"Hello, Mr. Yi." Ci Song saluted to Mr. Yi, whose face was as calm as water.

Mr. Yi nodded slightly, looked at Ci Song holding the white Confucian robe in his hand, and slowly said: "Put the clothes away first, and change them after class."

"Yes." Ci Song followed Mr. Yi's arrangement and put the clothes into his jade pendant.

Many of the students present were curious about Ci Song's identity, and were also surprised by his actions when he put the things into the jade pendant. Not all those who were admitted to the academy were knowledgeable.

"The things I teach in class are not familiar to you at present. You should listen carefully and don't play around because of your special identity. Understand?" Mr. Yi's tone was very calm, not as aggressive as the last time they met.

"Okay, Mr. Yi." Ci Song bowed to Mr. Yi, and soon he sat down on the seat next to the podium.

"Today we will lead you to re-understand Confucius' Analects, which will be the basis for everything you learn in Yansheng Academy."

As he said this, Mr. Yi began to tell everyone. There were hundreds of students sitting in the huge school. Mr. Yi's voice did not sound loud to Ci Song, but everyone could hear it clearly.

It must be said that Mr. Yi has unique insights into the Analects. When he talks about some sentences in it, he will throw out a point of view and then guide everyone to think and understand.

Although Ci Song had a bad impression of Mr. Yi, he had to listen at this time. He could only say that Mr. Yi was worthy of being a Mr. Yi. What he said was indeed more convincing. Although the core content was similar to that of his father, Mr. Yi could enable Ci Song to have the ability to think independently.

As time went by, Ci Song gradually immersed himself in Mr. Yi's narration. He felt as if he was in a colorful philosophical world. Those truths that were difficult to understand on weekdays became clear when Mr. Yi spoke.

Just like that, an hour passed quietly. Mr. Yi had almost finished what he was going to say today, and Ci Song's notes were about five pages long.

"Confucius said: 'When three people walk together, there must be one who can be my teacher.' This is a well-known truth for every student. The reason why I put it last today is to remind everyone."

"Although you have become a member of Yansheng Academy, in the eyes of outsiders, you are the pride of heaven and the future of literature and art. You can be proud, but don't let this pride blind your eyes. Everyone has his own strengths. Maybe his talent is not as good as yours, but everyone has his own outstanding qualities. Don't look down on others."

"Don't be arrogant and disdainful just because you are better than others in some aspects. You must know that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside heavens."

Every word of Mr. Yi was as sharp as a knife cutting tofu, and it can be said that it touched the hearts of many students present at once, and nearly half of them bowed their heads.

Ci Song nodded seriously on the side, indicating that he agreed with Mr. Yi's words.

"My class ends here today. In the afternoon, you will gather here and someone will explain to you the knowledge related to 'literary fighting'."

Mr. Yi put the book in his hand into his jade pendant and turned to leave.

"Farewell, sir." All the students present, except Ci Song, stood up and bowed to Mr. Yi to say goodbye. Seeing this, Ci Song also made up for it.

Looking at Mr. Yi's departing back, Ci Song couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "I really judge a gentleman by my own mean heart. I am too narrow-minded. After all, he is a respected teacher in Yansheng Academy. How could he be jealous and retaliate against a child like me? Tsk tsk tsk tsk, reflect, you must reflect."

Just as Ci Song put away a few pieces of rice paper in his class and was about to leave, a voice called Ci Song, "Mr. Ci? You, have you really joined Yansheng Academy?"

A figure in a white Confucian robe trotted to his side. Ci Song looked up and found that it was Zhang Shuzhi.

"Hey, Master Zhang, I haven't seen you for a while. You look handsome again." Ci Song greeted Zhang Shuzhi.

As the two walked together, many students on the scene focused their eyes on them, including Fang Zhongyong, whose eyes were full of resentment.

There was no other reason, because among the nearly 100 students present, only Zhang Shuzhi wore a Confucian robe made of bright silk, which meant that he was the only genius among the freshmen who became a formal student instead of a schoolboy.

And such a genius actually nodded and bowed to this "transfer student", and even showed a flattering expression, which made people curious about Ci Song's identity.

"Master Ci, you can just call me Shuzhi." Zhang Shuzhi gave Ci Song a friendly smile, and then said: "It seems that Ci Song, who was the top of the white list before, is undoubtedly Master Ci."

"Just good luck, by the way, why are you here too, is your foundation not good?" Ci Song asked curiously.

Hearing this, Zhang Shuzhi explained: "It's like this, every new student must re-learn the 'Four Books' and 'Five Classics' with Mr. Yi. These are the main courses of our first year, and of course I have to learn them as a freshman."

"Oh, so, so everyone present is a freshman?"

"Yes, most of them are new students, of course there are also some who failed the assessment and could not be promoted to the second year." Zhang Shuzhi continued to explain.

"I still have some questions for you. Let's talk while we walk. I'll treat you to a meal." Ci Song stood up, stretched, and walked towards the door.

Hearing this, Zhang Shuzhi immediately responded: "That won't work. I'll definitely treat you."

The two walked out of the school together.

After the two left, the school began to discuss, "Who was that Mr. Ci just now? How could he make Zhang Shuzhi, a formal student, bow and scrape to him so much?"

Before Ci Song came, everyone had introduced themselves, so everyone present already knew each other's names, including Zhang Shuzhi, of course.

"I'm not sure, but looking at the one who came in the middle, his status should not be low. I suspect he is a relative of the academy, otherwise he would not be sent here specially."

"Alas, we went through so much trouble to get into the academy, but he got in directly."

"He has a background, what can we ordinary people compare with him."

"I want to see what ability this relative has. If he is a mediocre person who knows nothing, will he stay in the academy?"

... . . . . .

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