Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 621: Excited Bai Ye, Sensible Child, Crazy Woman

"That's right."

After Ci Song finished speaking, Bai Ye took the Moon Pearl from Ci Song with trembling hands. He could clearly feel the faint warmth emanating from the Moon Pearl, as well as the slight soul-gathering power.

Bai Ye held the Moon Pearl in his hand, and a tear passed through his eyes. His wife was finally saved. He was eager to return home and save his wife immediately.

However, Bai Ye finally chose to suppress his excitement and asked Ci Song:

"Junior Brother Ci, where did you get this Moon Pearl?"

After leaving Yansheng Academy, he found Fusang according to the map given by his teacher, but even if he walked through every corner of Fusang Island, he still couldn't find a way to go to Yingzhou.

"Dean Yan found it, and he asked me to give it to you."


Bai Ye's face showed a surprised expression, as if he was incredulous, "This, this is really what the teacher found?"

"Yes, three months ago, after Dean Yan left Tianguan, he did not return to the academy, but chose to go directly to the Jiehai to find Yingzhou. The dean also returned from the Jiehai a few days ago. As soon as he returned to the academy, he asked me to give the Mingyue Pearl to you."

Ci Song told the story of Yan Zheng going to the Jiehai to find the Mingyue Pearl, and Bai Ye was moved when he heard that his teacher went to the Jiehai to find the Mingyue Pearl for his wife.

"Bai Ye, although your teacher's style of doing things is sometimes a bit too rigid, he does care about you in his heart."

The teacher also spoke at this moment, "He was indeed biased in this matter of Tianguan. I hope you don't take it to heart. After all, you are..."

"Master, Bai Ye has never complained about the teacher. What the teacher did was because Bai Ye did something wrong and disappointed the teacher."

Bai Ye interrupted the teacher. He already understood the meaning of the teacher's words, but he did not blame his teacher. The moment he entered Tianguan, he had already made the worst plan. He thought that after returning from Tianguan this time, he would be expelled from the teacher's school, expelled from Yansheng Academy, and even expelled from Confucianism.

He had long been prepared to be beaten and stand at attention. No matter how his teacher treated him, as long as he did not abolish his literary cultivation before his wife woke up, he could accept it.

But in the end, the punishment he received was just three months of the Heart-Searching Trial in the Heart-Searching Hall. Although this Heart-Searching Trial was called a punishment, it gave him opportunities far beyond others' imagination.

"What a sensible and good child. It's better that you think so. I'm afraid that you and your disciples will be alienated. If there is really a gap, it will be difficult to eliminate it in the future."

The Master looked very pleased. He fanned the fan in his hand and turned his eyes to the Master's Hall, saying, "Since everything has been resolved, let's wait here for Yao'er's trial to end."

As soon as the voice fell, a blue figure flew out of the Heart-Searching Hall, and Mo Yao's figure appeared in the square in front of the Heart-Searching Hall.

"Why so fast?"

Zhong Mei looked at Mo Yao in surprise. It has only been two incense sticks since Mo Yao entered the Heart-Searching Hall to participate in the Heart-Searching Trial. Mo Yao's clearance speed is too fast.

"Is it over?"

Mo Yao in the square looked a little confused, and Ci Song came to Mo Yao, held her hand, and asked softly: "Yao'er, what is your test of conscience, how come you passed it so quickly?"

Mo Yao felt the warmth of Ci Song's palm, and confirmed that she had indeed walked out of the test of conscience, so she explained: "My opponent in the test of conscience is also myself, but it seems not to be myself."

"Although she looks like me and has my memories, she is a crazy woman."

"Crazy woman? What do you mean?" Mo Yao's words aroused Ci Song's interest. He held Mo Yao's hand, asked, and led her to the teacher.

"Because she keeps talking nonsense. She keeps saying that Brother Ci Song is a playboy and will definitely marry many wives and concubines in the future. He will no longer love me."

"She also said that I will definitely separate from Brother Ci Song and even be abandoned by Brother Ci Song."

"How is this possible? Brother Ci Song treats me so well, how could he abandon me? Moreover, even if Brother Ci Song really does marry many wives and concubines in the future, so what? So what? It's normal for a man to have three or four wives and concubines. Moreover, I am Brother Ci Song's legal wife. Even if Brother Ci Song has other wives and concubines in the future, I am still the mother!"

"How can I Maybe I will leave you, brother Ci Song, for this reason. "

Mo Yao's words touched Ci Song's heart. He held Mo Yao's hand tightly and said softly: "Yao'er, don't worry, no matter what the future holds, you are my wife, Ci Song, and I will never let you down."

"I told that crazy woman the same thing. In the end, that crazy woman's body suddenly disintegrated and disappeared without a trace, and then I was sent out."

While Mo Yao was talking about what happened in the Heart-Searching Hall, she and Ci Song had already come to the Master. Their conversation naturally fell into the ears of the Master, Zhong Mei and others.

"For those who are truly clear in conscience and have a clear mind, the Heart-Searching Trial will not pose any threat to them at all. Little girl, you can walk out of the Heart-Searching Trial so quickly, which shows that you have a pure heart, so that the Heart-Searching Trial cannot create an opponent that can defeat your mind. "

Zhong Mei answered from the side, and then he turned his eyes to the master and said: "The last person with a pure heart who could pass the heart-searching hall for more than ten years at the same speed was your teacher, Xue Fufeng."

"That was only when I was 300 years old and in the semi-saint realm. Now I dare not step into this heart-searching hall again."

The master answered self-deprecatingly, and then looked at the people present, saying: "I will send you back to your respective academies. These few days are the days when the Master's Hall will take everyone to the Heaven Beyond Heaven. If you delay, you will miss this opportunity.

After that, he turned his head to look at Zhong Mei, bowed to him and said: "Old Zhongtou, I will take these children away first. Don't worry, they will enter the Heavenly Gate in a few years. I will let them come to see you then. "

Zhong Mei did not reply after hearing this, but waved the palm-leaf fan in his hand, signaling them to leave.

After saying goodbye to Zhong Mei, Ci Song and his party followed the Master and left the Hall of Inquiry.

After the few people left, Zhong Mei closed his eyes and said to himself: "Perhaps I should find some time to go out for a walk."

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