Chapter 113

The air in the corridor was dry and warm, and the walls were crowded, condensing the darkness into the long corridor.

Mo Yi tried to walk a few steps forward, the carpet under his feet was greasy and thin, and when he stepped on it, he could almost feel the hard and cold touch of the floor under him.

He projected the light of the flashlight on the wall next to him, and a bright spot of light stayed on the dark green wallpaper, illuminating the irregular dim check pattern on it.

There is a weird shape of oil on the wall slightly higher than the ground. The color of the pattern next to the oil stain and the inside is deeply sinking in. It looks like an unhealed wound, and it seems to be half wide eyes.

Mo Yi's gaze stayed on the oil for a few seconds, and then he seemed to notice something.

He frowned, leaned closer to the wall, and carefully looked at the patterns on the wallpaper, but he saw the dark green lines forming the edge of the grid above, and it looked like they were composed of densely packed small butterflies from near.

Mo Yi pursed her lips, and talked about pulling away.

Jiang Yuanrou turned his head to look at him, lowered his voice and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mo Yi hesitated, then slowly shook his head: "... nothing."

The two continued to walk forward, and there was silence in the corridor, only the rustle of the soles of their feet rubbing against the surface of the carpet.

The hallway was crowded and narrow, and the flashlight's light was absorbed by the deep darkness in front, as if it had been thrown into a bottomless abyss, no sound, no light.

The wall on the side is a repeating and monotonous pattern, which slowly and gradually changes as the two's steps deepen, illuminated by the side of the flashlight beam column, like undulating waves.

Around him was a deadly silence.

It seems to be affected by this depressing atmosphere, Jiang Yuan's softness and Mo Yi are also very quiet, walking side by side in silence.

The corridor in front turned abruptly, and a dim wall lamp illuminated a small corner of the wall. The two turned and found that there was still a long and continuous corridor in front.

Mo Yi had a faint uneasiness in his heart.

Although the previous two floors are dangerous, they are still predictable. Their routines are similar, and on the third floor, such a complete and huge change suddenly occurred.

It almost made the next thing unpredictable and unpredictable.

This feeling of out of control made him very uncomfortable.

Mo Yi tightened his palm holding the flashlight slightly, and a slight dull pain came from the root of his thumb, as if it was concrete uneasiness, pry open his heart and slip into his thoughts.

The corridor ahead turned a corner in a completely different direction.

Mo Yi and Jiang Yuanrou looked at each other, hesitated for a few seconds, and then continued to move forward in the direction of the corridor.

The atmosphere in the air was so deep that it was almost difficult to breathe.

The corridor was deep and narrow, and there were no doors or forks on the walls. There was only one quiet way towards the deeper passage and into the deeper darkness.

Mo Yi took a deep breath and finally decided to speak out his guess, he said in a low voice:


Jiang Yuanrou turned his head to look at him, his face looked questioning.

Mo Yi opened his mouth and said nothing. Jiang Yuanrou whispered in doubt, "What happened?"

This time it wasn't Mo Yi who didn't want to say it, but it seemed that there was some strange power choking his throat, preventing him from speaking out the words he had imagined in his mind--

"In the copy of the membership test, you are the tested party, so the key to this copy is on you.

And if you can't solve it, you will, like Yuan Bai, fail in the copy and stay forever. "

Jiang Yuanrou's complexion was dignified, and she realized that Mo Yi's current state was not that she didn't want to say anything, but she couldn't say it—this shows what key information Mo Yi found.

Mo Yi took a deep breath and, after groaning for a few seconds, thought about re-opening:

"Thank you for the clues about this copy, and thank you later."

Jiang Yuanrou looked at him for a few seconds, nodded gently, and then said "um" lowly: "Okay, you're welcome."

Mo Yi turned her gaze, and there was a tingling of tingling deep in her throat, as if a flame from the stomach burned down the esophagus and straight into the mouth.

He knew that this was the limit he could imply. According to Jiang Yuanrou's experience, she should understand that he was implying some key information, but did not know what he wanted to say specifically.

Mo Yi sighed in his heart for a long time ... He can only hope that Jiang Yuanrou knew it earlier, the key point this time is definitely in the copy of Jiang Yuanrou's last experience, and it is likely that she could not One of those few clues.

The two continued to walk along the corridor.

The minute steps sounded in the silent semi-enclosed space, rubbing the ground regularly, accompanied by the dim corridors and the monotonous background in front of them, almost making people feel a little sleepy.

But Mo Yi's nerves tightened slowly.

He always felt that the atmosphere in front of him was like a very full bow being pulled, and slowly increasing the tension to tighten the bow string into a trembling straight line, as if it would break in the next second.

He swallowed slowly, his dry throat tingling.

Suddenly, Mo Yi's eyes seemed to be sweeping-what seemed to be on the wall beside him ...

He stopped suddenly, turned his gaze and stared at the wall next to him, only to see the dark green lines on the creased wallpaper covering the wall, monotonously extending into the darkness in the distance.

On the boring pattern, there is a little deep stain, and the clear edges are printed on the wall slightly higher than the ground. It looks like an unhealed wound, and it seems to be half wide eyes.

Mo Yi froze for a few seconds, a huge trembling feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

He heard his voice stiff and monotonous, and could hardly hear his own voice: "We are going in circles."

Jiang Yuanrou froze the same, then turned to look at him: "What?"

Mo Yi's flashlight flashed into the strange spot on the wall with his hand, and the gloomy color in his eyes surged:

"I saw this spot about ten minutes ago before, shortly after we left the elevator ..."

What about the elevator? Will it also?

Mo Yi stopped the words in his mouth and turned to look behind him.

I saw a long and deep corridor behind, straight into the deep darkness, as if out of sight, the monotonous repeating wallpaper showed a strange dark green, blurred in a darkness.

The unrealness in my heart seemed to sprout, and it broke through the soil layer from the fertile soil at the bottom of my heart, and emerged slowly.

There was a slight whisper in his heart, and he asked gently:

Is everything in front of you real?

Is the corridor real? Are they really going in circles? Is that spot real? Or is it just to mislead them into thinking they are in a circle?

Mo Yi's teeth clenched tightly, and he firmly grasped his wrist with one hand, and his fingertips fell deeply into his wound.

The pain, like the bite of a bug, climbs up the nerves along the nerves and slowly penetrates deep into the brain.

He knew that he was in an abnormal state now. He had gone through one more floor and several more hallucinations than Jiang Yuanrou. The mental hospital affected him more deeply than she did.

The tiny voice continued to ask:

"Is Jiang Yuanrou real?"

Mo Yi's heart stagnated a little, and he reacted afterwards, which was not the words spoken by his voice, but came from his side.

Gentle female voice.

Jiang Yuanrou's voice.

He turned his head and looked at the sound, the cold sweat slowly deep in the back as he moved, making him seem to be cold from the head to the soles of his feet.

No one around.

Jiang Yuanrou is gone.

Mo Yi heard his heart screaming loudly in his chest, his lungs and his chest resonated loudly, and a humming white noise sounded in the quiet corridor.

He stood alone in the dark, dark corridor, holding a flashlight in his hand, and a solitary beam of light shining into the darkness.

Mo Yi's fingertips turned white due to exertion, and sharp pain appeared from deep in his head.

He took a deep breath, slowly took a few steps back, and stuck his back to the cold wall, as if to restore some sense of reason, as if to rely on the wall to give him some new strength.

Reason is like a tough hand, regaining helm in his mind.

Mo Yi closed her eyes and sorted out the confused thoughts in her mind.

If this Jiang Yuanrou was false from the beginning, then he did not leave the negative second floor from the beginning. If Jiang Yuanrou is real, then they must have dispersed after entering the negative floor.

In the absence of more evidence now, Mo Yi can really confirm nothing, especially in the real and fake environment that this copy intentionally creates for the player. Now the only thing he can believe is his own intuition.


The scary part of this copy is that it is pushing the players in it to the edge of madness.

A less determined player is likely to be driven directly into this copy.

Mo Yi breathed deeply and stabilized his too undulating mood just now. He moved his heel a half step backwards, and put his whole body on the wall behind him.

Just then, he felt that the wall behind him seemed to move slightly, imperceptibly.

Mo Yi froze, opened her eyes, stood upright, then turned to look behind her.

I saw a shallow crevice on the wall just because of the pressure he had just applied, as if it were a deep mark carved on the wall with a knife.

And the strangely shaped oil stain was printed right next to the dark gap.

Mo Yi paused, stretched out his hand and pressed it against the wall, and then slowly exerted his force, hearing only a slight "click", the gap widened, and then slipped inside.

Then a door.

That independent wall slowly stretched deep into the depths, revealing a clear outline, and shadows and darkness spread from the inside—

The door opened.


Thanks to AnnaDoyle for the shallow water bomb

Thank you Taipa, cherryontop for the rocket launcher

Thanks to Taipa, a store manager, Jiu Mi Mi, Changsi's acquaintance, Ayan's mine

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