Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 365 Look at what he does, see where he comes from, and examine where he is at ease. How can

Yan Zheng brought the topic to Zhong Qi.

"Dean, it's hard to comment on this matter." Ci Song replied.

"But it doesn't matter. What we are talking about today is just a chat between the elders and the younger generations. It is not mixed with anything else."

Yan Zheng pointed to the chair by the window and said to Ci Song and Zhuang Diemeng, "Sit down."

"Tell me, what do you think of this child Zhongqi?"

Yan Zheng sat next to the window and looked down at the attic.

"Dean, let me tell the truth. Senior Brother Zhongqi made a very good first impression on me. When we climbed Chashan Mountain, he once guided me together with Senior Brother Zeng Xiangteng. At that time, I thought he was an extremely enthusiastic senior brother. "

"Later, after the Fifth Courtyard Tea Party, I learned that it was he who deliberately provoked Zhou Shan to take the semi-holy treasure passed down by his family. He wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife and make Senior Brother Bai Ye embarrassed, or even die. The reason turned out to be that Senior Brother Bai Ye had faced him in front of him. Defeating him greatly reduced Zhong Qi’s image in my mind.”

"Then later, there was the battle between heaven and man. Zhong Qi wanted everyone to unite to deal with Senior Brother Bai Ye. Later, he was killed by Senior Brother Bai Ye and became the bottom of the list of Heaven and Man. I think he would definitely resent Senior Brother Bai Ye even more. "

"So, my evaluation of him is quite extreme. I think it is not a good thing for him to become Mr. Yi's disciple." Ci Song concluded.

Yan Zheng listened attentively. After a while, he turned his head, looked at Ci Song, and said: "The Master said: 'Look at what it is, observe where it comes from, and observe where it is. How can a person be so weak?' Ci Song, Sometimes we need to see things from someone else’s perspective.”

"You said that Zhong Qi resented Bai Ye because Bai Ye defeated him head-on. But do you know what happened in the Wen Dao battle arena?" Yan Zheng asked Song Dao in return.

This really made Ci Song question. Good guy, the last Fifth Courtyard Tea Party must have been seven years ago, right? I was still in junior high school at that time.

"Back then, Bai Ye and Zhong Qi were similar in age, and they were both academicians, so they had to compete. At that time, everyone thought it was an evenly matched contest. That was when Bai Ye borrowed a trace of the saint's soul. The force directly injured Zhong Qi seriously. If the Master hadn't intervened at that time, I'm afraid Zhong Qi's right arm for writing would have been disabled by Bai Ye. "

"Even so, Zhong Qi also lay in bed for several months after the Wen Dao battle. And in that battle, Bai Ye also completely established his name as the 'White Madman', and everyone who had fought against him , most of them suffered varying degrees of injuries, including Duanmu Qingcang. Later, I sealed Bai Ye’s saint soul and allowed him to meditate and recuperate, which allowed his temperament to calm down."

"Now it seems that it is normal for Bai Ye, who has the soul of Han Sheng, to be so harsh, but he also did it for a reason. Back then, our Yan Sheng Academy was indeed the bottom among the four courtyards. He also wanted to get rid of it. Because of the name of 'Kuchiki Academy', we chose to take heavy action to let people know that our Yan Sheng Academy is not to be trifled with."

Yan Zheng slowly recounted the past, then he looked up at Ci Song and asked, "So, do you think Zhong Qi is a bad person now?"


Ci Song was silent. This question was indeed difficult to answer. His view of Zhong Qi was subconsciously viewed from Bai Ye's perspective. But now that he heard Zhong Qi's story, Ci Song felt a strong sense of déjà vu. feel.

"Do you feel that Bai Ye and Zhong Qi are very similar to your father and Mr. Yi back then?" Yan Zheng continued to ask.

Ci Song nodded, "Yes."

"So, some things have nothing to do with right or wrong, it's just a matter of standpoint. I'm very happy that you can look at the problem from Bai Ye's perspective, but some things, when looking at a person or a thing, need to be viewed from the perspective of others, or even the overall situation. Angle." Yan Zheng continued.

"Ci Song has learned a lesson." Ci Song said to Yan Zheng.

"The relationship between your father and Mr. Yi has not been resolved so far because there is a lack of media between the two. In addition, your father's character of never taking the initiative to apologize makes it difficult for them to reconcile. Zhong Qi, unlike Bai Ye, will wait until Bai Ye returns. After that, Mr. Yi and I can take the initiative to resolve our grudges, which may also reduce Mr. Yi's hatred for your father."

Ci Song nodded, completely understanding Yan Zheng's intention. He came today not really to ask his opinion on Zhong Qi, but to teach him to "look at it, observe its origin, and observe it." The truth is that people will be thin if they are safe."

"Thank you, Dean Yan, for your teaching." Ci Song stood up and bowed to Yan Zheng.

A faint smile appeared on Yan Zheng's face, "You are still young. Although you have traveled and accumulated some experience, the time is still too short after all. In the coming days, I hope you can stay in the academy for a while and have a good time. Accumulate a lot and turn what you gain from your travels into your own knowledge.”

“Students understand.”

Ci Song nodded. Yan Zheng was right. He really needed to digest the inheritance he had received. Staying in the academy was indeed a good choice. It was time for him to go to class.

"Little girl, do you want to stay in our academy for a while?" Yan Zheng turned to Zhuang Diemeng and asked.

"Me? Okay, I've been all over Zhongzhou City. It would be good to stay in the academy for a while."

Zhuang Diemeng grinned, showing two small tiger teeth, "Ci Song, let's go, take me to where you live, how about I live next door to you?"

"There is already someone living next door to me, you might as well forget it."

Ci Song waved his hands quickly, saying that this little girl was playful by nature, and if she lived next door to him, he would probably be annoyed to death.

"Do you dislike me?" Zhuang Diemeng glared at Ci Song fiercely.

"No, don't say it so ambiguously, there is nothing between us."

After that, Ci Song bowed to Yan Zheng and said, "Dean, Ci Song will take his leave first."

"Dean, take your leave."

Zhuang Diemeng also bowed to Yan Zheng, and then left side by side with Ci Song, and the two of them bickered as they walked.

"I said, you just dislike me, I'm going to tell this to sister Yao'er."

"Even if you tell Yao'er, what can it do? Yao'er is my wife, she will definitely be on my side."

"Ahhh! I will kill you today and put an end to this love affair!"

"Can you beat me?"

Looking at the backs of the two people who were arguing and leaving, Yan Zheng felt a little emotional, thinking back to the time when he and Ci Qibai also quarreled like this. Now the two of them are strangers, and their children have no intersection anymore. If they die, the relationship between their two families will also be severed, right?

. . . . . . . .

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