Chapter 185

The music stopped abruptly at this moment.

As if the invisible leads on the puppet were cut off, the man who danced alone in the corpse and blood instantly lost the power to support the body, as if his strength was emptied and fell into a scarlet red.

The dead room in a slaughterhouse-like room was full of rusty rust in the air. Broken limbs and internal organs were spread on the blood-red floor. Players in formal attire stood pale in pale limbs and bright red. In a pool of blood, they still maintained the posture before the end of the music, as if they had not responded yet.

The brass door was slowly pushed open.

The housekeeper in a dark uniform stood back at the door, his black eyes gazing around in the terrible room like the world of purgatory, the look on the fuzzy and stiff face remained unchanged, the pale face was scarlet in the room. Scarlet red, his voice broke the silence:

"It's getting late now ..."

At this moment, the hoarse and screaming screams rang out in the room, interrupting the unfinished words of the housekeeper--the crowd looked slowly toward the direction of the sound, just after the player woke up quietly He screamed in horror after finding himself lying in the corpse and plasma all over the place, and when he struggled to crawl behind him, trying to avoid the back, he hit the torn half of his body. Involuntarily, more screams erupted in the face and throat.

His screaming was like a sharp awl, penetrated deeply through the layer of numb protective cover that players built when they were too scared and shocked, and slammed them back to this blood and body As well as the reality flooded by death, they were forced to abandon their hoods and face the cruel and vicious status quo nakedly-

The pale and stiff marble statue, the pale limbs that bleed with blood and looked pale as a stone statue, the skin covered with blood was torn to reveal the pink texture, everything in the room turned into a sharp sword and stabbed into the eyes of everyone, bringing Horrifying visual impact.

The sound of retching sounded in the enclosed room.

None of the muscles on the housekeeper's face were pulled, as if covered with a thick plaster mask, and he patiently followed his previous words:

"... you must be exhausted."

The crying sound of the crash spread through the crowd, as if some switches were turned on. Everyone started running towards the outside of the dance floor frantically, as if they were afraid of avoiding the plague, while running and wiping their bodies with splashes. The blood on it, the sound of retching louder.

The steward continued blindly: "Please follow the maid back to your room to rest. Tomorrow is Mr. de Claude's and his wife's wedding. Please rest fully and bring the invitation."

When the out-of-control player ran out of the dance floor, Mo Yi was still standing quietly, his eyes fell on a certain point in the pool of blood, he didn't know what he was looking at, and when those souls were unwilling to stay, their emotions were close The crashed players were taken away from the room by the maids, and stumbled towards the outside of the room, he also moved-but his direction was not the door.

I saw Mo Yi straddling the corpse lying in the pool of blood, walking quickly towards the center of the dance floor. He took his steps, leaned down, and gently pinched the turquoise stem with his fingers, regardless of the red color of his fingertips. Red, slowly picking up the rose that fell from the pocket of the player controlled by the ground to the ground, its shape has been crushed and scattered, it looks as if it has experienced a storm, The delicate petals like the skin of a girl are dyed by blood into a strange red, and the blood droplets crumbling down the edge of the petals, falling into the blood like the ground—


Behind him, the butler whispered plainly: "Dear guest, what else can you do?"

His voice awakened Mo Yi from the state of being preoccupied. Mo Yi clenched the rose with his blood-stained fingers, turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that the housekeeper was standing quietly at the edge of the dance floor and staring at him, black paint The lacquered eyes were hollow and cold, and some players in the distance noticed that they turned their heads.

Mo Yi shook his head calmly and said, "It's fine."

After that, he strode across the corpses and internal organs on the ground, walked out of the dance floor full of blood, nodded casually towards the housekeeper, and then followed the maid who came forward toward the door, and the housekeeper was behind him. Following them, the scarlet room was left behind by them, and the brass door closed slowly.

The relief above seemed clearer than Mo Yi last saw. The raised lines and lines reflected the faint and weird light in the dim light. This time he saw a pattern carved on it. ——Half of the painful and numb man's face was illuminated by the light, but the other half was hidden in the dark, deep despair filled with the lines between the lines, and the brass eyes stared intently. The next second, as the gate closed, the pattern was instantly swallowed up again by the shadows, leaving only the deep darkness that could never be seen.

Mo Yi finally gave a deep gaze behind her back, then turned around and followed the maid to walk outside the hall. Her eyes were quietly lowered along the way, not knowing what she was thinking.

Even after returning to his room, he remained silent, but just sat quietly beside the bed, staring thoughtfully at the rose in his palm, the blood on it had dried up, and the rose seemed to be As the water evaporates and becomes wilted, the edges of the delicate petals are slightly rolled up due to lack of water, and they feel fragile and dry.

Wen Yan accompanied him silently and sat next to him on the edge of the bed.

Mo Yi turned his head and looked at him as if awakened. His fingers were still unconsciously flicking the thin stems of the flowers. He looked at Wen Yan, and it seemed to be a while before he finally recognized the person in front of him. A solitary look.

Wen Yan lifted his chin at the rose in his hand and asked slowly:

"What, did you find anything?"

Mo Yi looked awake at the rose in his hand like a dream, with a little loose energy between his fingers, the fragile slender stems and crumbling broken flowers falling from the palm of his hand and hitting the carpet gently in the room. Blood-dried petals scattered like a funeral with his movements.

He shook his head: "Is the rose? Nothing found."

Mo Yi's gaze rested on his blood-stained fingertips, and he continued with some surprise:

"But about this copy, I found a lot."

Wen Yan's gaze was slightly dignified, and Mo Yi stood up from the bed and walked to the oil painting hanging in the doorway of the room. His eyes fell on the woman's closed eyes in the oil painting and said gently: "Enter Since this copy, I always feel a sense of being monitored, such as the looming sight that I feel when walking in the corridor or passing those marble statues, or the ghosts that seem to always know where I appear Housekeeper ... "

He paused, seems to be pondering something, and then slowly said:

"Then, and over time, this feeling gradually evolved into a feeling of being manipulated."

Wen Yan stared at him, a slight light flashed in his light gray pupils, he didn't speak, just waiting for Mo Yi's next content.

Just listening to Mo Yi continued to say, "I've basically experienced two weeks of reincarnation now, but based on my observations and conjectures, I actually think that ... this cannot be called a reincarnation.

Reincarnation is just the back and forth of the timeline, and the specific external material conditions and hard requirements are fixed, but in the way this copy is now shown, the rules and elements can be flexibly mobilized and adjusted, in order to understand the player Knowing the homicide law of the copy, under the premise that no one may be sacrificed at the ball, change the form of the dead victim, and mix the marble statue into the crowd to prevent the failure to get enough white paint at the night party, The silver knife can print the face of a marble statue, so I replaced the tableware at the dinner tonight-I even suspected that it would remove the silver knife from the feast. I saw that I used the knife last week. Acts as a mirror, so it is better to start first. "

He uttered a long line of breath, stopped and breathed a little, then turned to look at Wen Yan slowly and said:

"Have you found out that the changes and operations of these rules all require a subject."

Wen Yan looked back into Mo Yi's dark eyes and said softly:

"So you doubt ... this copy can be manipulated by man? Behind all actions and changes lies an unknown subject?"

Mo Yi nodded, his eyes darkened with a glimmer of light, and his speech speed accelerated unconsciously:

"Yes, judging from the phenomenon I observed before, it is clear that this copy has two sets of rules. One is fixed, and the rules that cannot be artificially changed are inherent in the copy itself. Yes, it can be changed by the giver, just like the chess player can change his layout, but not the rules of chess. We are chess pieces, and the chess player wants us to treat his set as The established rules of chess. "

He exhaled slowly, turning his head to look at the oil painting unchanged from the beginning of the copy, and said quietly:

"Someone has been watching us silently, observing, and even secretly manipulating our behavior since the players entered the copy.


Thanks to the late October flowers and the crispy duck lover's rocket launcher

Thanks to AnnaDoylex10, grenades for crispy duck lovers

Thanks to AnnaDoylex24, October flowery late, roll the keyboard with face, rhyme tassel, Mocheng Baishe, Liu, Anju, forgetfulness, jealous of his faint spring mountain, Lu Jun XVI, CCY1314520yy, Yazheng mine

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