Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 294 The Misinterpreted Teachings of Confucius

"Therefore, the title of "Four Little Saints of Confucianism" has been circulated in various schools, referring to these four students who have entered the realm of Jinshi. The leader is naturally Bai Fengzi and Bai Ye from Yansheng Academy, followed by Duanmu Qingcang who has awakened the pupil of the sage, and then Zeng Xiangteng, the 'uncontested phoenix' who was born with the true phoenix vision, and the last one is Zhongsang who has inherited the sub-sage of Zilu. The four of them are called the geniuses who are most likely to enter the realm of sages in Confucianism for thousands of years."

Han Yan slowly put down the teacup, then sighed and said: "This is indeed the case. Now Confucianism is the only one in power. Except for Mohism, other schools in the world have suffered from Confucianism for a long time. Now that the four little saints of Confucianism have emerged, it is indeed difficult for other schools to compete with Confucianism."

"Mr. Han, Ci Song has something unclear, please help me solve it." Ci Song bowed.

"Oh? What is unclear?" Han Yan looked at Ci Song and asked curiously.

"Mr. Han, I remember that it is recorded in history books that in the dispute over the Great Dao, it was Confucius who won in the end and became the first saint in the world. However, he did not make all the Dao return to Confucianism and all the laws return to one. Instead, he chose to tolerate all things, so that the order of heaven and earth did not change much compared with before. Moreover, Confucius also developed a more complete cultivation system, which made the path of cultivation for literati smoother. This is a great merit. Why do other schools have to deal with Confucianism?" Ci Song asked puzzledly.

"Hahaha, good question." Han Yan laughed out loud, "My friend, if this Confucianism is still the Confucianism of Confucius, I believe that the schools in the world will certainly respect Confucianism. But is the Confucianism of today still the Confucianism founded by Confucius?"

Listening to Han Yan's words, Ci Song felt a little inexplicably familiar, as if his teacher had said something similar.

"Please explain it clearly, sir."

"Let me ask you a question, how do you understand this sentence 'Women without talent are virtuous'?" Han Yan asked back.

Hearing this, Ci Song said the answer she had learned from the Confucianism of this world: "Women don't need to study, don't need to have too much talent, just abide by their duties."

"Who told you this?" Han Yan looked at Ci Song and continued to ask.

"This is what I learned in Yansheng Academy." Ci Song answered honestly.

"Hahaha." Han Yan laughed loudly, "Where is the shadow of Confucius in the Confucian Academy now? It has become a devil's den where people eat each other, and the Confucian saints have become outright hypocrites." Han Yan said coldly.

"Teacher, be careful with your words." Shang Wuliang reminded on the side.

Han Yan waved his hand, "It's okay. In this world, except for us old immortals who have never left the world, who else will remember the true teachings of Confucius?"

"Hahaha, what a joke. If Confucius knew that later Confucian scholars would misinterpret his teachings like this, he might have personally cleaned up the entire Confucianism." Han Yan sneered.

After hearing this, Ci Song hurriedly asked, "Please explain clearly, sir."

"The word 'bian' in the so-called 'women without talent are virtuous' was originally the word 'bian', which means that if women have talent, they can argue, which is virtuous. It does not mean that women should be talentless. The word 'bian' has the meaning of argument and dialectic, which is extended to mean that if women have talent, they can argue with men and understand the mystery of the great way together.

"Now, Confucian academies teach that women without talent are virtuous, which is actually a misinterpretation of the words of the saints and leads the Confucian great way astray. They regard women as vassals of men and deprive women of the right to education, which is a great irony of Confucian benevolence. "

"In the past, Confucius traveled to various countries, accepted disciples and taught, and taught everyone. His teachings were 'Do not impose on others what you do not want others to do to you', 'If you want to establish yourself, establish others, and if you want to achieve yourself, achieve others'. How could he make excessive distinctions between men and women? But now, Confucian academies have thrown the teachings of Confucius out of their minds, centered on men and treating women as inferior. They imprison women's thoughts and deprive women of their rights, which runs counter to the teachings of Confucius. "

"What's funny is that these people still claim to be the orthodox Confucianism and regard other schools as heresy. They misinterpret the teachings of Confucius as oppression of women to consolidate their own position. How can we, the old immortals who have been hiding from the world, not feel heartbroken when we see this scene? How can we not feel angry? And there are many things like this that misinterpret the holy righteousness. The thoughts of Confucius have been used as a weapon to control the world by those who have ulterior motives. "

"My friend, you asked me why other schools want to target Confucianism. This is the reason. This is not only because Confucianism is now the only one in power, but also because Confucianism has deviated from the teachings of Confucius and has become a school that only knows how to fight for power and profit. I am fortunate to have seen the real Confucianism, which is inclusive, loving, and treats everyone equally. "

Han Yan's words were full of sighs, and he continued: "The current Confucianism is rotten from the root. Even if it still flourishes on the surface, it is actually rotten inside. It has become a school that only knows how to fight for power and forgets the true teachings of Confucianism. Such Confucianism, no matter how powerful it is, is only strong on the outside, but the inside is already rotten. "

"So, my friend, you must remember that no matter where you go, no matter who you meet, you must stick to your original intention and don't be confused by superficial things. Always remember, 'Think and argue, investigate things to gain knowledge, everyone can be a sage'. Only in this way can you truly understand the teachings of Confucius and what Confucianism is. "

Han Yan's words made Ci Song fall into deep thought. He looked at Han Yan's face full of vicissitudes of life, and seemed to see in his face the indignation towards the current Confucianism of "sorrowing its misfortunes and being angry but not fighting".

Ci Song looked back at his teacher to see his attitude, but saw that his eyes were slightly closed at the moment, his body was leaning back slightly, and he was leaning against the wall.

When Ci Song looked at him, he just nodded slightly, then sighed softly and didn't say much.

"Sir's words, Ci Song will keep them in mind."

It has to be said that Han Yan's words today shocked Ci Song as much as he did when he learned that he had just come to this world.

After all, he had always believed that the Confucianism he studied was the way of a saint, but now that Han Yan had said it, Ci Song had doubts about Confucianism in his heart for the first time.

"Hahaha." Han Yan said with a smile, "If you can listen to my words, I will be satisfied."

Immediately, Han Yan looked at Shang Wuliang and said, "Wuliang, go find two empty courtyards and give them to Xiaoyou Ning and Xiaoyou Ci so that they can stay with us for a few more days."

Ci Song also had this intention, so he quickly handed over his hands to thank him, and then left here with Ning Ping'an and Shang Wuliang.

. . . . . .

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