"I've met Mr. Yi." All the students present stood up together and saluted Mr. Yi.

"Okay, very good. Let's start class now. Do you have your own understanding of the questions I assigned you yesterday?"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

"Well, today we will discuss this topic, filial piety. Please pick up a pen and write this word on your own paper."

Mr. Yi slowly spoke, and everyone followed suit and wrote the word "filial piety" on the paper. After everyone had finished writing, Mr. Yi continued to speak: "Xiao, above is an old man, old man. It means the old man is healthy and longevity. Children thrive. In the concept of our ancients, a person’s life is inherited from his parents, and one must first be filial.”

Listening to Mr. Yi's narration, Ci Song also had some feelings in his heart. Filial piety comes first among all good deeds, nothing more than this.

"Song Zhixu, what do you understand?"

Mr. Yi called out a student's name, and the student immediately stood up and unfolded the scroll on the table.

The protagonist in the painting is kneeling in front of his mother, holding his mother's knees with both hands, while the mother is holding her son's head in her hands. The two form a sharp contrast. The mother is skinny, while the son is strong and strong. This classmate captured the image characteristics very well. One was in ragged clothes, and the other was gorgeously dressed.

The best thing is that he painted the look between mother and son. Although the mother is in all kinds of pain, she is still reluctant to let her son suffer. Although the son is almost unable to support himself, he is still willing to protect his mother from the wind and rain.

This painting directly perfectly interprets Mr. Yi's word "filial piety". The word "filial piety" is as heavy as Mount Tai.

"Very good, you understand it very well. This painting can be said to be the most vivid interpretation of the word 'filial piety'." Mr. Yi nodded, very satisfied with Song Zhixu's painting.

"Li Muge, what do you understand?" Mr. Yi called another name.

Li Muge did not have a picture scroll, he just used his own words to describe his understanding.

"If you look at it, filial piety means two words - companionship. Ministers accompany their parents, parents accompany their ministers, etc., as Mr. Yi said, ministers and others are all born in their parents' lives, and following filial piety means fulfilling one's duty. Filial piety is virtue. , is also a responsibility. In the family, we should respect our relatives and help them as much as we can, and teach them filial piety."

The words in the classical Chinese text were a bit confusing, and he took it apart for a while before he truly understood the meaning of Li Muge's words.

To put it simply, Li Muge assimilates filial piety into responsibility, respects and cares for his parents, and provides them with help and support as much as possible. At the same time, the next generation should also be educated to know how to be filial and grateful, and pass on this filial piety.

"Yes, that's a good point." Mr. Yi nodded slightly, "Fang Zhongyong, you are good at writing poems. Can you write poems related to 'filial piety'?"

Fang Zhongyong nodded, and then chanted:

“Filial piety spreads far and wide, and family kindness is as heavy as a mountain.

I caress my head and think about the past, and shed tears when I am old.

My son has traveled thousands of miles, but my mother's kindness will always be in my heart.

Accompanying me wherever I go, my filial piety goes without saying. "

"It's very good." Mr. Yi praised, "This poem explains filial piety very well, especially the sentence 'When a son travels thousands of miles away, his mother's kindness will always be remembered', it expresses the true meaning of filial piety. Filial piety is not only It is an act and a feeling of gratitude.”

Fang Zhongyong's poem was praised by Mr. Yi, and his joy was beyond words. He thought about this poem for nearly a night before completing it. Now that Mr. Yi has commented on it, Fang Zhongyong is naturally happy in his heart.

Everyone present nodded, and Fang Zhongyong's evaluation rose to a higher level.

"Ci Song, you are also good at composing poetry. Do you have any books?" Mr. Yi turned to look at Ci Song.

"Of course there is. Ci Song is interested in the topic assigned by the teacher." As he said that, Ci Song picked up the rice paper in his hand and read aloud:

"Mother hands line, wandering clothing.

Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.

Whoever speaks of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three rays of spring. "

Just after Ci Song finished reading this poem, everyone present fell into silence.

The poems of the Song Dynasty deeply moved everyone present. They seemed to be able to see a mother sewing clothes for her son who was traveling far away with trembling hands, stitch by stitch. The son was still thinking about his mother in the distance. , hope to return soon. This emotion, this warmth, this greatness of maternal love makes people feel extremely shocked and moved.

This poem seems to be not a poem, but a painting, which makes people feel as if they are in it and feel the depth and greatness of maternal love.

Mr. Yi was also deeply moved by this poem. He was stunned for a while, then slowly nodded and praised: "Good, good poem. This poem written by Song Dynasty really amazed me. The artistic conception of this poem is profound. , the emotion is sincere, expressing the greatness and selflessness of mother's love, and also expressing the child's gratitude and longing. This poem interprets the word "filial piety" very well. "

Hearing Mr. Yi's praise, Ci Song's face showed a faint smile. He was not complacent because his poems were praised by Mr. Yi, but became more calm and restrained.

The students present were also shocked by Ci Song's poems. Although most of the people present were well-dressed and well-educated, when they heard Ci Song's poems, they truly felt the poor environment and greatness. maternal love.

Fang Zhongyong was also shocked by Ci Song's poems, the deep maternal love and care, and the students present were also moved by the poems. They seemed to see a vivid picture, felt the deep emotion and love, and they all thought of their mothers at the same time, and they also had more thoughts and cares for their mothers in their hearts.

Mr. Yi also felt the emotions of the students present. He looked at Ci Song deeply and appreciated and recognized Ci Song more. He has been teaching for many years and has seen all kinds of talents.

But he has only seen the talent shown by Ci Song in one person.

"Ci Song, can you hang your poems in the school so that everyone can see your talent?" Mr. Yi said to Ci Song.

"Of course, it's my honor." Ci Song smiled.

"As expected of a genius who writes poems into ink, if you want to learn about poetry, you can exchange and learn with Ci Song. Especially you, Fang Zhongyong, now you are only half a step away from writing your own 'ink poems', you can ask Ci Song for advice."

Mr. Yi's words were plain, but like throwing a huge stone into a calm lake, it completely stirred up huge waves.

Ci Song is actually a genius who "writes poems into ink"? Isn't he a "relative"?

. . . . . .

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