Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 49 My father passed on the news that I met Li Bai in another world?

In the General's Mansion, Ci Song followed his father Ci Qibai all the way to the library of the General's Mansion. After a brief salute with Shi Yue, Ci Song followed Ci Qibai into the cabinet of the library.

There are very few books in the cabinet. Compared with the dazzling array of books in the outer cabinet, the cabinet is more like a quiet place for reading.

"Father, why did you call me here?" Ci Song asked impatiently.

Ci Qibai sighed softly and said, "My son, do you know the difference between a literary giant and a great Confucian?"

"The literary giant has been recognized by the saint, and he can summon the shadow of the saint through the talents of heaven and earth. This is something that the great scholar cannot do."

Ci Song gave the answer that Ning Ping'an told him before.

"That's true, but in Tianyuan Continent, there is a rare treasure.

It allows students to summon the saint's shadow to help without the need to obtain the saint's approval. In other words, even if you are a child, you can still get the saint's help, but the blessing is not that great. ’”

Listening to Ci Qibai's words, Ci Song's expression became a little weird. His father suddenly told him about this kind of treasure. Could it be that this thing was in the hands of his father and he wanted to pass it on to him?

Ci Qibai slowly raised his hand and waved, and a dark golden light flew out from Ci Qibai's palm, and then turned into a golden bead the size of a sandbag in mid-air.

"This is..." Ci Song looked at the golden beads suspended in mid-air with a look of surprise on his face.

"Wen Yun Orb." Ci Qibai simply said, then waved his hand, and the golden bead flew straight towards Ci Song.

Orb of Wen Yun? what is that?

Ci Song had no idea what this thing was, but the name sounded quite domineering.

"Father, do you want to pass this thing on to me?" Ci Song looked at the golden bead quietly and asked curiously.

"Well, I am already a literary giant. This item no longer has much use for me. I will pass it on to you, but I will not tell you its specific usage. You need to explore it yourself."

Ci Qibai put the bead in Ci Song's hand. The next second, golden light flashed and rushed directly into Ci Song's mind.

The moment the golden beads entered Ci Song's mind, they turned into a powerful suction force, pulling Ci Song's consciousness into a strange space.

In the space, a huge old tree stands. Some strange words are engraved on the leaves and branches of this old tree. Whenever the wind blows, these words will shine with dazzling light.

Under the tree, there was an old man sitting. When Ci Song regained consciousness, he had already appeared beside the old man.

"A simple question, do you think you can be a gentleman?"

When Ci Song heard the old man's hoarse voice, he slowly opened his eyes. He found that the old man's face seemed to be covered by a layer of gauze, and he could not see his face clearly. He instantly understood that he should be in an illusion now. In the space, this old man should be here to test himself.

"Me? I'm afraid I can't be a gentleman." Ci Song answered truthfully.

It is too difficult to be a gentleman. There are many rules. It is impossible for a person like Ci Song, who does as he pleases and likes to "do to others what he doesn't want others to do to him, and run away if he can't do it", to become a gentleman.

After hearing Ci Song's reply, the old man's voice became a little emotional, "Since you can't be a gentleman, why are you here?"

"Without him, dad asked me to come. He said you could make me stronger, so I came." Ci Song answered honestly.

After hearing Ci Song's answer, the old man's voice became calm again, "A hundred schools of thought contend, Confucianism and Taoism are supreme. Which family are you a descendant of?"

"Me? I am the successor of my father's Ci Qi Bai."

"Huh?" The old man was obviously confused by Ci Song's answer, "I'm asking you, which method did you study, Confucianism, Military Science, or Legalism?"

After hearing this answer, Ci Song replied: "The eight great masters of Tang and Song Dynasties are also wrong. Should I say that the thousands of years of Chinese culture are also wrong. The most splendid poetry culture must be the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty?"

"The Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties?" The old man was shocked by Ci Song's words again. He had a vast knowledge of literature in his mind, but he had never heard of the "Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties", "Chinese Culture", and "Tang Dynasty Culture". "Dynasty" and "Song Dynasty", he didn't know these.

The old man waved his hand slowly, and a table appeared in front of Ci Song's eyes. On the table were the Four Treasures of the Study, "You are Ci Qi Bai's son, and you should be able to compose poetry. I will give you a quarter of an hour to write a poem for you now." The most satisfying poem.”

"Well, old sir, I'm afraid that my talent is not enough." Ci Song remembered that when he wanted some "Jianjin Wine" before, he almost squeezed himself dry. The feeling was so uncomfortable, he could Don't want to suffer it a second time.

"Don't worry about this. The talent here is enough for you to write any poem, unless you can break out of literature and become an immortal." The old man explained.

"Is that so? Then I'll start."

I saw Ci Song picked up the writing brush and began to write "Will Enter the Wine" directly, "

Ignore you, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and flows to the sea never to return.

Don't you see, the bright mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and it looks like blue silk in the morning and turns to snow in the evening.

If you are proud of life, you must have all the joy, and don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon.

It is my nature that my talents will be useful, and I will come back after all my money has been spent.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is a pleasure, and you will have to drink three hundred cups at a time.

Master Cen, Dan Qiusheng, is about to drink wine, but don’t stop drinking.

I sing a song with you, please listen to it for me.

Bells, drums, delicacies and jade are not expensive, but I hope I will stay drunk and not wake up.

Since ancient times, all saints and wise men have been lonely, only drinkers have left their names.

In the past, King Chen held a banquet in Pingle, and he drank ten thousand cups of wine and enjoyed himself.

Why do you say that you don’t have enough money? You must buy some wine for me.

Five-colored horses, furs worth thousands of gold, call the boy to go out and exchange them for good wine, so that we can share the eternal sorrow. "

Ci Song wrote it very quickly and in one go. When the poem was finished, endless talents gushed out from the trees. Under the guidance of this poem, these talents gathered behind Ci Song, and the talents took shape and turned into a golden figure.

Ci Song naturally discovered the strange phenomenon. He looked back and saw that the face of the figure was bright, hard and soft, yin and yang, natural and harmonious. The most attractive thing was his temperament. Although it was just a phantom, he had a fairy-like temperament, just like a real fairy.

"This, is this Li Bai?" Ci Song's eyes were as big as eggs, and he looked at the phantom in shock, "I, I met Li Bai in another world? "

After seeing Li Bai's phantom, the old man stood up and bowed deeply to Li Bai's phantom. Then he looked up and looked at Ci Song curiously, asking: "This person has infinite talent, which only immortals can do. Who is he? Where did you get his inheritance?"

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