Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 52: Can this child marriage be repeated twice?

" kiss?"

Ci Song's mouth was very big, big enough to swallow a fist. Didn't he have a baby kiss with Taiwei Mo's granddaughter Mo Yao? Why is it related to Yan Ruici again?

Can this baby marry two more?

Ci Song expressed his doubts: "Grandpa, are you mistaken? I am not with Mo Yao...?"

"Actually, the baby you originally decided to marry was with Ruo Ci. If your father and her father hadn't broken up, she would have already married into the Ci family, and you wouldn't have just met her now." Gongsun Cuo His tone was full of regret. Judging from his performance, he was actually very satisfied with Yan Ruoci.

Gongsun Cuo's words aroused Ci Song's strong curiosity, "Grandpa Cuo, please tell me a little bit about what my father did back then. I promise not to tell nonsense."

"At first, it was just a disagreement over the simplest issue of 'no education, no distinction'. Later, as your father's level became higher and higher, the development of things became uncontrollable."

"And Yan Ruoci's father is the direct descendant of Yan Sheng, and he is a staunch defender of Confucianism and Taoism. What the two of them did has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is a battle of ideas. What your father wanted to do back then is different from Confucianism and Taoism are incompatible with each other in the world, so the two of them broke up, and the originally planned baby marriage was completely broken. "

"Later, your father gave up everything and returned to the Liang Kingdom to become a general. He was very popular for a while. In order to curry favor with your father and stabilize the power of the court, Taiwei Mo wanted to settle on this marriage, so this is how it happened. The engagement between you and Mo Yao."

After listening to Gongsun Cuo's story, Ci Song finally understood the general outline of the matter. It seemed that his father's thoughts were incompatible with this era, so he was ostracized, which led to him being called a "sinner" by the Confucian scholars of Yan Sheng Academy.

"Grandpa Wrong, why did my father arrange this marriage with Captain Mo?" Ci Song expressed his doubts. In his opinion, if his father became a general back then, the people who came to get engaged would definitely not Master, why did his father choose Captain Mo?

"When the old man came to Zhongzhou at the beginning of the year, he was taken care of by Captain Mo's father, so he formed this relationship. Your father did all this to repay this love." Gongsun Cuo explained slowly.

But soon, his tone became a little cold, "It's just that I didn't expect that Captain Mo wanted to break off the engagement. He forgot who saved his life when he was in danger in the court."

"Actually, I can understand Taiwei Mo's painstaking efforts. After all, his granddaughter is a genius once seen in a century. She married a playboy like me who has not read many books and has a very bad reputation. If I were that old man, I would also I disagree." Ci Song smiled.

Hearing this, Gongsun Cuo curled his lips and expressed his attitude, "How can we go back on the marriage contract made by our parents or the matchmaker? If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. A man is the head of the family, no matter what. Regardless of his words, deeds, and moral character, as a wife, she should agree with her husband.”

After hearing these words, Ci Song felt very uncomfortable for a moment. As someone who grew up in the 21st century education concept, he was absolutely different from this kind of remarks. Freedom of marriage and freedom of love. For this kind of dross, he Dislike very much.

Ci Song replied: "Grandpa Wrong, I don't quite agree with what you said. If Mo Yao really doesn't want to fulfill the engagement with me after five years, then forget it."

Speaking of this, Ci Song was afraid that his attitude would make Gongsun Cuo feel uncomfortable, so he changed the subject and said, "How many handsome, talented, and well-established young masters like me can you find in the entire Zhongzhou? I don’t want to get married to someone who doesn’t like me. Grandpa, you must want me to be happy every day in the future, right?”

"Hahaha, the young master is right. With your conditions, the whole

It’s hard to find the second one in Zhongzhou Daliang! "Gongsun Cuo said with a laugh. He was very satisfied with Ci Song's answer. What he was most afraid of was that Ci Song would be unhappy because of the Mo family's attitude. Now it seems that his worries are obviously unnecessary.

"By the way, young master, can you tell me the 'No. 1 Lotus Poem' you wrote?"


. . . . . . .

In the north of Zhongzhou City, the streets here are much more luxurious than those in the south, and the buildings in the west are much more luxurious. The streets here are lined with antique shops one after another, with colorful doors lined up one after another, and various rare treasures placed in the bright windows. , there was an endless stream of people on the streets, a prosperous scene.

This is the commercial center of Zhongzhou City and one of the most prosperous areas in Zhongzhou.

A relatively simple carriage stopped in front of an extremely luxurious courtyard. The word "Ning Mansion" was written on the plaque of the courtyard. On the carriage, Bai Ye, who was wearing a black Confucian robe, got off the carriage and took out something from his pocket. Five taels of silver were handed to the coachman.

"Thank you."

After Bai Ye saluted the coachman, he walked directly into the Ning Mansion. When the guards in front of the door saw that the person coming was Bai Ye, they all came up to him and saluted him: "Uncle Bai, you are back."

"Father, are you at home?" Bai Ye asked the guard.

"Master, he went out to discuss business and was not at home." The guard replied.

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded, and then entered the Ning Mansion. After passing through the corridor, Bai Ye went directly to the backyard. This was the quietest place in the Ning Mansion. Several maids were playing Pai Gow on the stone table in the courtyard. When they saw Bai Ye walking After arriving, they all saluted and said, "Uncle Bai."

"No gift."

Bai Ye took out three packets of medicine from his jade pendant, then took out the note from Dr. Li and handed it to the maid, "This time the medicine has been cooked in a different way. Please pay more attention this time.

"I understand, uncle." Several maids respectfully took the medicine and left.

After making some arrangements, he walked straight into the bedroom. It was filled with all kinds of books. There were several landscape paintings hanging on the wall. There was a guqin and several piano scores on the desk. Next to the piano table was a door and a half. Open the window, and there are several green bamboos planted outside the window. The breeze blows, and the bamboo leaves move with the wind.

"Ahem, yes, is it Baiye?"

A soft and somewhat weak voice reached Bai Ye's ears.

"Rong Rong, it's me."

Bai Ye walked forward and walked all the way to the bed. He saw a woman wearing a light blue dress lying on the bed. She had a delicate appearance, a slender figure, and a sickly pale face. She seemed to be the same age as Bai Ye. Almost the same.

"Rong Rong, what's wrong with you? Are you still feeling unwell?" Bai Ye sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and held the woman's hand, and asked softly.

"No, it's nothing." The woman shook her head gently, with a smile on her face, "Maybe she's caught a cold due to the weather changes in the past few days. Just rest for a few days and she'll be fine."

. . . . . .

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