Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 583: Showing his might in all directions, killing hundreds of Hanlin scholars, and the death

"Hold the sword horizontally, and the starlight is like rain."

Ci Song's voice reached the ears of everyone present again. At the same time, a golden light burst out from the ice wall again. The golden sword light scattered in the air, just like falling starlight, and finally turned into thousands of golden sword energy, shooting at the Hanlin who besieged him.

At the same time, Mo Yao raised the proud plum jade flute in his hand high, and the sound of the flute was crisp and melodious. As the sound of the flute sounded, an ice curtain suddenly descended, covering the hundred-foot land in the center of the battlefield.

In the ice curtain, it actually turned into a scene of ice and snow. In this piece of ice and snow, there was actually a plum blossom blooming proudly in the cold wind.

The petals of that flower were actually trembling slightly, as if gently twisting their own posture. As the flower swayed, ice chips kept falling from the petals, and a trace of cold breath emanated from the petals, freezing the surrounding air.

At some point, the soles of the hundred Hanlins' feet were attacked by cold air, and then their feet were frozen and connected to the ground. They were surprised to find that they could not move.

"The jade flute in this woman's hand is of high grade, and it may be a sub-sage treasure. Everyone, retreat quickly."

Some Korean scholars reacted and quickly reminded others to distance themselves from Mo Yao and get rid of Mo Yao's control.

After hearing this, everyone hurriedly followed his instructions and used their talents to forcefully break the frozen feet. However, they underestimated Mo Yao's strength. Their attacks fell on the ice on their feet and had no effect. On the contrary, a strong recoil force came from the frozen feet, and the people who were frozen felt pain and their bodies were shaky.

Mo Yao gently blew the jade flute, and the sound of the flute was melodious. Along with the sound of the flute, the plum blossom began to slowly rotate, and the ice chips on the petals became more and more, and the range became larger and larger. The hundred Hanlins were shrouded in ice and snow, and suddenly felt a bone-chilling cold.

At some point, Ci Song had appeared on the ice wall. Holding the Shuihan Sword, he exuded an aura of supremacy and sweeping across thousands of troops.

Ci Song stood on the ice wall, his eyes like torches, scanning the battlefield. The Shuihan Sword in his hand trembled continuously, and the sword body flowed with cold blue light, as if it could freeze all life. The golden talent continued to flow into the Shuihan Sword in his hand, and then he saw Ci Song holding the Shuihan Sword horizontally in front of him, and his aura was constantly soaring.

"Spanning all directions!" Ci Song shouted angrily, and swung the Shuihan sword in his hand fiercely and continuously, swinging out sixteen swords in a row. Each sword was like thunder, and the sword light was like a waterfall, a curtain, and a tide, as if it would tear the world apart. Crossing all directions, one of the strongest sword techniques of the horizontal sword technique, sixteen sword lights flew in all directions, pointing at the hundred Hanlins who were frozen in ice. Seeing this, the Hanlins hurriedly used their talents to resist, but they underestimated the power of Crossing All Directions. Although they had reached the level of Hanlin, and even some of them had touched the threshold of the great scholar realm, at this moment, they still felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. They hurriedly used their talents to resist, but the sword light was like an indestructible blade, easily penetrating their defenses. "Ah!"

The hundreds of frozen Hanlin screamed one after another. Their bodies were cut by the sharp sword energy. Their bodies were as fragile as paper under the sharp sword energy. They were cut in an instant, and then frozen into countless fragments under the biting cold. These fragments flew wildly in the air, and each fragment was dazzling red, like a bloody blizzard.

The bloody smell and the cold breath intertwined together to form an indescribable fishy smell. It stimulated people's senses and made people feel nausea and fear.

At the same time, the Aomei jade flute in Mo Yao's hand also trembled slightly, making a crisp buzzing sound.

As the jade flute hummed, a strong cold air emanated from the jade flute in Mo Yao's hand, turning into a cold current that swept out, freezing all the dying Hanlin, as well as the fragments and broken limbs swaying in the cold wind. After freezing, there was a deafening sound of shattering.

Those frozen Hanlin and fragments exploded under the impact of the cold air, turning into countless tiny ice chips and dissipating between heaven and earth.

Hundreds of Hanlin died simply in the joint efforts of Ci Song and Mo Yao. On the Korean side, there were only more than 400 Hanlin who went to the battle this time, and a quarter of them were killed by Ci Song and Mo Yao at once.

Ying Tian and Mo Zhi had appeared beside Ci Song and Mo Yao without knowing when. After Ci Song had just dealt with the 100 Hanlin, Ying Tian jumped into the air and shouted to everyone: "General Ci and his wife have joined hands to kill 100 Han Hanlin. They are worthy of being the son of the "human butcher" general. With General Ci, this battle will be won!"

"We will win!"

"We will win!"

As Ying Tian's voice fell, the Liang literati on the battlefield naturally responded with one call, their morale was high, and their confidence was even stronger.

At the same time, above the sky, a figure streaked across the sky like a meteor and fell rapidly. The air seemed to be torn apart by his huge impact force, making a sharp whistling sound. The scholars on the ground looked up in horror, only to see the meteor in the sky getting closer and closer, with a speed so fast that it was hard to keep up.

A loud "bang" shook the entire ground. The huge impact force instantly smashed a deep pit in the ground, and dust and gravel flew everywhere. The surrounding air seemed to be distorted by this force, forming a series of blurred air currents.

Although the scholars evacuated in time, they were still shaken by the impact, their faces full of fear and shock. They all looked back at the deep pit filled with smoke and dust, their hearts filled with anxiety and fear.

When the smoke and dust cleared, everyone could see the appearance of the fallen man. He was about thirty years old, wearing a standard legal purple robe, but now it was tattered and bloodstained. His left chest was pierced, blood stained the robe red, and his right leg had disappeared without a trace, leaving only the empty trouser legs swaying in the wind.

His face was as pale as paper, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and he had obviously lost his vitality. There was still a trace of undried blood at the corner of his mouth, and his face was a little hideous.

"The Merchant Alliance's literary master has fallen!"

Some of the Legalist disciples present recognized the identity of the fallen man, and then showed pain on their faces. The Merchant Alliance had just broken through to the literary master level at the summer solstice, and it has been less than half a year. Many Legalist scholars witnessed his high-spirited appearance when he broke through.

And today, he actually became the first literary master to fall on the battlefield.

. . . . . . .

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