Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 3 The disharmonious relationship between father and son, the lone wolf Ci Song like a hedgeh

The two maids took Ci Song around the general's mansion and began to introduce him to the various buildings and furnishings in the mansion.

"The General's Mansion is divided into the front courtyard, the middle courtyard, the backyard, as well as the West Cross Courtyard and the North Cross Courtyard. There are many servants in each courtyard. These servants are basically servants, which means that their ancestors are all from the General's Mansion. Although some of the domestic servants are not as good as the maids in the mansion, they are the elderly in the mansion, and they must take care of the things that should be taken care of. "

Ci Song nodded casually while listening. From time to time he would ask questions of the maids, and carefully observe the architectural styles of this world and the living habits of the ancients.

To be honest, everything here makes Ci Song feel very novel. Although this world is certainly incomparable with the previous modern society, if compared horizontally, this is already pretty good. At least it is more beautiful than the previous world. Be literate.

After walking for half an hour, the group of them came to a small courtyard. The maid introduced: "This is the young master's study. In the past, the young master would come here when he had nothing to do." "Oh, really?" Song responded lightly, and then walked straight into the room. As soon as you enter the door, there is a row of wooden bookshelves on the left, with dozens of thread-bound books placed on them, and on the right is a huge bookcase, with a short knife and a piano placed on the bookcase.

There were many books placed in the study room. Ci Song walked up and looked at the fonts above, and found that the characters were still in Chinese. He even found the Four Books and Five Classics, "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius", "The Analects of Confucius" and Nine heavy books including Mencius, Shangshu, Book of Rites, Zhouyi, and Spring and Autumn are placed in the most conspicuous positions among many books.

"Ah? Could it be that I have traveled to ancient times?"

Ci Song quickly picked up the most classic "The Analects of Confucius" and turned to the home page. He unexpectedly found that the author's name was: Kong Sheng, and the first sentence at the beginning was a sentence that he was no longer familiar with: "Learn and practice from time to time. Isn’t it also a pleasure to have friends from afar? Isn’t it a gentleman to be ignorant?”

After seeing this sentence, Ci Song was a little confused. Didn't he travel to another world?

"Could it be that I have traveled to a parallel world?" Ci Song put the book back doubtfully. There were too many doubts in his heart that needed to be answered. He needed time to slowly find the answers.

"Hey, why are some time travelers able to inherit the memories of their original bodies, but I'm like a fool and have to explore on my own? What the hell is this?" Ci Song complained in his heart.

"Let's go and look elsewhere."

Ci Song followed the two girls to the courtyard. When he passed a door, he found many servants gathered around one place. He didn't know what they were doing. He curiously asked the two girls, "What are they doing?"

"They are raising the young master's baby." the second daughter replied.

"my darling?"

Ci Song stepped forward curiously, took a closer look, and found seven or eight cages. The cages contained pythons of different colors and sizes, spitting out snake bites and eating, which made Ci Song feel sick.

When several servants saw Ci Song, they quickly knelt down and saluted. Ci Song looked at the snakes with disgust and said to the servants: "You guys, try to get rid of all these things for me. Here is A study is not a snake’s nest.”

"What?" Several domestic servants and maids present looked at the young master in front of them in shock. These python young masters usually cherish these things very much. They treat these things as treasures. They usually eat better than these servants. Why did they suddenly say this? Just throw it away?

"Speaking of which, it's a pity to lose these things. Let's just send them to the kitchen, pick out the non-poisonous ones, make snake soup, and improve the food for everyone in the house. It can be considered as making the best use of them."

After saying that, Ci Song glanced at the two maids and motioned them to continue leading the way.

Several servants immediately packed up, and their hearts were full of excitement. After all, they had been facing these snakes all day long, and they were also frightened. It would be good to stew them.

The two girls continued to walk around with Ci Song. In the whole morning, they only visited half of the general's mansion. This made Ci Song sigh. The position of the general of his new father is not small. He has such a big position. A big mansion. Could it be that his ancestors were the founding fathers of the country?

At noon, the two maids took Ci Song to a garden. The scenery was beautiful and there was a table in the center. When it was time to eat, they took Ci Song to sit down. Soon, they came to the table. There was a table full of dishes, four or five of which were related to snakes.

"I didn't expect it to be very efficient. I told you in the morning and had it at noon."

Ci Song casually picked up the small bowl and took a sip of the snake soup. He felt that the taste was smooth and tender, and the meat was delicious. It was really good.

Looking at the two maids standing on both sides of him, Ci Song said casually, "You two, stop standing and eat together. Speaking of which, you have been walking with me all morning, so you must be very tired."

After hearing what Ci Song said, the two maids quickly refused: "Master, we are not hungry."

Ci Song raised his head and saw that although the two maids were refusing, their eyes were fixed on the food on the table. They were indeed very hungry. The general's mansion was very big. The two women were taking Ci Song around while explaining. It must be something else. Hungry and tired.

"This is the young master's order. Sit down and eat with the young master."

Ci Song understood that class concepts in ancient times were very strong, and masters and servants were not allowed to eat together. This was a rule. So he directly spoke to the two girls in a commanding tone.

"Yes, Master." The two girls dared not disobey Ci Song's order and hurriedly sat on the stone bench.

"That's right, eat more, and we'll rest for a while after eating. You've been with me for a whole morning, and you must be tired. Let's go back and have a good rest in the afternoon, and don't have to serve me anymore."

After Ci Song finished speaking, he picked up a piece of snake meat and put it in his mouth to taste it carefully.

The two girls looked at each other. They didn't expect that Ci Song would have such a considerate side. He actually cared about them? Really? This is the Kyoto demon Ci Song?

For a moment, their perception of Ci Song warmed up a little, but they were still full of fear in their hearts. After all, the title of demon cannot be completely diluted by a meal.

After feasting, Ci Song stretched and looked at the scenery in front of him quietly. His heart was still full of unreality, and he even suspected that he was dreaming, but this dream was a little too real.

"Well, you guys should clean up the table after you finish eating, and then go back to rest. I'll walk around the house by myself."

Ci Song stood up and walked out of the garden, while the two maids were shocked. What happened to the young master? He changed his personality after returning from the brothel?

. . . . . .

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