Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 591: A tragic victory, a gift of a ring, the final petition, did South Korea win?

Feeling the warmth in Mo Yao's arms, Ci Song squeezed out a smile on his pale face. He reached out his hand, caressed Mo Yao's beautiful cheek, and said softly: "Yao'er, I'm fine, I'm just a little exhausted. Just help me up."

After Mo Yao heard this, although there was distress and pain in her eyes, she still helped Ci Song up and let her lean on her body. In fact, her talent had been almost exhausted. In order to be able to cooperate with Ci Song to continue to strengthen Mo Yao has been making full use of his talents, playing music to assist with lyrics.

At this moment, Ci Song slowly stood up straight with the support of Mo Yao. His eyes glanced at the messy battlefield around him, as well as the languid Han Si and Li Fei not far away, and took a deep breath. He said in a deep voice: "Two gentlemen, are you okay?"

Han Si and Li Fei also recovered a little strength at this moment. They stood up with each other's support. They wanted to get up, but they still half-knelt on the ground. Their abdomens had been completely penetrated, and their bodies were stained red with blood. They looked up at Ci Song. A bitter smile appeared on Han Si's face and said, "Little friend Ci Song, I'm afraid the two of us won't be able to survive today."

"It's because our skills are inferior to others. The two of us claim to be extremely talented. Since we entered Han Sheng Academy and became students, we have been at the top. Among the gentlemen of Han Sheng Academy, the two of us can take the top two positions. Therefore, I have always regarded myself as noble, and even thought that even the gentlemen from the five major academies could not match the strength of the two of us."

When Li Fei said this, he spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, and Han Si also took over the words, "But today, when I saw my little friend's talent, I realized what a natural talent is. The two of us are convinced."

Li Fei on the side wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and showed a look of approval, and echoed: "Han Si is right, but it's a pity that we are enemies now, otherwise the two of us would have drank three big whites with my friend Ci."

Ci Song looked at Han Si and Li Fei in front of him, a complicated look flashed in his eyes. Although the two people in front of him were his enemies, Ci Song admired the character and arrogance they displayed.

"Two gentlemen, Ci Song..."

Before Ci Song could say anything, Han Si raised his hand to signal and directly interrupted Ci Song, saying: "We were defeated. On the battlefield, the price for the loser is to lose his life. We also understand in our hearts. After today’s battle, we have no intention of leaving alive.”

"Little friend Ci, there is something we want to return to you."

Han Si raised his hand and took off the concentric ring from the ring finger of his right hand. Seeing this, Li Fei also took off his concentric ring and handed it to Han Si.

"This thing is called the Tongxin Ring. When the teacher lent this ring to the two of us, he once said that the moment Han Sheng and his senior brothers broke away from Confucianism, they were no longer Confucian disciples. This ring is It was refined by Xun Sheng for his disciples, and it should belong to Confucianism. He said that if he meets the descendants of Confucianism in the future, he will return it to them. "

"Little friend Ci, you are a disciple of Yan Sheng Academy and an orthodox Confucian descendant. Your wife is also a direct disciple of Confucius Sheng Academy. You and your wife joined forces and defeated the two of us. All the signs are enough to prove that you are destined. ”

Then he saw Han Si raising his hand and was about to throw it to Ci Song, but his arm was hanging in the air and he stopped his movements.

"Little friend Ci, can you agree to my last request?"

"Sir, please speak." Ci Song replied.

"No matter what the situation is like in the seven countries of Tianyuan Continent in the future, I hope you can go to Tianguan one day and do your part to put down the chaos of the alien races and protect Tianyuan Continent."

After that, Han Si used the last bit of talent in his broken dantian and threw out the pair of Tongxin Rings. Seeing this, Ci Song stretched out his hand and firmly caught the Tongxin Rings in his hands.

Then Han Si's voice was heard, "Whether you agree or not, these rings should be returned."

"I promise you."

Ci Song held two concentric rings that were still warm, looked at Han Si and Li Fei in front of him with firm expressions, and gave his promise.

"Okay, okay, then we can feel relieved."

After hearing this, Han Si and Li Fei looked at each other and smiled. After just three breaths, their smiles were frozen. Their eyes lost their expression and their breath was gone. Han Si and Li Fei were dead.

The two gentlemen of Han Sheng Academy, the two registered disciples of the semi-sage Han Yan, died. Immediately afterwards, purple flames were seen burning on their bodies, burning their bodies.

Ci Song and Mo Yao looked at the dead Han Si and Li Fei in front of them. They were silent. Although they were enemies, they showed the pride and character that literati should have. They were willing to sacrifice for the persistence in their hearts. The cost of life.

"Ci Song, I have stored 50% of the turbulent talent brought by the war poem you wrote in the Wen Yun Orb, 20% to feed Lei Ling, and 10% to stabilize your Hanlin cultivation and recovery. What do you plan to do with the remaining 20% ​​of your wasted talent? Are you going to use it to continue improving your literary skills, or what?"

The voice of the mirage reached Ci Song's ears. After listening to it, Ci Song replied, "I just broke through the Imperial Academy. If I continue to improve, it will arouse the suspicion of the First Master Palace. If they suspect that the Wen Yun Orb is really in my body, , everything is in trouble.”

"Mirage, can you swallow the remaining 20% ​​of your talent?" Ci Song asked.

"I am only a remnant soul now. Even if I absorb these two percent of talent, it is useless to me. How about this? I will deposit these two percent of talent in that fake gem and fill it up for emergency use. How about that?"

After hearing this, Ci Song thought for a moment and replied, "Okay, let's do it."

Ci Song's body and mind are still suffering from the backlash of talent. Although the talent in his dantian has been restored, if he fights with others in this state, I am afraid that a Hanlin will be able to kill him.

"Yao'er, your talent is almost exhausted. I will take you away from the central battlefield first. When you recover all your talent, we will come back to fight. How about that?" Ci Song asked Mo Yao.

"Okay." Mo Yao nodded and agreed.

Ci Song didn't say much, he just held Mo Yao in his arms, came to Aomei Yuxiao and the gray zither, and after Mo Yao put it away, he used the Heguang Tongchen footwork to leave the central battlefield. During this time, there were Hanlin who wanted to attack Ci Song and Mo Yao, but they couldn't keep up with Ci Song's speed, and could only watch Ci Song disappear from their sight.

Just as Ci Song was holding Mo Yao and shuttling through the crowd, Han Yan's voice reached everyone's ears in the sky.

"Your Daliang literary masters have all been defeated by me. In today's battle, we Han Guo won."

. . . . . . .

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