Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 463: What Are Heavens and Humans? (New Moon asks for tickets)

At the junction of Upper Kyoto and Barton County Underground Waterway, the whistling wind came from the endless pipe in the distance.

The incandescent lamp above the head seemed to be infected by the atmosphere, flickering non-stop, elongating the figures of the people below like ghosts, and reflecting them on the wall beside them.

After the man in front of him uttered a certain "little secret" that he had been hiding for a long time, unexpectedly, Higashinohara did not feel as tense and uneasy as he had imagined.

At this moment, his heart was as calm and cold as a winter lake, and he watched the man in front of him silently through the mask on his face, Okumura Baldi, the commander of the strongest western army of the Dawn Revolutionary Army.

Just that sentence,

The tone of the other party is "request\

,"The content of the spoken word is also a "request".

But as long as the head is not stupid.

Anyone can hear the threat in the other party's words.

The man in front of him is not threatening Higashinohara himself.

Instead, after gaining insight into Higashinohara's identity through the huge intelligence network of Liming's five armies all over the world, he used a not-too-obscure method,

Threatening his friends and even relatives.

Do you want to do it now?

In the case of triggering the [Crime Manual], not to mention the slightly unexpected six-star crime value of the opponent.

Just the hidden "innate ability" and the disguised "level of ability" make Higashinohara's battle in this state full of unknowns.


If only so,

That's no big deal.

Higashinohara was not someone who could not take risks.

Since this period of time, he has fought against the ninth-level powerhouse several times. Although he has made a lot of preparations each time, he does not have full confidence.

If it's really just his business,

Then Higashinohara may have already tried to fight the opponent at close range at the risk of risking at this moment-he couldn't leave himself a hidden danger of instability.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

At the end of the "request" just now, the other party seemed to mention "we are not alone" very lightly.

that means,

Even if he suddenly exploded at this moment,

It was so perfect that it could not be more perfect according to the plan, and completely wiped out the Liming Western Army active in Shangjing in the underground waterway.

But if the other party really has a very accurate grasp of his identity information, then other people in the Dawn Revolutionary Army may still threaten his relatives and friends.

Higashinohara could not accept this "possibility".

this time,

He was not silent for long.

In just an instant, the tense atmosphere in the dark sewer disappeared.

The surrounding soldiers of the Dawn Revolutionary Army only felt an inexplicable lightness on their shoulders, and immediately looked at Higashinohara, their eyes full of vigilance and vague fear.

Higashinohara raised his head and looked at the man in front of him again. The man sensed the murderous looseness on Higashinohara's body, a smile slowly appeared on his face, and his tone became soft again, "Believe me, there is no eternal love in this world." Enemies, but humans and humans are always the most steadfast allies, and cooperation is always the best choice for us.”

"I don't intend to offend." Higashinohara seemed to have seriously considered the possibility of cooperation between the two parties for the first time until now, staring into each other's eyes and said seriously:

"Cooperation may be a good choice for me, but there must always be more choices for the objects of cooperation. With all due respect, I don't think that an underground organization like yours has any possibility of confronting the world government."

Higashinohara's words may not be very polite.

But if this is not polite,

But it made Okumura Baldi, the commander of the Western Army of the Dawn Revolutionary Army, more gratified than before.

For being able to say such unkind words,

At the very least, it shows that the other party is really thinking seriously about the feasibility of cooperation.

"We have been active in the land at the foot of the world government for so many years, which has proved our organizational ability." Okumura Baldi said with a smile while looking at Higashinohara.

Higashinohara said unmoved, "Rats can also live in the dark sewers in any corner of the city for many years, but this does not mean that they will be able to stand up and make decisions one day."

This has risen from rude to impolite.

Immediately, it caused the faces of many revolutionary soldiers around to show faint anger, but remembering the terrifying killing intent released by the other party just at that moment, they still forcibly suppressed their dissatisfaction.

There was no anger on Okumura Baldi's face.

Higashinohara found that this man always had a refreshing smile on his face as long as there was something to talk about, and he would not show any emotional expressions.

This is a man who is very good at disguising.

There was some judgment in his mind.

at the same time,

There are also some thoughts in my mind.

Could it be that the reason why [Guilty Manual] adds a (?) after the opponent's ability level after triggering the mission is related to the opponent's disguise?

Or in other words,

The opponent's ability is the ability related to camouflage?

Higashinohara kept guessing in his mind,

On the surface, he stared at each other calmly.

Okumura Baldi didn't hesitate at all when he heard the words, he just shook his head and said with a smile, "Of course we can't rely on us alone, but what the Dawn Revolutionary Army has to do and has been doing is always to bring a ray of hope to mankind. The dawn of dawn.

When the new world comes, it is never me or us who really turn around and decide!

but all human beings in the world,


He is the real master of this world! "

His words were sincere,

It seems that every sentence is from the heart.

If Higashinohara hadn't already seen how dirty, ugly and abhorrent the actions of these revolutionary careerists, I'm afraid he would have been moved a little bit.

But right now,

When the other party said that,

That's what Higashinohara heard.

There is no fluctuation in the heart.

It wasn't until the other party had finished speaking that he shook his head and said noncommittally, "But what should we do? Human beings in this world seem to have gotten used to their current status, to the superiority of heaven and man, to looking up, to admiring, to the power of the world government for millennia."

Speaking of this, Higashinohara also sighed a little in his heart, and immediately looked directly into the other person's eyes and said, "You should understand how terrifying the power of habit is, and it can't be solved by me killing a few high-level people."

"The power of habit is indeed frightening,"

Okumura Baldi also sighed softly, then suddenly shook his head and said with a smile, "But looking up, admiring, longing... will always only lengthen the distance from 'understanding', the reason why we look up, admire and even yearn Celestial beings, it's just because...we don't know them well enough."


Higashinohara glanced at each other.

The commander of the Western Army, Okumura Baldi, said noncommittally, "If one day, human beings know the true face of the gods and humans that they have been used to aloof. It is a 'group of something', I am afraid that at that time, it will be difficult in our hearts What feelings of longing and admiration have arisen."

"A group of what?"

Higashinohara captured the key words.

"I don't know what a group of things it is." Okumura Baldi shrugged, and a faint smile slowly appeared on the corners of his lips, "But if there is no accident, at the latest when the World Conference is held time...we'll find out soon."

Higashinohara heard the words and took a deep look at the other party.

This man who organized the Dawn Revolutionary Army for more than ten years under the eyes of the world government in the upper Kyoto metropolitan area seems to have vaguely grasped some secrets that few people in the world know.


He didn't look so sure either.

Do you still need to verify?

Where to verify? !

Higashinohara pondered in his heart.

But at this moment,

But Okumura Baldi raised his arm and looked down at the old-fashioned metal mechanical watch on his wrist, and smiled and said something that was often on the lips of Higashinohara during the battle.

"time is limited."

Higashinohara looked up at him.

"I admit that it is very difficult to find the dawn in this darkness that has been ruled by heaven and man for thousands of years. But no matter how difficult things are, there must always be someone to do it, isn't it? Everyone in the Dawn Revolutionary Army has the determination The determination to change the world!" Okumura Baldi said with a smile.

The people around seemed to be infected by these words, and the expressions on their faces became extremely frenzied for a moment.

"Thanks to Your Excellency,

Now, I'm afraid we can only evacuate Shangjing first. "

Okumura Baldi, the mild-mannered commander of the Western Army, made a joke,

He said softly, "For the next half a month, sir, please consider carefully before making a decision. If you want to cooperate with us, the Dawn Revolutionary Army will open the door for you at any time."

Given the final time limit, Okumura Baldi nodded with a smile, then turned around and led everyone away with their backs to Higashinohara.

The other party left no contact information.

This situation can only show that the other party seems to be sure that he can contact him when needed.

In the dim light,

The footsteps fade away,

Until the group of people disappeared at the end of the corner.

Suddenly, Higashinohara's consciousness sank into the pitch-black "Crime Manual" in his mind, squinting his eyes and silently watching the task triggered on the latest page.

Then put it on top in silence.


Waiting for a reply?

I hope you are not too surprised

The new month is hot!

At the beginning of this month, double the monthly pass!

Double the fun!

Grandpas who still have surplus food in the ticket warehouse, please give Yeye a shot, thank you, kowtow, bang bang bang!

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