Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 90: Mirror of the Heart, Test of the Heart

"Medium grade again?" Duanmu Qingcang's face showed a bit of suspicion. This poem by his junior brother,

The writing is excellent, the words are precise, and the contrasts are neat. Although it lacks a little bit of artistic conception, it is just because he is still young and has never experienced the pain of lovesickness. This does not mean that he will only get a mid-grade evaluation. ?

"Thank you Qu Sheng." There was no dissatisfaction on Zhang Wuyan's face. When he just finished writing this poem, he knew that the evaluation would definitely not be high.

Because when he was writing this poem, his mind was filled with the phrase "fallen into mud and crushed into dust." The artistic conception of this poem was so beautiful that he couldn't concentrate to continue writing this "lovesickness" poem. .

Then Zhang Wuyan put the brush in his hand in front of the desk, turned to look at his senior brother Duanmu Qingcang, and said: "Senior brother, I have benefited a lot from today's try, so let's stop here."

"Okay." Duanmu Qingcang caressed his junior brother's head lovingly, then turned to look at the senior brother from Kong Sheng Academy, and said: "Senior brother Zheng, can you tell me the name of the senior brother who accepted Qu Sheng's Poetry Tablet test yesterday? , I want to take Wuyan to visit."

"Junior Brother Duanmu, the person who participated in the trial yesterday is not from our Kong Sheng Academy. As for his name, he is fifth on the poetry list."

As he said that, Senior Brother Zheng pointed to the ranking on the far right side of the poem stele. The students in Zigong Academy looked up and saw the word "Ci Song".

"Ci Song? Why does this name sound so familiar?" a student from Zigong Academy asked curiously.

Duanmu Qingcang also felt that the name Ci Song was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"Ci Kuang gave birth to a son, named Ci Song." Zhang Wuyan said slowly.

"Ci Kuang gave birth to a child?"

After everyone heard this, they all took a breath. Duanmu Qingcang looked at Ci Song's name with a hint of disbelief in his tone, "I remembered that the son of the aristocratic family who was known as the number one dude in the Liang Kingdom, I heard He has no literary talent at all, how could such a person write such amazing poems?"

"Isn't it the same name? Before I entered school, I heard that Ci Song, the son of General Ci, was an out-and-out waste. He only knew how to eat, drink and have fun on weekdays. I heard that he had never even memorized the Analects of Confucius when he grew up. How could such a person write such good poetry?”

After hearing this, Duanmu Qingcang looked at Ci Song's name again. After a while, he came back to his senses and said, "Well, at least he is still in the school now. It is not difficult to find him."

After saying that, Duanmu Qingcang led all the students from Zigong Academy to leave the poetry monument and went to rest in another part of the square.

"Yao'er, why are these people gathering in the square? Is there anything else to do?" Ci Song asked Mo Yao next to him.

Mo Yao nodded lightly and said: "Of course, according to the regulations of previous tea parties, whenever the five major academies gather at three or above, they can summon the Heart-Questioning Mirror in advance to conduct the Heart-Questioning Trial."

"Asking the Heart Mirror?" Although Ci Song had heard this name several times, he didn't know what it was used for.

"Ask the mirror of your heart,

It shines upon people's hearts and reveals their true nature. The Mirror of the Heart, as the name suggests, is a treasure that can reveal the true nature of the human heart. Under this mirror, the good and evil, beauty and ugliness, greed, kindness and other natures of the human heart will be clearly revealed. "Mo Yao explained patiently.

"As long as any academy disciple has distracting thoughts, he or she will be unable to pass the Heart-Questioning Test and will lose the qualification to participate in the Five Academy Tea Party."

"So magical?" After hearing this, Ci Song's eyes lit up and his heart was filled with anticipation. As soon as I finished speaking, I saw the whole square

Suddenly a golden light lit up and soared into the sky.

"The Mirror of Inquiry is about to appear."

As soon as Mo Yao finished speaking, the golden light spread out at lightning speed, covering the entire square.

The next moment, the golden light disappeared in a flash, and when it reappeared, it had turned into a golden bridge, spanning the mid-air. On both sides of the golden bridge, clouds and mist shrouded, cranes were dancing with branches in their hands, and at the end of the golden bridge, hundreds of birds seemed to be paying homage to the phoenix, and Luan was riding on it. Ascend.

" this Wen Xin Mirror? Why doesn't this Wen Xin Mirror look like a mirror?"

Ci Song looked at the Golden Bridge in mid-air and couldn't react for a moment.

"This is the Asking Heart Mirror." Mo Yao pointed to the golden bridge and said, "Whether it is a golden bridge or an ancient mirror, they are just the external form of the Asking Heart Mirror. You just need to imagine it as a mirror."

"Oh." Ci Song nodded and turned his attention to the heart-inquiring mirror again.

I saw hundreds of figures appearing at the end of the Golden Bridge. These figures were either sitting cross-legged, looking up at the sky, or closing their eyes in meditation. There were words floating above each figure. These words may be glittering, or dim, and some may even jump, as if trying to break free.

"The phantoms on the other side of the Golden Bridge are the disciples of various academies who are undergoing the heart-asking trial." Mo Yao pointed to those figures and said, "The words above the head are the comprehensive expression of their character, moral character, and cultivation. The brighter the words, the more proof that this person's heart is The more pure the character is; if the characters are dim or even beating, it proves that the person's character is impure, or he may be suspected of cheating."

"So, the trial has already begun?"

Ci Song was a little confused about what was happening now and whether he had to accept this trial.

Mo Yao saw what Ci Song was thinking at a glance, and explained: "Brother Ci Song, the way to participate in the trial is very simple. You only need to release your talents, and the Heart-Questing Mirror will sense your presence and pull you in." Go into the mirror of your heart.”

Ci Song nodded slightly, and his heart moved slightly, and his talent was released from his palm. The next second, Ci Song felt his feet light, and the next second, he appeared on the golden bridge.

The moment he stepped on the golden bridge, Ci Song felt a refreshing coolness that penetrated his body. He couldn't help but look up at the bottom of the golden bridge, where his body was, only to see that his body had fainted at this time, and was held in Mo Yao's arms.

"Is this the legendary soul leaving the body?"

Ci Song quickly accepted this setting, and then walked towards the other side where the phantom was.

Just as Ci Song just stepped off the golden bridge, the scene in front of him changed again. This time, Ci Song was teleported to a void space.

Ci Song looked up and saw that in this void space, there was a huge mirror, and the reflection in the mirror was Ci Song himself.

"Is this the true appearance of the heart mirror?" Ci Song thought to himself.

Just when Ci Song was suspicious, he saw the Ci Song in the mirror actually said: "Yes, and no."

"What's going on?"

Before Ci Song could react, he saw the "Ci Song" in the mirror actually walked through the mirror and walked straight towards him.

. . . . . . .

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