Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 59 Enjoy the blessings of others and bear the misfortunes of others. The Lost Boy's Poe

For a moment, the room fell into a strange silence. After a long time, Ci Song bowed his hands and said to Dean Yan: "Dean Yan, I can't explain. What you said is all true. I am a person who is unforgivable."

Ci Song admitted these "evil" because he has completely replaced the previous Ci Song, but it does not mean that the mistakes Ci Song made in the past are written off.

Ci Song enjoyed the original rich and prosperous life of Ci Song, so naturally he had to shoulder the mistakes he made before. It is fair to repay one thing with another.

"The Zuo Zhuan, Xuan Gong 2nd Year, records: Knowing one's mistakes and being able to correct them is the greatest virtue.

These past events have become the past. Although I am not a good person now, I am willing to make efforts to make up for it all."

Ci Song took a deep breath, "No one is a saint, who can be without mistakes? I will use my actions to prove that I have changed my ways."

As soon as the voice fell, Ci Song turned and left, "Ruo Ci, I'm leaving first."

Although Dean Yan did not speak, Ci Song knew that it was the best choice for him to leave now. After all, the more you talk, the more mistakes you make. He really didn't know anything about those "memories" in the past.

When the door closed, Dean Yan's expression changed slightly. He turned his head to look at his daughter who looked a little dazed, and finally said, "Ruo Ci, do you think what Ci Song said just now is true?"

Yan Ruo Ci shook her head, "I don't know."

"What do you think of him as a person?" Dean Yan said with a smile.

"Father, what do you mean by this?" Yan Ruo Ci asked in confusion.

"Every sip and every bite is predestined. It is not an easy thing to make up for mistakes, at least, it is not something that can be done at this age. But who knows if there is any hidden story behind those so-called "evil deeds"?" Dean Yan suddenly stopped talking.

"What hidden story?" "Nothing, Ruoci, I believe you can handle the relationship with Ci Song." Dean Yan shook his head slightly.

"Father, mother came to me yesterday. She said that she wanted to see Ci Song."

. . . . . .

At this moment, Ci Song had already left Yan Ruoci's residence. He walked alone on the avenue of the academy. He completely relaxed and thought about everything that had just happened in his mind.

"Fortunately, I slipped away quickly. If I stayed a little longer, my underwear would be exposed." Ci Song murmured in his heart.

"But Dean Yan knows me so well. He must have done some research. It seems that his relationship with my father is not as bad as I thought. Otherwise, he would not let me talk so much."

Ci Song was grateful for this relationship. If Ci Song appeared in the room of the dean's daughter as a stranger, the consequences would be disastrous. It is hard to say whether he can get out of this yard.

"I'd better go back to class."

As he said, Ci Song walked towards the direction of the college, but his attribute of being a road idiot was exposed again. When he was on Blue Star, he was a road idiot. He had to bring a navigation system when he went out, but he obviously didn't have one at this time.

In this way, Ci Song got lost again. He was obviously walking towards the east, but he made a big circle and came to the lake where he first met Yan Ruoci.

"Why am I here again? What's going on?"

Compared with the previous one, there was a building similar to a bulletin board by the lake, with many papers posted on it. Ci Song then came forward and watched.

When Ci Song walked to the bulletin board, he saw a familiar poem, which was the "Sending Lin Zifang off at Dawn from Jingci Temple·Part 2" he had written before, and the other papers posted below were full of words of appreciation and praise for this poem.

"Hiss, I didn't expect that the poem I gave to that senior would be so popular."

Ci Song looked at the various flattering words on the rice paper, and couldn't help but sigh. He could only say that Mr. Yang Wanli was really worthy.

"A poem for the senior? So, this poem was written by you?"

A gentle voice came from behind Ci Song. Ci Song turned his head and saw a very elegant woman who appeared behind him at some point.

Ci Song looked at the woman carefully. The woman was wearing a light green long skirt. She was about thirty years old and looked quite dignified. She gave people a sense of intellectual beauty. In her eyes, there was a hint of wisdom. She was obviously a person who read poetry and books.

Seeing the woman appear, Ci Song was shocked at first, then he politely bowed, "This poem is indeed written by me."

"Very good."

The woman nodded slightly to show her affirmation. After she looked at Ci Song, she looked at him with some doubts: "Today is the first day of class, why don't you wear a Confucian robe? Why are you here? Aren't you a student of the academy?"

"Well, I am a freshman in the academy. I haven't had time to change my Confucian robe. I originally wanted to return to my residence to change, but I didn't expect to get lost again."

Ci Song explained to the woman helplessly, because the woman in front of him was obviously not an idle person. From her temperament and good conversation, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

"So that's it. The road to the academy is indeed a bit complicated, and it is indeed easy to get lost." The woman murmured. "Yes, I walked here by accident." Ci Song did not tell everything, but just said that he was by accident.

Hearing this, the woman smiled slightly, pointed to the lotus in the lake, and said: "How about this, I can lead you, but you need to write another poem in front of me. If you can satisfy me, I will give you an extra reward."

After hearing the word "reward", Ci Song was completely sure that the beautiful woman in front of him must be a teacher.

"You don't take advantage of it, you bastard."

Ci Song nodded and agreed, and then recited. This time he chose Li Shangyin's "Gift to Lotus", which is also a poem that Ci Song likes very much.

"Flowers and leaves in the world are not comparable, flowers fall into the golden basin and leaves become dust.

Only green lotus and red lotus, open and close as they please.

These flowers and leaves often complement each other, and the green fades and the red withers, which makes people sad."

When Ci Song slowly recited this "Gift to Lotus", the expression on the woman's face suddenly became unsettled.

She covered her chest with surprise and disbelief on her face. Listening to the content of the poem, she was in a state of shock.

"This flower and this leaf always complement each other, the green fades and the red withers, which makes people sad."

As Ci Song finished reciting the poem, the woman finally reacted. She looked up at Ci Song with a look of surprise in her eyes.

After reciting the poem, Ci Song looked at the lady, "I wonder if this poem of mine can please the lady and satisfy you?"

"You... are indeed very talented."

The woman used a lot of effort to gradually suppress the shock in her heart. She was very sure that the young man in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person. He was definitely not an ordinary person to have such a poetic attainment.

"You are flattered." Ci Song said modestly.

"What's your name? Where are you from?" The woman suddenly asked.

"My surname is Ci, and my given name is Song. I am a native of Zhongzhou."

"Ci... Ci Song?"

... . . . . .

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