Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 577 You protect the world, I protect you


Orders were passed down from Beiliang Mountain, and the soldiers who had been stationed in Beiliang Mountain for nearly a month appeared one after another and picked up their weapons. Each of them wore silver-white armor and a white coat. At this moment, thousands of soldiers had gathered on the top of Beiliang Mountain. They looked solemn and majestic. From everyone's eyes burning with war, it can be seen that these soldiers were eager to win.

Because the climate on the top of Beiliang Mountain is unpredictable, the Daliang soldiers who were selected to lurk on the top of the mountain are soldiers with excellent physical fitness and endurance. Most of them have experienced the baptism of war and are very experienced. They can often create miracles on the battlefield.

At this moment, they are all ready to go. As the surprise troops ambushed by Ci Mingxin here, what they have to do is to capture the Korean Beiliang Mountain military camp in the shortest time, and then raid the rear of Korea to disrupt the Korean army.

"Let's go!"

At the command, thousands of soldiers on the top of Beiliang Mountain set out together. They held spears and sharp swords and went down the mountain towards the North Liang Mountain military camp of South Korea.




At the foot of Beiliang Mountain, the shouts of thousands of soldiers resounded through Beiliang Mountain like thunder, awakening all living things on the top of Beiliang Mountain. The shouts of killing were so loud that it even caused a continuous drizzle in the sky.

"Daliang raid, everyone on alert!"

"Go find the general!"

Dozens of patrolling guards discovered the Daliang soldiers at the foot of Beiliang Mountain and immediately ran towards the North Liang Mountain military camp of South Korea. They wanted to find the guards, wanted to find reinforcements, and wanted to stop the Daliang soldiers from entering the North Liang Mountain military camp.

But it was too late, everything was too late.

The Daliang soldiers were unstoppable. In just half an hour, they broke through the North Liang Mountain military camp of South Korea, and the blood dyed the entire ground red.

The cold wind, cold rain, broken blades, blood and screams of Beiliang Mountain witnessed this overwhelming victory.

At the same time, within the border, Daliang State also launched a frontal attack.

. . . . . . .

After dinner, Ci Song and Mo Yao stayed and chatted with Meng Ruo for a while before choosing to leave the academy and return to the general's mansion.

On the way, Mo Yao always held Ci Song's hand and talked about Ci Song's next plan, "Brother Ci Song, when are you going to leave Zhongzhou City?"

"Ying Tian said that he would come to the general's mansion to find me in five days, and we will participate together then." Ci Song replied.

"Well, we will go together then, and I will also participate in the battle!" Mo Yao said casually.

"This... the battle of literati is not a one-on-one battle like the one we participated in before. This time, literati students of various realms are participating together. It is dangerous and there is a risk of death on the battlefield. How dare I let you take the risk?"

Ci Song believes in Mo Yao's strength, but in the melee, the situation changes rapidly and any accidents may happen. How can he let Mo Yao go to the battlefield with him?

"It is precisely because this is a melee that I am more worried about you. As your wife, how can I stay in Zhongzhou City with peace of mind? I will not be willing to be a husband-waiting stone, waiting for you to return."

Mo Yao shook her head and said, "Brother Ci Song, you are on the front battlefield, I will naturally be by your side. You fight for the people of the world, this is your ambition, and I am a selfish person. I only want to fight for you. You protect the world, I protect you."

Ci Song's heart was completely struck, his eyes were full of emotion, he took Mo Yao's hand and said, "Okay, then we will go to the front together, I will protect you, I promise not to let you get hurt."


The two held hands and walked in the direction of the general's mansion under the setting sun.

The stream in the east of the city flows slowly, passing through the city. Mo Yao and Ci Song hold hands. The backs of the two are dragged long in the afterglow of the setting sun. The two walked all the way, and the setting sun followed all the way.

. . . . . . .

Five days later, Yingtian went to the general's mansion to find Ci Song in the morning and talked with him for a while. Then the two of them took a carriage with Mo Yao and went to the front line.

When Yingtian learned that Ci Song was going to take Mo Yao to the front line, his face was even happier. In the carriage, Yingtian and Ci Song talked about the various good news that had come in the past few days.

"I didn't expect that under the command of my uncle and Ci Mingxin, the front line could capture ten cities so quickly. Now the vanguard army has arrived at the capital of South Korea. South Korea has sent envoys to ask for an interview. I don't know what conditions were proposed to convince my uncle to station the cavalry outside the capital and stop using troops."

"Now the Korean literati have gathered and are waiting to fight with my Daliang literati." The smile on Yingtian's face shows that he is in a good mood at the moment.

"How many Korean literati are there?" Ci Song asked.

Hearing Ci Song's question, Ying Tian's face also became a little ugly, "According to reliable information, there are 39 literary masters, 412 great scholars, and more than 4,000 literati at or below the level of Jinshi in Korea this time."

"What about our Daliang?" Ci Song continued to ask.

"The top combat power of Daliang is almost the same as that of Korea. There are 37 literary masters participating in this battle. But below the literary masters, there is a huge gap."

"How much difference?"

Ying Tian's tone also became solemn, "There are only more than 200 great scholars, and there are only 2,000 literati at or below the level of Jinshi."

Ci Song was stunned when he heard this, "Why is there such a big difference?"

Although he knew that the literary power of Korea was among the top among the seven countries, he never expected that there would be such a big difference, almost more than double.

"So we can only hope that the literary masters will fight each other, and our Daliang will win, and then they will make up for our numerical disadvantage." Ying Tianhui said.

"Yes, after all, although it is a battlefield for literati, the literary masters fight each other with infinite power, and they need to fight in the sky, and we are mainly facing literati at the level of great scholars and below." Ci Song nodded.

"As long as we can take over South Korea, our Daliang will no longer have any obstacles. We only need to cultivate for a few years, and then we can go all the way north to attack Wei and Zhao. By then, our Daliang will be the legitimate overlord among the seven countries."

"Then how many literary masters among us are sure to win this time?" Ci Song continued to ask.

"Eighty percent of the writers in our Daliang country are only a step away from becoming a semi-saint, and more than half of the 39 writers in South Korea have just broken through to the literary master level less than two years ago. Daliang has a great chance of winning."

Ci Song analyzed slowly: "So we, the low-level writers, can only try our best to delay those great scholars, and hold on as long as possible until the Daliang writers win, and wait for the writers to clean up the battlefield."

"That's right."

... . . . . .

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