Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 688 The last line of defense, the fighting power of Tianguan students

There is nothing complicated about this resurrection rule in nature, but because the Tianwaitian students took the initiative to turn against the other two groups of students, neither the Tianguan students nor the secular students chose to inform the Tianwaitian students of this news.

Because of this, students from Tianwaitian are particularly afraid of their lives when facing aliens, for fear that they will fall accidentally. However, students from Tianguan are different from students from the secular world. They have already figured out the rules of resurrection, so naturally they will not have this problem. Although they have no worries, they can often burst out with more powerful strength in battles with foreign races.

At this moment, in a dead wood forest near the western border of the barbarians, Ci Song and his party were hiding behind the trees. Not far from them, there was a cliff. A barbarian tribe of about a thousand people was stationed on the edge of the cliff. A wall was formed, blocking Ci Song and others' path to Guixiao.

"According to the map provided by Yang Kelie, judging from the barbarian tribes we met along the way, the closer to the west, the stronger the overall strength of the barbarian tribes. The tribe in front of us should be the strongest tribe we have encountered so far. The strength of the barbarians is probably at least as high as that of Hanlin. As long as we cross the cliff in front of us and walk along the mountain road, we will reach the edge of the ghost."

Duanmu Qing's golden eyes looked at the barbarian tribe in the distance, and he said solemnly.

"If we take action forcefully, we may end up here, and our several days of traveling will be in vain." Zhong Qi frowned slightly, with a bit of caution in his eyes.

"If we can divide them, draw out some of the barbarians, and defeat them one by one, then we will be able to fight." Zeng Xiangteng also put forward his own idea.

After Bai Ye heard Zeng Xiangteng's thoughts, he shook his head and said: "We have almost understood the habits of the barbarians these days. They can only follow the rules under the command of the Desolate tribe, and without them. Under the intervention of the Desolate tribe, their behavior is completely like wild beasts, which is impossible to figure out. This idea of ​​attracting some barbarians may not work. "

"What does Brother Bai mean?" Zeng Xiangteng raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Ye with some confusion.

"You and I will set up the killing array together..."

"Senior Brother Bai, I'm afraid we don't have time anymore. Our helper is here."

Before Bai Ye finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ci Song on the side. He turned his head and followed Ci Song's gaze. At some point, nearly three hundred students appeared on the cliff in the distance. Although the colors of the clothes are different, the style is the same. From this, it can be inferred that they are Tianguan students.

The leader was none other than Yang Kelie. At this moment, he was wearing silver-white armor with a faint moonlight glow on its surface. He was holding an aqua blue long bow and had sharp eyes, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

When Bai Ye and others saw Yang Kelie and others appearing, their expressions were condensed. They didn't expect that Yang Kelie would appear here.

"It's Commander Yang. What they want to do, isn't it to attack the barbarian tribe in front of them?" Mo Yao looked at the Tianguan students in the distance with a bit of surprise in her tone.

"They only have three hundred people. If they fight head-on, they probably have little chance of winning, but Commander Yang is not a brainless person, and he probably won't do anything like throwing an egg at a stone." Zhong Qi murmured.

. . . . . .

Just when Ci Song and others were confused, Yang Kelie and others also made a move. Yang Kelie took the lead and rushed to the front. The Tianguan students behind him were in groups of three, shoulder to shoulder, and moved forward slowly. , the bows and arrows in everyone's hands have been stretched to the full moon. As long as Yang Kelie gives an order, they will loosen the bowstrings in their hands and shoot arrows at the barbarians. ,

The next second, the sound of three water arrows piercing the air rang out in the barbarian tribe. A barbarian's head exploded instantly, and dark red blood stained the rocks beside him.


Several angry roars rang out from the barbarian tribe. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of barbarians abandoned the camp stationed in the tribe and rushed towards Yang Kelie and others.

"Fire the arrow!"

Seeing this, Yang Kelie didn't hesitate at all and directly ordered the attack. In an instant, nearly a thousand arrows shot at the dozens of barbarians with a sharp sound of breaking the wind.

Even though the barbarian's body was extremely strong and he kept waving the mace in his hand to resist the arrows, his eyes still hit by the arrows roared. At the moment when the barbarian roared, Yang Kelie let go of the bowstring in his hand, and A light blue arrow accurately shot into the barbarian's mouth, directly piercing the back of his head.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The sound of dozens of arrows hitting the flesh was heard, and the dozens of barbarians at the front fell to the ground instantly.

"Good archery skills!"

Bai Ye couldn't help but admired when he saw this scene.

Duanmu Qingcang and others on the side also nodded. They could also see that Yang Kelie's archery skills were extremely superb, especially Zeng Xiangteng. He could see how terrifying Yang Kelie's arrows were. Yang Kelie's bows and arrows were murderous bows, and his own The number of times a bow and arrow can see blood is extremely limited. In terms of archery alone, I will not be his opponent.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, nearly three hundred barbarians fell. However, as the barbarians gathered together and continued to advance towards Yang Kelie, their bows and arrows could no longer have much effect.

At this moment, the students of Tianguan also gave up their bows and arrows and switched to close combat with the barbarians. Yang Kelie dispersed the aqua-blue longbow in his hand, and then took out a long-handled broadsword from his jade pendant. The blade was engraved with light green inscriptions, emitting terrifying fluctuations.

He raised his hand and wrote the word "Zhan" and the word "Pan", and integrated them into the blade of the broadsword.


Yang Kelie shouted and rushed directly to a barbarian. He chopped down with a knife and cut off the barbarian's head in an instant. Yang Kelie did not stop at all and turned to chop at another barbarian. One after another, the barbarians died under Yang Kelie's broadsword.

The combat power displayed by these Tianguan students when facing foreign races far exceeded that of Tianwaitian students. Not only were they personally strong, but they also had a tacit understanding with each other. Even in a melee, each student had their own cooperation. Often three students could hold back dozens of barbarians.

The barbarians, apart from their strong bodies, are just a mob, and will only attack the enemy in front of them instinctively, without any rules.

"Let's go out and help."

Ci Song took out the Shuihan Sword from the jade pendant and was about to go to support and fight the barbarians together, but he was stopped by Bai Ye.

"Junior Brother Ci, if you go out to support now, the points earned by these Tianguan students for killing aliens will be shared with you. If they really come here for the points, then if you go out, it will cause their dissatisfaction."

... . . . . .

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