Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 25: Talented and brilliant, cultured and polite, who says women are inferior to men?

"The question for this re-examination is: 'Can women receive a literary education?' You only need to write your own thoughts in the paper."

After saying that, Ning Ping'an sat directly on the high platform and quietly looked down at the candidates present.

After everyone present heard this topic, they couldn't help but wonder. This topic was beyond their cognitive scope. How could a woman receive a cultural education? Isn't this against common sense?

After hearing this question, Ci Song also felt a little confused. What is the problem? Shouldn't women receive education? Mo Yao, who is engaged to him, has already entered the Confucius and Saints School. This shows that women should receive cultural education. What is the significance of this question?

No matter so much, Ci Song's thinking began to diverge. He wanted to write a poem about praising women's talents to consolidate his views.

Inspiration flowed like a spring, and ink began to flow from Ci Song's pen. He poured out all his thoughts on the test paper in the form of poetry.

Just like this, a poem was written on rice paper by Ci Song:

According to ancient literature and education, women's talents and sentiments are still deeper than those of men.

The flowers in the pen reflect the bright moon, and the soul of the piano moves the world.

Her red makeup and jade face are better than Xi Shi's, and her literary talent is like that of Xu Mu.

With brilliant talents, culture, education and etiquette, who says women are inferior to men?

After finishing writing, Ci Song put down the brush in his hand and blew the ink on the rice paper gently. The gradually drying ink made waves on the rice paper, just like the unwavering concept in his heart.

When he finished writing this poem, Ci Song originally thought that his talent would appear again, but it didn't happen this time. He wrote the poem completely without any other situations in between.

Immediately afterwards, Ci Song stood up, folded the rice paper in his hand, then walked slowly up to the high platform, and placed his test paper on the table where Ning Ping'an was. Everyone present saw that Ci Song had only passed less than half a stick. At the right time, I handed in my answer sheet, and I couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Especially Fang Zhongyong, last time he saw with his own eyes that Ci Song was the first to hand in the paper, and he easily won the first place. But the poem that he spent two whole hours writing down was overwhelmed by Ci Song's answer. This time he was going to win!

The other candidates couldn't sit still. Although they were not familiar with Ci Song, they couldn't help but admire his quick thinking. However, some candidates were a little disdainful of Ci Song's answer, thinking that he was joking. After all, It has only been a short while now, and Ci and Song have just handed in the paper, and they have probably given up.

After Ning Ping'an took Ci Song's test paper, he opened it and read it. When he finished reading, his face showed a look of surprise, as if he couldn't believe it, but he quickly folded the test paper again, and then read Ci Song's test paper. Song said: "Please wait outside..."

Ci Song cupped his hands and said, "Okay." After that, he walked off the platform and left the examination room.

After watching Ci Song leave the examination room, Ning Pingan turned over Ci Song's test paper again and read it carefully. When he saw the last sentence "Who said women are inferior to men?", his heart was filled with infinite emotion, because this sentence Ci Qibai, Ci Song's father, once wrote the same words. At that time, Ci Qi Bai was as old as Ci Song in front of him.

At the door of the examination room, Ci Song stood alone, his eyes a little blurred, as if he was thinking about something. He recalled the poem he had just written, and suddenly felt that he had written it wrong, because he suddenly remembered the era he was in, which seemed to be the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Women at this time seemed not to receive literary education.

In this era, the status of women was not high. People generally believed that women were inferior to men and believed that women should stay at home and take care of their husbands and children. This concept is deeply ingrained in many people's minds and difficult to change. Even Confucius Sheng's "The Analects of Confucius: Wei Linggong" once said: "It is virtue for a woman to have no talent."

The real meaning of this sentence is not that a woman is virtuous if she has no talents, but that if a woman has talents, she does not show them in front of her husband, but behaves humbly and submissively. This is where a woman's virtue lies.

But this also represents that during the feudal period, culture and education were unfriendly to women.

"Oh no, I wrote this point wrong. It's not straight forward. It's all because I took it for granted and forgot that the era I live in is not an era where everyone can receive education."

Ci Song felt annoyed in his heart. He knew he would have stayed a little longer, but now it would be better. I am afraid that his re-examination is really going to be over.

At this moment, Bai Ye came over and sat next to the bench where Ci Song was sitting. He saw that his brows were slightly furrowed and he was unhappy.

With a look on his face, he asked: "Brother Ci, what's wrong with you? Why do you think you're so preoccupied?"

Hearing Bai Ye's voice, Ci Song came back to his senses. He turned to look at Bai Ye and said helplessly: "Senior Bai, I'm afraid I'm going to die. I was a little careless just now. I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the retest this time." "Oh?" Bai Ye asked curiously.

"The poem I wrote seems to have gone off topic." Ci Song replied with a helpless smile, "The question of this re-examination is: 'Are women educated in literature?'"

"Women are not subject to cultural education. This is the advice of Confucius. Women can just be at ease and cultivate their nature. I didn't expect that the re-examination questions this time would be so simple. Isn't it difficult for a Ci student?" Bai Ye was puzzled. Looking at Ci Song asked.

"Actually, that's not the case." Ci Song sighed and spoke slowly, "It's just that I digressed."

"Off topic? What's going on?" Bai Ye asked with some confusion.

"My poem this time agrees with this view that women should receive cultural education." Ci Song explained.

"So that's the case. I'm afraid that Junior Brother Ci has committed a taboo." Bai Ye suddenly realized.

"Yes, I'm afraid I'm really finished this time." After saying that, Ci Song sighed again.

"Junior Brother Ci, why do you agree with such a view?" Bai Ye continued to ask.

Ci Song waved his hand and said, "It's all because my thoughts were too loose and I didn't pay attention for a while."

"Oh? Junior Brother Ci means that this is not your original intention?" Bai Ye frowned and asked in confusion.

"When I was writing the answer, I suddenly thought of a girl whose talent far surpassed everyone else. It was because she was so outstanding that I didn't think much when I wrote the answer and wrote it down directly." Ci Song explained.

"Really? This is quite interesting." Bai Ye laughed.

"Senior Bai, don't laugh at me. I'm afraid I'm really finished in this re-examination." Ci Song sighed.

"But I'm curious, the woman that Junior Ci mentioned should have a special relationship with you, right?" Bai Ye asked curiously. "Senior, please stop making up stories about me. I'm a little scared now." Ci Song said with some regret. "It seems that the relationship between that woman and Junior Ci is very deep."

. . . . .

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