Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 623: One against ten, the transformation technique, easily crushing

An emerald-green bamboo brush appeared in Zhongqi's hand at some point, and he bowed to the ten people in front of him.

Upon seeing this, the other ten people all returned gifts to Zhong Qi, and then they took out their respective calligraphy treasures and prepared to fight Zhong Qi.

As the pen tip fell, a word "trapped" emerged in the void. Each stroke exuded a faint green light, revealing an indescribable majesty.

Immediately afterwards, the word "trapped" suddenly erupted and turned into a huge cyan cage, instantly covering ten students.

Inside the cage, the students' faces suddenly changed. They felt a strong sense of restraint, as if they were entangled by endless shackles. They did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately used their talents to display their unique skills.

I saw one of the students holding a long sword in his hand, with fiery red energy flowing on the sword. He shouted angrily and swung his sword towards the cage. The sword light shot through the air like a rainbow, but it only left a shallow mark on the prison cage.

Another student formed a seal with his hands and muttered something in his mouth. A wave of blue talent rose up from his body, turned into a huge water dragon, and roared towards the cage.

However, when the water dragon hit the cage, it was like hitting a hard stone wall, instantly shattering. Other students also displayed their unique skills one after another. Some turned into flames, some turned into ice, and some turned into thunder. For a moment, talent surged in the cage, as if a small talent storm was brewing.

After only five breaths, a "click" was heard, and cracks appeared in the blue cage.

Faced with this situation, Zhong Qi seemed to have expected it, and his expression did not change at all. He waved the Junzhu pen in his hand continuously and wrote ten "hua" characters in the air. Each "hua" character exuded a faint golden color. Mang, then, ten "hua" characters flew into the eyebrows of ten students at extremely fast speeds.

The ten students only felt a roar in their minds, and then they discovered that their talents were rapidly draining away, as if they were being swallowed by an invisible force.

"No, it's a word transformation trick. Please be careful." One of the students immediately realized something was wrong and shouted loudly.

The Hua Zi Jue, like the Yu Zi Jue, was inherited by Saint Ziluya. However, due to various reasons, the Hua Zi Jue has been lost and only exists in book records.

However, they never expected that Zhong Qi would actually learn the Hu Zi Jue, and judging from the speed at which their talents were lost, Zhong Qi might have practiced the Hu Zi Jue to an extremely high level.

At this moment, they finally understood the reason why the dean asked them to join forces to fight against Zhong Qi. If they fought alone, no one would be Zhong Qi's opponent.

What they didn't know was that when Zhong Qi used the Hua Zi Jue, although Zhong Bo remained calm on the surface, he was already in a turmoil in his heart. His shock was no worse than theirs. The Hua Zi Jue was the secret skill of Zilu Yasheng. First of all, even he has only touched the threshold of Transformation Jue, and is still far, far away from truly mastering Transformation Jue.

But his son has mastered the art of turning words to a high level and has never shown it in front of him. This makes his father not shocked.

"Now how to do?"

Feeling that their talents were rapidly draining, the ten students had panic expressions on their faces. They tried to use their talents to resist the power of the Transformation Jue, but they found that all this was in vain. Their talents were in the Transformation Jue. In front of me, it was like snow meeting the bright sun, melting faster and faster.

Because the Hua Zi Jue had been lost for many years, most of the students present did not know how to resist the power of the Hua Zi Jue, and could only watch as their talents continued to drain away.

"Don't panic, the Hua Zi Jue itself is not too strong, just because it can swallow up the talents in our meridians. We first condense a talent barrier in our Dantian, and then seal some of our acupoints to block the Hua Zi Jue and By contacting the remaining talents in your body, you may be able to break the Huzi Jue."

At this moment, a direct disciple of Hanlin cultivation clearly sensed the impact of Huazi Jue on his body, and slowly analyzed it, and then saw him

He formed a seal with his hands and muttered something in his mouth. As the last word fell, he suddenly injected a burst of talent into his body. The talent turned into a barrier and firmly protected his Dantian. At the same time, the flow of talent in his body suddenly slowed down, as if blocked by an invisible force.

Seeing this, other students followed suit, condensing their own talent barriers to seal their own acupuncture points. Sure enough, as they sealed the acupuncture points, the rate of loss of talent in their bodies was greatly reduced. Although it was still losing, it had become extremely slow.

"It works, everyone, hang in there."

Seeing this scene, one of the students was immediately overjoyed and shouted loudly. As long as they can resist the devouring of the Transformation Art, they can have their hands free to deal with Zhong Qi.

"Zhongqi really admires the way that all senior brothers can think of a way to condense a barrier in their Dantian and seal the acupuncture points in such a short period of time to prevent the Huzi Jue from devouring talent. But don't forget, before you seal the Staying in the acupuncture points and condensing a barrier in the Dantian will prevent you from using your talents. "

A faint smile appeared on Zhong Qi's face, and he immediately wrote the word "sword" again, and then the Jun bamboo pen in his hand turned into an emerald green bamboo long sword. The sword body exuded a faint light of talent.

"If his body is upright, he will do it without being told; if his body is not upright, he will not obey even though he is told. Zilu's sword technique will kill him."

Zhong Chang shouted, and the long sword turned into a sword light, instantly slashing at the ten students. The sword light was like a rainbow, breaking through the air.

"Everyone, use your talent to resist!"

Feeling the terrifying sword energy contained in the sword light, the ten students were shocked. After they sealed the acupuncture points and condensed the barrier, their own talent became slow. At this moment, they wanted to use their talents again to resist the sword light, but found that their own talent flow was extremely stagnant, and they could not condense enough talent to resist the sword light in a short time.

In just a moment, the sword light passed through the necks of the ten people, leaving only ten small blood marks. Zhong Chang's figure appeared behind the ten people. He stood with a sword, the tip of the sword pointed obliquely at the ground, and the talent on the sword body surged, as if there was a sword chant.

Then he saw him dissipate his talent, and the long sword turned into a Junzhu pen again and was held in his hand. On the other side, the green talent cage disappeared, and the Hua character formula in the bodies of the ten students also dissipated.

"My fellow students, can we say that Zhong Chang won this battle?" Zhong Chang bowed to the ten students and said.

"Pa Pa Pa"

A handsome middle-aged man in his thirties wearing light golden clothes appeared beside Zhong Bo at some point. He applauded and said with a smile, "Zhong Chang won this battle."

. . . . . .

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