Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 7: Washing the meridians and cutting the veins, the fish pond that suffered for no reason

Although he fell into a coma just now, his consciousness has always remained awake. He can clearly feel the dragon energy washing his body, and he can also feel that his body is constantly changing. His back pain has also completely disappeared. Disappeared, and his physical fitness reached an astonishing level.

"Master, are you okay?" The manager immediately stepped forward. Although he was very adaptable, seeing Ci Song's appearance at this time, he still couldn't help but retching.

"Uncle Yue, have you pulled your pants pockets?" Ci Song asked curiously.

"Why pull your trouser pockets?" the library manager asked.

"No, this smell comes from me, yUe!"

Ci Song couldn't bear it any longer and vomited it out. When he was unconscious just now, he felt as if something was being discharged from his body. Now the smell of these things filled the entire library, making it unbearable.

The manager looked at Ci Song's appearance at this time, and regardless of the smell, he stepped forward and patted his back gently.

"Master, this is a good thing. The dragon energy cleanses the marrow and the skin is white. It seems that the master's qualifications are going to change." After hearing the manager's explanation, Ci Song immediately looked at himself. When he saw those black When the sticky substance came out, I couldn't help but retch a few more times.

"I'm going out right now and have someone prepare hot water for you and give you a bath." The administrator couldn't stay any longer and chose to leave directly.

"No, I remember there is a pool opposite the library. I'll just jump in and wash myself."

Ci Song ran straight to the pond, took off his clothes, and plunged directly into the pond. Soon, the originally clear pond turned black, and the goldfish that was swimming in the pond turned into black. All of them came to the surface and turned their bellies.

The goldfish said: I didn’t mess with any of you.

Ci Song didn't know this. He was swimming happily under the water, constantly rubbing the black mud on his body.

The library manager also came over. Seeing the darkened surface of the pond, he was speechless: "..."

"Why did I seem to see all the fish in the water turn white just now?"

An hour later, Ci Song walked out of the water. At this time, he had washed himself thoroughly, but the pond had turned black.

When Ci Song just walked onto the shore, he suddenly felt an unusual tightness in his chest. Ci Song's body trembled suddenly, and then he spat out a large mouthful of black blood. The black blood sprinkled on the ground, showing a strange black color, like It's solid, but doesn't flow. It looks like a black block of charcoal. Ci Song himself knelt directly on the ground. At this moment, he felt refreshed, as if he had taken off his clothes.

Despite the heavy burden, I felt indescribably relaxed. "Master, are you okay?" The manager immediately stepped forward. The black blood that Ci Song spat out just now frightened the manager.

"Uncle Yue, after I spit out this mouthful of black blood, I feel like I feel a lot lighter. I should be fine."

Ci Song stood up and moved his body. He felt as light as a swallow and as strong as an ox. His originally weak body also grew muscles.

"Master, you should have drained all the blood congestion from your body. At this moment, the dragon energy should be undergoing deeper transformation and repair in your body."

"That's right." Ci Song nodded and was about to continue saying something.

"Ah! The young master is acting like a hooligan!"

More than a dozen maids who were responsible for delivering food to Ci Song couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw Ci Song kneeling naked on the ground, and turned their faces away. Some of the maids couldn't help but take a second look. Ci Song's eight-pack abdominal muscles, as well as things that cannot be said.

Ci Song was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was not wearing anything. He was not stupid, so he reacted immediately, quickly closed his eyes, and at the same time covered his face with his hands.

"Uncle Yue, do you have any clothes here?" Ci Song felt his cheeks feel a little hot. Although he was naked now, he didn't care much at the moment. He wanted to find clothes to put on first.

"Master, I will prepare it for you right now."

At this time, the maids who were serving food in the courtyard frowned, and they all smelled the stench from the pond. "What's going on? Why has the pond turned black and why does it stink so much?"

"It's strange. I remember it was still clear when I came in the morning. Why is it turbid now?" "The smell here is really too much." Several maids couldn't help but say while pinching their noses with their hands.

Soon, Uncle Yue brought Ci Song new clothes and asked Ci Song to put them on, but he found that the clothes that were originally made to fit Ci Song's body measurements were a little tight for Ci Song.

"Uncle Yue, are you holding my clothes? Why are my clothes a little tight?" Ci Song asked doubtfully.


The manager looked up at Ci Song, and suddenly found that Ci Song's body seemed to be much stronger than before. Looking carefully, he found that Ci Song had also grown taller, from being a head shorter than him to being only half a head shorter.

"Master, your body must be moistened by the dragon's energy, and your whole body has grown. That's why your clothes seem a little ill-fitting."

"It's true, I feel like my vision is different. This dragon energy is really magical."

"Young Master, what's going on with the water in this pond?"

A figure walked into the library. Ci Song looked up and found that it was Gongsun Cuo, the old slave of the General's Mansion.

After seeing Gongsun Cuo, the administrator of the library saluted him directly and said, "Mr. Gongsun, you are here."

"Shi Yue, I just heard from the maid in the courtyard that you were running around outside the library with the undressed young master. What on earth is going on?"

Gongsun Cuo's tone was reproachful.

Shi Yue couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. She obviously didn't do anything. This was all done by the young master. Why should he be held accountable?

"Wrong grandpa, it's none of Uncle Yue's business. I just wanted to take a bath in the pond in the courtyard, so..."

Before Ci Song could finish explaining, Gongsun Cuo suddenly interrupted Ci Song.

"Wait, Master, are you ink?"

Being interrupted by this, Ci Song didn't know what to say. He just nodded slightly and said, "It seems so. I'm not particularly sure."

"Master, can you let me check your body?" Gongsun Cuo asked.


Gongsun Cuo directly grasped Ci Song's pulse, and a majestic talent was released from Gongsun Cuo's palm and directly entered Ci Song's body.

In an instant, Ci Song felt that his body was penetrated by a powerful force. This force continued to travel through every part of his body, examining it carefully. Although this power is majestic, it is warm, leaving a trace of power to nourish Ci Song's body wherever it passes.

. . . . .

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