Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 92: True Phoenix Blessing, Song Dynasty Past

"Thank you for being able to live as me. You are a good person." This sentence echoed in Ci Song's ears. This is the true words of "Ci Song". He is grateful that Ci Song can live on his behalf, because he knows that his life has ended, but Ci Song still has unlimited possibilities.

Ci Song's eyes were moist. He was not sad because of "Ci Song"'s death, but moved by "Ci Song's" life. He understood why "Ci Song" became such a person, and he understood the pain and struggle in "Ci Song"'s heart.

Suddenly, he covered his heart, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that it will take some time before we can truly accept these memories." Ci Song wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and said to himself.

"The test of asking the heart, ask the heart, pass."

A thick voice came from the mind-asking mirror. Ci Song slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice. There, an old man wearing a green robe appeared in front of him out of thin air. The old man was slender, at least 1.9 meters tall, with a head full of white hair, a rosy complexion, and a light of wisdom in his eyes. He looked at Ci Song with a smile, as if he was seeing his grandson.

"Kong...Kong Sheng?"

Ci Song recognized the old man's true identity as Kong Sheng at a glance, mainly because he picked up too many sculptures. Kong Sheng looked at him and said slowly: "I see that in your heart, even when there is endless struggle, you still choose to do good. This is a beautiful sight, but it cannot be eroded by the underworld. You are the judge of your guests."

"Son, congratulations on becoming the first student to pass the Heart-Questioning Trial this time."

After saying that, Kong Sheng waved his hand slowly, only to hear a phoenix cry, and a phantom of a phoenix flew out from the palm of Kong Sheng's hand and flew towards Ci Song.

"This is?"

Ci Song looked at Kong Sheng in confusion. He didn't know what Kong Sheng was going to do.

"The blessing of the true phoenix." Kong Sheng explained, "It can ensure that your mind is clear and you are not distracted by evil spirits."

Before he finished speaking, the phantom of the phoenix had already flown into Ci Song's body. Ci Song felt his soul tremble, as if something had been ripped out from the depths of his soul. This feeling was uncomfortable, but Ci Song endured it. Gradually, the painful feeling began to subside, replaced by an unprecedented sense of clarity.

He felt as if he had seen through everything in the world, and all the troubles that had troubled him were disappearing before his eyes like a passing cloud.

Gradually Ci Song lost consciousness. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the square, and he was being held in Mo Yao's arms. Mo Yao was sitting on the ground, gently using his shoulders. Holding Ci Song in his arms, the faint fragrance of gardenia came from Mo Yao's body, refreshing and intoxicating. Ci Song did not push Mo Yao away, he allowed Mo Yao to hold him.

"Brother Ci Song, why did you wake up so soon?"

When Mo Yao saw Ci Song Xing wake up, she quickly helped him up. There was a look of surprise on her flawless jade face, like a little girl who discovered something new.

"Well, I have passed the heart-searching test."

Ci Song looked at Mo Yao with a somewhat complicated look, because he had already learned about the past events between "Ci Song" and Mo Yao.

The story of how the two met is very cliche. After a six-year-old boy did something bad, he ran out of the house without permission because he couldn't bear the condemnation of his conscience. However, because he got lost, he went to the north of the city, which he had never been to before. Just when he didn't know what to do, a six or seven-year-old girl appeared in front of him.

The girl has a pair of big watery eyes, and her clear eyes are full of innocence and kindness. Her nose is high and her lips are red, like a blooming flower. Her long hair was draped over her shoulders, and she was wearing a crimson dress. The hem of the skirt fluttered as she walked, as hot as a rose.

The girl was very kind and took the initiative to talk to the boy and asked him what he had experienced. The boy also lost control of his emotions and poured out all his troubles to her. After the girl listened to the boy's confession, she smiled faintly. She took the boy's hand and took him to a place.

It was a small garden filled with all kinds of flowers, which were fragrant and refreshing. The girl told the boy that she had planted these flowers herself and that she liked to watch them grow and watch them gradually bloom from a small flower bud into a beautiful flower.

From that day on, the boy and the girl became friends. The boy remembered the location of the garden. Whenever he had time, he would come to the north of the city to talk and complain to the girl. Gradually, their feelings gradually deepened. became best friends.

However, fate did not favor them. One day, the girl suddenly disappeared. No matter how the boy looked, he could not find her trace. The small garden was also completely demolished, and the two lost contact.

. . . . . .

"Yao'er, why don't you take part in the Heart-Questioning Trial?"

Ci Song shook his head and pulled himself away from the memories.

"The direct disciples of Confucius Saint Academy do not need to participate in the "Questioning Heart" test, because before we became direct disciples, the Master personally conducted a similar "Questioning Heart" test."

As he said that, Mo Yao stood up while supporting Ci Song, and said: "Just now I saw on the other side of the Golden Bridge, there was a shadow with words above its head emitting dazzling golden light. It seems to be brother Ci Song without a doubt. Congratulations to Ci Song. My brother passed the assessment and got the first place in the Heart-Questing Trial!"

"I was just lucky."

Ci Song looked back and saw a shadow standing in the center of the golden bridge. The words on the top of his head gradually took shape and turned into the words "First Name". Although the shadow's facial features could not be seen clearly, his figure and temperament were no different from Ci Song himself.

At this moment, two figures appeared beside Mo Yao and Ci Song. Ci Song looked up and saw that it was the Master and his teacher Ning Ping'an.

"It seems that I was worrying too much. I didn't expect that you could pass the test of the heart so easily."

The Master's face was full of smiles, as if it was not Ci Song who passed the test of the heart at this moment, but himself.

"It seems that my guess is correct, Ci Song, you have worked hard all these years." Ning Ping'an also looked up at Ci Song, "You don't have to pretend to be a playboy anymore. With me by your side, no one can hurt you anymore."

"Thank you, teacher."

Ci Song now has the memory of his original body, so he naturally knows what his teacher meant and hurriedly thanked him.

"Mo Yao, take Ci Song to rest. He has just passed the test of self-examination, and his soul is not yet completely stable. He still needs to be recuperated." The master turned to look at Mo Yao, with a hint of teasing in his tone.

"Yes, Master."

... . . . . .

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