Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 78 Everyone knows that Ci Song is not a playboy, only Ci Song himself does not know

"Don't be afraid of being shattered into pieces. You must leave your innocence in the world."

Meng Ruo is not a fool. On the contrary, her talents are not weaker than those of the gentlemen in the hospital. She instantly understood the true meaning of Ci Song's poem. Her lips moved slightly, wanting to say something, but in the end she failed. Choose silence.

Now, both Ning Ping'an and Dean Yan have said this, so the matter is basically settled. It seems that he is indeed too irrational, and the previous quarrel is meaningless.

It is indeed impossible for a child with white words to be an uneducated waste. After knowing these things, Meng Ruo's heart was filled with turmoil. She slowly walked to the chair by the window and sat down.

Looking back now, everything Ci Song did before was probably a pretense to protect himself, because none of his talented brothers and sisters lived past the age of ten, and Ci Song is now Twelve years old.

Upon seeing this, Dean Yan walked to his lover, patted her shoulder gently, and comforted her: "Madam, although there was a reason for everything, his motive was just to survive, but this does not mean that everything Zeng Cisong did was correct."

"Confucius said: People are not saints, how can they have no faults? There is no greater good than mistakes that can be corrected. What's more, everything Ci Song did was just to survive." Ning Ping'an slowly defended his disciples.

"It seems that he is really being targeted by others, but who has the ability to kill his children under his eyes, and how can he escape the detection of you and Mr. Gongsun afterwards?"

Dean Yan frowned slightly, his eyes filled with worry.

"No matter which one it is, since Ci Song has begun to show his prominence now, it means that Ci Qibai has found a way to protect Ci Song. I also plan to take Ci Song with me and protect him personally." Ning Pingan analyzed .

"Then I'll leave it to Mr. Ning. Please protect Ci Song. If he dies, I'm afraid the entire literary world will start a bloody storm again."

. . . . . .

In the Ci family ancestral hall, an oil lamp flickered in the dark night, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, looking a bit eerie.

I saw that the Ci family tree is enshrined in the center of the ancestral hall, and the tablet of the ancestor of the Ci family is enshrined at the top, followed closely by the ancestors of the Ci family, and below that is Ci Qibai's father, Ci Kang.

On the table at the bottom, there are four tablets with the names of four junior poets: Ci Qingyan, Ci Muzhi, Ci Shifu, and Ci Zhuoxin.

These four tablets are enshrined at the bottom of the table, together with the tablets of the poet's ancestors. Apart from the sound of the swaying oil lamps, there was no other sound in the ancestral hall, which seemed particularly quiet. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps broke the tranquility.

The door of the ancestral hall was pushed open, and two men came in. It was Gongsun Cuo and Ci Qibai.

He looked at the genealogy on the altar table, then at the ancestor tablet on the top, and slowly said: "Unworthy descendants Ci Qibai, come to pay homage to your ancestors." After that, Ci Qibai clasped his hands and faced After bowing three times to the family tree on the table, he pulled out two stools from the corner of the ancestral hall and placed them next to the table away from the four junior tablets.

"Children, my father comes to see you."

Ci Qibai walked slowly to the table and gently placed his hands on the four children's tablets. His eyes were full of tenderness and guilt.

"As an incompetent father, I have never found your murderer." Seeing this, Gongsun Cuo also walked to the table, looked at the tablets, and gently tapped Ci Qibai's shoulder without saying much.

After a long time, Ci Qibai finally calmed down his emotions. He turned to look at Gongsun Cuo and said, "Uncle Cuo, I have been with you since I was a child, and I have always treated you as my father. I hope You can tell me something."

Seeing Ci Qibai's serious look, Gongsun Cuo knew that Ci Qibai was serious.

"you say."

"Uncle Cuo, has my son, Ci Song, been hiding his clumsiness these years? Or in other words, everything he did before Ci Song was arranged by you?" Ci Qibai

Gongsun Cuo was stunned by this question. He didn't expect Ci Qibai to ask such a question.

However, Gongsun Cuo could understand Ci Qibai's question. After all, Ci Qibai rarely stayed at home these years. Most of the time, he traveled around Tianyuan Continent in order to find out the inexplicable deaths of several children. The truth is that Ci Qibai doesn't actually know much about his son Ci Song.

Even before Ci Song entered the ink, he thought Ci Song was an unlearned waste, but everything that happened these days completely overturned his father's understanding.

But Gongsun Cuo is different. He has been staying in the mansion these years and taking care of everything in the mansion. Normally, he must be the one who knows Ci and Song the best.

"Master, the young master is indeed different from ordinary dandies. He learns things quickly and knows everything. I have taken care of him for many years and know that he is a child with an extremely kind heart."

Gongsun Cuo did not directly answer Ci Qibai's question, but instead talked about the past.

"It wasn't until later that the young master suddenly changed his temperament. He no longer studied or worked hard. As if he had been stimulated by something, he began to indulge in worldly things and despise all living beings. Every time the young master does something bad, I will follow your instructions. Order him to be put into confinement."

"I have also secretly observed the young master, and found that every time he was locked in the room, he would be inexplicably calm, as if the lead had been washed away, and he would sit upright on the bed."

"But as soon as he meets someone, he will immediately turn into an arrogant and extremely evil person."

Speaking of this, Gongsun Cuo stopped, sat on the chair next to Ci Qibai, exhaled deeply, and said: "Maybe the young master is really pretending, or maybe, he is originally a playboy."

After hearing Gongsun Cuo's explanation, Ci Qibai felt extremely guilty. He had confirmed in his heart that Ci Song had indeed been pretending all these years. He must have heard the reason why his brother and sister died, so he pretended to be a villain, so that he could protect himself and the last seed of the Ci family.

After figuring it out, Ci Qibai slowly stood up, and he bowed three times to the tablets of the four children again, saying: "Children, your father will definitely find the murderer who killed you and avenge you."

"Uncle Cuo, please write a letter to Uncle Ning and tell him that Ci Song does not need to come to this year's worship." Ci Qibai slowly said.


"Let him prepare well for the Five Academy Tea Party. As long as he can pass the questioning of the Mirror of Inquiry, the so-called dandy will no longer exist."

Hearing this, Gongsun Cuo's eyes flashed with worry, and said: "Didn't you say before that the children's death was related to Confucius Academy? If the young master is allowed to attend the Five Academy Tea Party, will it be dangerous?"

Just after he finished speaking, Gongsun Cuo seemed to have thought of something, smiled calmly, and said: "Master, I understand."

. . . . . . . .

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