Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 228: Using Yu Rumo's overwhelming strength to break through the Juren

A hint of surprise flashed in Duanmu Qingcang's eyes. He felt that this cold air was different from the previous one. This was an extreme cold air that seemed to be able to freeze everything.

Mo Yao's jade flute trembled quickly in her hand, and cold runes appeared in the air. She injected the cold runes into the icicles, and the icicles instantly became larger, like the arms of a giant.

This time, Duanmu Qingcang did not swing his sword, but just stared at the icicles quietly. The light in his golden pupils was even brighter, as if he wanted to see through the icicles. He looked at the icicles in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was appreciating a work of art.

"Junior Brother Ci, Mo Yao, this move of yours is beyond my expectation."

Duanmu Qingcang's voice echoed in the wind and snow. He slowly retreated, his figure looming in the snow, and then swung a knife at multiple icicles.

The hard icicles shattered like brittle glass, and ice chips flew everywhere. Duanmu Qingcang's figure flashed and appeared in another place again. He swung his sword again, and the ice pillar shattered again.

Mo Yao and Ci Song felt a palpitation. They didn't expect Duanmu Qingcang to be able to break their attacks so easily, as if he had seen through their weaknesses.

Suddenly Ci Song remembered what Shi Yue had talked about with him at Yansheng Academy about the geniuses of various families. Among them, Duanmu Qingcang had the unawakened pupil of the sage. Duanmu Qingcang had the unawakened pupil of the sage, which was an extremely powerful pupil technique. It was said that he could see through all illusions and look directly at the origin.

Ci Song then realized that Duanmu Qingcang must have awakened the pupil of the sage. The attack just now was not a random swing of the sword, but he saw through the weakness of the ice pillar and shattered it in one fell swoop.

"Junior Brother Ci, Junior Sister Mo, the cooperation between the two of you is exquisite, but in the face of absolute strength, all skills are in vain."

Duanmu Qingcang's voice seemed to come from all directions. Mo Yao and Ci Song only felt that the wind and snow around them became cold, and the vision that was originally used to help them actually threatened themselves.

"Junior Brother Ci, you must have worked hard for the battle between heaven and man this time, so do you know why I entered the ink?"

Duanmu Qingcang's figure appeared and disappeared in the wind and snow, and his voice also reached Ci Song's ears.

Ci Song certainly knew all the information about Duanmu Qingcang. Duanmu Qingcang's way of entering the ink was extremely unusual. He entered the ink by driving.

The way of driving, in the traditional six arts, refers to the technology of driving a chariot, and in this world, there are many ways of driving, such as driving a sword, driving a beast, etc.

Duanmu Qingcang entered the ink by driving, and he can use the eyes of a saint to see the origin of all things in the world and control everything.

The visions released by Ci Song and Mo Yao were now controlled by Duanmu Qingcang. Under Duanmu Qingcang's control, the snowflakes turned into ice blades and whistled towards Mo Yao and Ci Song.

Mo Yao's jade flute once again rang with melodious music, and the talismans jumped in the air, turning into barriers to block the attack of the ice blades.

However, these talisman-like barriers were instantly shattered by the attack of the ice blades, and the ice blades continued to fly towards Mo Yao and Ci Song.

Although Mo Yao and Ci Song were surprised, they did not give up resistance. Mo Yao blew the jade flute again, and a stream of talent flowed into Ci Song's body. The Shuihan Sword in Ci Song's hand flashed with dark golden lightning. He swung it hard, and a golden lightning sword energy whistled out and collided with the ice blade.

The sword energy collided with the ice blade, making a crisp sound, and the ice blades shattered under the attack of the sword energy and turned into snowflakes.

This time Duanmu Qingcang took the initiative to attack. He swung the blue-gold talent sword in his hand and slashed at Ci Song's Shuihan sword. The swords collided, and Ci Song was thrown out and hit Mo Yao who was playing the flute. Mo Yao was knocked back a few steps by the sudden impact, and the talent fluctuations in the jade flute became chaotic.

"Brother Ci Song, are you okay?" Ci Song helped Mo Yao up, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"I'm fine."

Although Ci Song said that she was fine, her face was a little pale. Obviously, the collision just now caused her some minor injuries.

Ci Song clenched the Shuihan sword in his hand and looked at Duanmu Qingcang with firm eyes. He knew that in this situation, only by breaking through to the Juren realm would there be a chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Yao'er, if I can't defeat Brother Duanmu after breaking through the Juren realm, then you will be the second."

Ci Song's voice was full of seriousness. He looked back at Mo Yao, and a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

After that, a golden talent emerged from the fingertips of Ci Song's left hand, and then he wrote "River Snow" in the air.

"No birds fly in the thousands of mountains, and no traces of people disappear in the thousands of paths."

"An old man in a straw hat and raincoat is fishing alone in the cold river snow."

In the wind and snow, Ci Song's voice was particularly clear, and every word seemed to contain the truth of heaven and earth. As the golden handwriting merged into the world and was recognized, the surrounding wind and snow became extremely violent, and the snowflakes were flying wildly in the air, as if being pulled by an invisible force.

The talent in Ci Song's body was also running wildly at this moment, echoing with the power of heaven and earth, and his breath was constantly rising.

The snowflakes were circling around Ci Song, gradually forming a huge vortex, and the snowflakes were spinning rapidly in the vortex, releasing a strong suction force.

Duanmu Qingcang's figure appeared and disappeared in the wind and snow. He did not act rashly, but quietly observed Ci Song's movements.

He knew that Ci Song was making a breakthrough at this moment, and he did not stop him. Instead, he stepped back a few steps and waited for Ci Song quietly.

The talent of a scholar is like a needle, and the talent of a successful candidate is like a finger. Under the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, the talent of nine needles merged into one finger. At this moment, Ci Song seemed to be integrated with heaven and earth. He closed his eyes and felt the talent between heaven and earth constantly pouring into his body.

Duanmu Qingcang stood in the distance. He looked at the crazy whirlpool of wind and snow, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that Ci Song could cause such a big phenomenon of heaven and earth.

Time seemed to slow down, and every second was as long as a century. Mo Yao held the jade flute nervously, silently praying in his heart that Ci Song could succeed.

Suddenly, a golden light rushed up from the vortex and pierced the sky. At the same time, Ci Song's breath also reached a new height. He opened his eyes and a glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

"It's done!"

Mo Yao saw the golden light and a happy smile appeared on her face. She knew that Ci Song had successfully broken through to the realm of successful candidates.


Ci Song breathed a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of confidence. He looked up at Duanmu Qingcang with a smile on his face.

"Brother Duanmu, thank you very much."

He bowed to Duanmu Qingcang with respect in his eyes.

"No need to thank me, you are Brother Bai Ye, and you are also the rising star of our Confucian School. I will not take advantage of you."

. . . . . .

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