Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 30 I came to this world, read books for ten days, and I wrote poems. Is this difficult?

Ci Song directly released his talent, and two golden breaths like hair came from

The golden aura released from his eyes, although weak, had already attracted the attention of everyone present. "This is..." In the main hall, a white-haired old man spoke slowly, his voice filled with endless surprise.

"You are as talented as a hair, is this possible?" Mr. Yi exclaimed. He couldn't believe it. Ci Song, a person who didn't even understand the "Four Books" and "Five Classics", actually got into it. How could this be possible? possible?

"Nothing is impossible. I came to this world, read the book for ten days, and then wrote poetry. Is it difficult?" Ci Song looked at Mr. Yi with an extremely curious look.

"Mr. Yi, I suddenly remembered a poem that is particularly suitable for you. I will send it to you."

"When Lu So talked about the Five Classics, his white hair was dead. When he asked about economic policy, he was as confused as falling smoke."

With the blessing of this poem, the talent in Ci Song's eyes began to rise slowly, forming a translucent golden light curtain that instantly enveloped Ci Song.

Everyone present, including Ning Ping'an who was sitting in the main seat, widened their eyes and looked at the light curtain covering Ci Song's body, their faces full of astonishment.

"Mr. Yi, do you like this four-character poem?"

Ci Song's eyes are full of ridicule. This poem is one of the classic satirical poems written by Li Bai, called "Mocking Lu Ru". Ci Song uses the first four sentences, which are the first level. , criticizing Lu Ru for sticking to chapters and sentences, not being relevant to the world, and being a typical nerd.

Those gray-haired "Lu Sou" people must call them the "Five Classics". They spent their whole life to compile the "Poetry", "Book", "Li", "Yi" and "Spring and Autumn", which are the works of Confucian sages. I know the chapters and sentences of the book by heart, which means I have a lot of knowledge.

However, if you ask them for advice on how to run the country and help the world, you will be like falling into smoke, and you will be at a loss. Here, Lu Ru's proficiency in classics is compared with his ignorance of current affairs, revealing their incompetent nature.

Here, Ci Song used it to ridicule Mr. Yi, who took the books of sages too seriously, did not understand the changes of the times, and was ignorant of world affairs.

Mr. Yi was completely ridiculed by the poem Ci Song. As a teacher from Yan Sheng Academy, how could he not hear the ridicule in it?

I saw that his face turned pale and green in turns. He had been teaching for so many years and had never been humiliated like this. He was a great scholar. He was only half a step away from becoming a literary giant and becoming a great literary figure. At this moment, he was actually being humiliated. A young brat taunted him, saying he didn't know how to adapt.

"" Mr. Yi pointed at Ci Song, but his body was shaking with anger. He was originally known for his politeness and preaching in the academy, but at this time he could not respond to Ci Song's ridicule with words.

"Ci Song, that's it." Ning Ping'an suddenly said, his voice full of endless majesty. Although he said this to Ci Song, Ci Song clearly understood that the old Mr. Ning in front of him was helping. Own.

Hearing this, Ci Song just smiled faintly and said, "Student understand, this time it was the student who was reckless. Please forgive me, gentlemen."

He originally planned to stop talking and only focus on the outstanding bird in front of him. The other gentlemen still deserved respect. Now Ci Song is just an ordinary student. If he angers all the gentlemen here, it will be more than worth the loss. After all, he has promised his father to enroll in Yan Sheng College based on his talents.

As Ning Ping'an's words fell, calm returned to the hall again, but everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Ci Song. They no longer looked down on Ci Song like they did before, but instead had a slight interest in Ci Song.

After all, the talent of a person who can write poetry into ink is enough for people to take him seriously, especially a genius like Ci Song who became a poet at only twelve years old.

"Ci Song's talent is indeed good, but his arrogance is also true." Mr. Yi adjusted his emotions and said calmly. "Students are mad because they haven't read enough books. After all, as I said just now, I only read books seriously for ten days when I came to this world."

Ci Song smiled faintly and said: "Maybe this is talent. After all, my father is a being that people like you can never surpass. His son should have such a talent."

"You..." Mr. Yi was angered by Ci Song again.

"Okay Ci Song, I know you are eloquent and eloquent, but you still need to use your tongue in a proper way." Ning Ping'an interrupted again.

"The student knows his mistake." Ci Song admitted his mistake again.

Seeing this, Ning Ping'an took a deep look at Mr. Yi and said slowly: "Mr. Yi, we are here today because we were ordered by Dean Yan to inspect the talent of Ci Song. What you did today, Is it too much?"

"This..." Mr. Yi was frightened when he heard the hint of warning in Ning Ping'an's words. "Mr. Ning, I understand."

Mr. Yi slightly arched his hands towards Ning Ping'an, then sat in his chair and said no more.

"Okay, then next, is there any gentleman who wants to examine Ci Song's talent?" Ning Ping'an continued.

There was still silence in the hall, and no gentleman spoke.

Seeing no one answered, Ning Ping'an continued: "Then let me do it."

"Ci Song, you said that you only read books seriously for ten days when you came to this world. Then I want to know, what books did you read?"

Hearing this, Ci Song replied: "Most of them are related to history, among which the representative works are "Spring and Autumn Annals", "Zuo Zhuan" and many other historical books."

"Spring and Autumn Annals" and "Zuo Zhuan"? Ning Ping'an frowned slightly, "These two are Confucian classics. Although your answer surprised me a little, you probably just went through them roughly in ten days, so I won't test you on this."

"How about this, you recite your Rumo poems and let us listen." Ning Ping'an continued.

Ci Song nodded slightly and began to recite,

"I don't see the ancients in front of me, and I don't see the future in the future."

"Thinking of the vastness of the world, I am alone and shed tears."

As Ci Song recited his Rumo poems, the light on his body reached its peak at this moment. His pupils were completely covered with gold, and the golden light curtain around him was like a huge golden halo, completely wrapping him in it.

His voice echoed in this hall, and every word was like a golden seed, taking root and sprouting in every corner of the hall.

"Great! Great! There are no ancients in front of me, and no successors in the future! Thinking of the vastness of the world, I am alone and shed tears!"

. . . . . .

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