sharp edge.

Not long after, a young talent came from a distance. This man was smiling, elegant, and dressed in white. He blended perfectly with the architecture here. If he hadn't taken the initiative to speak, Ci Song would have thought he was He is also a candidate this time.

“There are so many people signing up this year.”

The young man said softly. The people next to him said respectfully: "Every entrance exam for freshmen at Yan Sheng Academy is so spectacular, but I don't know if we can recruit enough disciples this time."

The young man smiled lightly and said, "We'll see, but we will definitely be able to recruit enough people. But how many people can truly become students?"

At this moment, a young man who looked to be thirteen or fourteen years old came from a distance. This young man showed a bit of unruly temperament, with a faint smile on his face, and looked cynical.

Behind this young man were several servants, all of whom were holding large and small bundles in their hands, which looked extremely heavy.

"Isn't this Fang Zhongyong, Mr. Fang?"

"He was right. I didn't expect him to come to Yan Sheng Academy this year. I thought he would wait a few more years."

"There are rumors that Mr. Fang is only half a step away from entering ink painting. This time he joined Yan Sheng Academy just to take that half step, just to complete the unique step of entering ink painting through poetry."

Listening to the comments of the people around him, Ci Song couldn't help but frowned, good guy, here comes another Fang Zhongyong, right? Looking at his appearance, he seems to be gentle and gentle, but he doesn't know how much ability he has.

Fang Zhongyong stepped forward and greeted the young man in white: "Mr. Bai, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your literary spirit has improved again."

The young man in white smiled slightly and replied politely: "Compared with a genius like Mr. Fang who will be able to write poems in the future, these talents of mine are nothing."

"You're sorry. Zhongyong only has some talent in poetry. Compared with Mr. Bai's calligraphy skills, he is still far behind."

The two of them reminisced about old times and seemed very familiar with each other.

As the number of students applying for the examination in the courtyard reached 72, the young man in white led everyone to the examination place. This was a wide courtyard with a high platform in the center.

On the high platform, there sat an old man with white hair and a childlike face. The old man was regulating his breath with his eyes closed. Ci Song could feel that the breath of this old man was vast and majestic and could not be peeked into.

Around the large courtyard were some onlookers. Most of them were students from Yan Sheng Academy, who came here specifically to watch the entrance exam for freshmen.

"Sir, Vincent has been delivered. Bai Ye will leave first." The man in white said to the old man.

The old man nodded slightly, opened his eyes and looked at the seventy-two people in front of him.

His gaze seemed dull, but it was like a sharp sword, seeming to see through everything about Ci Song and the other seventy-two people.

"There are a few seedlings." The old man said calmly, "Just find a seat and sit down. Since you are here to take the entrance examination for freshmen of Yan Sheng Academy, you must be prepared. Next, we will conduct the first round of assessment. After that, 60 people will be eliminated, and the remaining 12 people will be able to enter the next round of exams.”

The old man stood up from the high platform. Although he was a little hunched, he was still graceful.

"The first round of assessment is very simple. There is a piece of paper in front of each person's table. Write down your own views on literati, as well as what kind of path you want to take and what kind of person you want to become in the future."

"After writing, present the paper. I will judge based on what you write."

"There is no time limit. When you finish writing, you can present it."

After saying this, the old man walked down from the high platform. Every step he took was very slow, but he was extremely determined.

After passing by one table after another, the old man came to the last table, Ci Song, in just a moment.

When he saw Ci Song, he was slightly stunned, and then continued to walk around the examination room.

The old man's stay was only for a moment, but it was enough for Ci Song to see the old man's appearance clearly.

This is an old man who looks very serious, and his eyes are extremely deep, as if he can see through everything.

Ci Song didn't care so much, and the exam was still the main thing at the moment.

At this time, he had already begun to think about how he should write his answer.

"If I write in vernacular Chinese, I will probably be rejected directly, right? But I am not very good at writing classical Chinese, what should I do?"


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