Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 477 What is the ninth level?

Past history has proved that

The dark [Crime Manual] in Higashinohara's mind is not as "intelligent" as he imagined, and only triggers tasks that match his current strength. Even if some tasks are triggered, they may not be able to be completed.

For example, the clearing mission that was triggered when he met the demon sword Puso Wiseman for the first time in White Swan Harbor.

At that time, Higashinohara and Dorothy Alita were both strong enough to resist the opponent, and in the end they had no choice but to seize the opportunity to hit the opponent hard and then fled.

At this time, in the meeting hall of the Hall of Valor, the old man in front of him was a terrifying existence that even the perverted genius demon sword Puso Wiseman didn't want to mention.

Although Higashinohara has also grown after that battle, under normal circumstances, his strength has stepped from the quasi-ninth level to the real ninth level.

But even so,

He also wouldn't be so hotheaded that he naively relied on the 100 attribute points provided by the "Ten Stars of Evil" to try to challenge the first arbitrator whose ability level couldn't even be shown in the [Crime Manual] in his mind.

That was simply too long.

Just as Higashinohara judged the situation and calmly analyzed whether the task triggered by [Crime Manual] was cheating himself, this world conference, which was broadcast live to the whole world, finally slowly kicked off.

In an instant, the world's live broadcast cameras and everyone's eyes were focused on the slightly fat man standing in the back row on the second floor of the conference hall.

He is one of the three chairmen of the Celestial House of Lords, Flor King, who was born in the nine Tianshi tribes but voluntarily gave up competing for the position of the previous generation of patriarchs, and the opening speech of the current World Conference.

At this time, this familiar figure that can be seen almost every three years at the World Conference is wearing a well-crafted dark black formal suit, and the buttons in front of him are slightly unbuttoned to reveal the light gray vest inside.

With a mellow and kind smile on Flor Jin's face, he said loudly:

"After three years, we will gather here again on this day. There are old friends and new faces in this meeting room. Whether we are strangers or familiar, the concept of the World Conference is always the same, that is, love, peace and fairness. The belief in righteousness has spread to every corner of the world, the Creator God belongs to the Creator God, and the world belongs to the world.”

Flor Jin paused when he said this, and glanced at the faces below who were either sincerely listening or hypocritical, and his tone suddenly became a little harsh.

"However, there are always some people in this world who try to challenge our beliefs, put their greed, desire and ignorance above world peace, and challenge the majesty and bottom line of the world government time and time again!"

Hearing the 'accusation' suddenly stated by Mr. Flor Kim after an impassioned speech.

The members of the upper and lower houses of the Hall of Valor and representatives from more than 300 countries almost knew what the other was talking about. Naturally, it was the mysterious man wearing a clown mask who caused a stir in the upper Kyoto area a month ago. That storm and the waves.

For a moment, the representatives of various countries sitting at the red oak conference table couldn't help but have different expressions, wondering what the chairman of the parliament meant when he singled out this matter in his opening speech.

Is it killing chickens to scare monkeys?

Everyone's eyes can't help but drift in a certain direction.

Nobuo Kobayashi, the interim prime minister, suddenly turned pale!

His scalp felt a little tingling, and his whole heart sank continuously. The expression on his face was a little struggling, and it seemed that he was about to make a very difficult decision deep in his heart.

You must know that the interim Prime Minister Nobuo Kobayashi made the worst plan before coming, that is, Wano country will be put together with those "problem countries" to vote on whether to propose an alliance proposal.

However, at this moment,

The chairman of the Congress, Flor King, brought up this matter alone, which made people wonder whether the other party wanted to set it as a model or wanted to make use of it.

"Have to admit he succeeded."

Flor Jin said with a solemn face, "But where there is darkness, there will be light! If you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price, and those who cover it up will even have to pay a more serious price!"

The representatives of various countries at the conference table in the conference hall suddenly showed thoughtful expressions when they heard the words, but their faces were calm, and they were wise and safe.

At this time, the tone of the chairman of the Congress, Flor King, seemed to have suddenly softened again, with a little smile on his face, he looked around the representatives of various countries in the chamber and said, "Okay, there are five items on the agenda of this world conference. , then let us proceed to the first item on the agenda of this conference—the proposal on whether to add members of the Allied Powers.”

Accompanied by Flor King's words, some waiters with file bags walked out from behind the red oak conference table that traversed most of the conference hall, greeted them in a decent manner, and presented to the representatives of the 321 countries participating in the conference. on the proposal.

The current total membership of the Allies is 356.

It means that about 35 representatives of the world conference were absent from the conference due to various reasons. These countries had registered with the world government as early as a year ago.

But the representatives of the countries who came here today, after receiving the proposal of [Allied Power Supplement], the world's first agenda item, from the waiter, the faces of the representatives of more than 20 countries became tense all of a sudden. .

Nobuo Kobayashi, Wano Country's Interim Prime Minister, turned pale with tension. He opened the file folder with both hands, and glanced down at the "problem countries" that appeared in the supplementary proposal.

【Rody Independent Kingdom】

【Enfei Country】

【Heihe Republic】

【Mabu Principality】

Nobuo Kobayashi's bald forehead had a little sweat, and his eyes swept down line by line.

Haven't seen the end yet,

Suddenly, his heart clicked, and it was no accident that he saw the very striking three words in the supplementary proposal.

【Wano Country】

Appears in this supplemental proposal.

Tokugawa Kuritora, who was standing behind Nobuo Kobayashi, did not see the handwriting on the proposal document.

But he only saw the clues by observing the expression on the face of interim Prime Minister Nobuo Kobayashi.

At this time, Higashinohara, who was standing further back, took a look at Tokugawa Kuritora who turned around.

The latter sighed and shook his head at him.

"Kicked out?"

Higashinohara asked softly.

"Not yet."

Tokugawa Kurito shook his head and said softly, "The proposal needs to be reviewed afterward."

Higashinohara nodded thoughtfully upon hearing the words.

He has heard a little about the review of proposals at the World Conference. Generally, the human lower house reviews it first, and after passing it, it is passed to the heavenly upper house to propose amendments.

The two sides will discuss this again.

If the House of Commons cannot reach a consensus on a certain proposal, it will soon fall into a state of "ping-pong" until the proposal finally reaches a consensus before it can be passed.

to some extent,

This can be seen as the World Conference handing over the review of proposals to the Human House of Commons, while the final decision-making power is still firmly in the hands of the Heavenly Human House of Lords.

The spacious hall of Valor Hall was quiet for less than five minutes before Flor King, one of the three chairpersons, stood up again.

He looked down at the crowd and said,

"Okay, everyone must have read the proposal, then the first item on the agenda of this World Conference has officially started, and the first country to be considered is [Rodi Independent Kingdom]."

Accompanied by the chairman's words, the introduction of [Rody's Independent Kingdom] also appeared on the light curtain in front of the chamber.

The general idea is that the country has been in a state of chaotic warfare between the anti-government army and the government army all year round. The various functional departments of the country are overstaffed and the people are in dire straits.

After the detailed information and secret investigation evidence were presented, there was not much controversy. The upper and lower houses voted 180:20 and 240:60 respectively to pass the proposal to ban [Rodi Independent Kingdom].

When this news spread throughout the chamber, and once again spread to the whole world through the live broadcast, it meant that from this moment on, there would be no [Rody Independent Kingdom] in the world.

A country vanished into thin air.

All citizens will become subjugated people.

From the perspective of Higashinohara at this moment,

It happened that Nobuo Kobayashi, acting interim cabinet minister, clenched his fists and trembled slightly.

Next, one country after another was placed on a light screen for "public execution".

Some countries disintegrate directly, some countries survive, and there is no other third result other than this.

“[The Principality of Mabu] trampled on the power of the people and despised the laws and regulations of the world government. After the deliberation and approval of the House of Commons, it will never retain its seat in the allied countries.”

"Next, Wano Country."

After the short sentence was over, it was finally Wano Country's turn, and everyone cheered up when they heard the name.

Everyone knows that Wano Country has now become a thorn in the side of the world government. Will there be a miracle in the trial of this World Conference?

"The Wano country is suspected of colluding with the rebels and repeatedly trampling on the laws and regulations of the world government and the Judgment Division, which has caused extremely bad effects on countries around the world. Before the upper and lower houses of the House of Representatives vote for the trial, I would like to ask the representatives of the countries concerned to have any defense statements Is it?" In the seat of the upper house of heaven and man, the chairman of the assembly, Flor King, said in a calm tone.

Almost at the same time,

The old man from the Judgment Division who was sitting in the same row with the representatives of the Nine Heavens and Humans raised his eyes slightly and stared in the direction of Wano Country.

At this time, under the gaze of countless gazes, the short and slightly bald temporary acting minister Nobuo Kobayashi finally stood up from the chair beside the conference table.

He bowed his head and picked up the microphone and said with some difficulty, "I will not defend the allegations in the proposal. Wano Country has indeed had some problems in recent years."

"But that's not what I want to say. The citizens of Wano Country live and work in peace and contentment, the country is stable and prosperous, and the society is full of vigor and vitality. Therefore, I would like to ask all congressmen to take this into consideration before voting. For the well-being of the people, such a country deserves to exist."

Hearing Nobuo Kobayashi's words, Chairman of the House of Representatives, Flor King, showed no extra emotion on his face, and said indifferently, "The representative of Wano Country has finished his statement, so the members of the Upper and Lower Houses are invited to vote."

Soon, the number of votes on the light screen began to fluctuate, and the result of the Celestial Lords was 200:0.

Unanimous vote!

The nobles of the Upper House of Heaven and Man all agreed with the disintegration of the Wano Kingdom. Almost at the same time, the voting results of the Lower House were also announced soon, also 287:13.

The upper and lower members of parliament reached a consensus in the initial vote, which means that the proposal to kick Wano country out of the alliance and disintegrate was passed.

Even though he had prepared himself countless times before coming here, Nobuo Kobayashi, the interim cabinet minister in the midst of the national crisis, suddenly turned pale and sat down on a chair in a daze.

After a short short breath, he suddenly stood up from the chair, struggled to raise his hand and said, "I protest! I, I apply to the delegation of the Allied Powers to intervene in the procedure for arbitration!"

According to the rules and regulations of the World Conference, if a representative of a country cannot accept the proposal passed by the upper and lower houses, he can apply to the delegation of the allied countries to join the arbitration.

In the arbitration, if more than 90% of the countries vote against the joint arbitration, the proposal will be put on hold and revised by the House of Commons before being submitted for reconsideration.

The reason why no one from the countries that have been tried before applied for arbitration is that on the one hand, people speak lightly, and on the other hand, there will not be too many changes in the revised proposal of the House of Commons. Such a system has no effect.

It is nothing more than a temporary delay of death.

At this moment, the representatives of various countries looked at the firm expression on the face of Nobuo Kobayashi, the interim acting minister of Wano Country, and their hearts were either ridiculed, contemptuous, or sympathetic.

No one thought he would be successful in stalling.


Of course there is no miracle.

After Flor King, the chairman of the House of Lords on the second floor, announced the start of the joint arbitration on behalf of the Allies with a deadpan face.

But two minutes of work,

The joint voting was completed by excluding representatives from 320 countries abroad at the conference table.


The glaring numbers were displayed on the big screen, and Wano Country only received single-digit support, which meant that the joint arbitration failed and the original judgment of the Upper and Lower Houses was upheld.

For a moment, the celestial aristocrats of the upper house on the second floor showed a little sarcasm, as if they were watching a poor clown standing on the edge of a knife and trying hard to survive.

The chairman of the congress, Flor King, has already withdrawn his gaze, and said indifferently, "Your Excellency, the arbitration has failed, and the trial will take effect. Immediately, the Wano Kingdom will be permanently cancelled."

"I thought it was not my race, and its heart must be different. I didn't expect the same race to kill each other, but I was born here again."

Suddenly, a man's voice came from the huge conference hall, interrupting Flor King's sentence without warning.

There was an uproar among the crowd!

On such an occasion today, there are still people who dare to interrupt the sentencing of His Excellency the Speaker in public?

Is it too long?

almost at the same time,

The black-robed executive team of the Judgment Department scattered around the corners of the Hall of Valor's meeting room walked down with unfriendly expressions.

Today the first adjudicator is sitting on it, and they are bound to find out the troublemakers as quickly as possible!

However, when the black-robed executive team of the Judgment Division approached the meeting table from all directions and scanned the crowd with a scrutinizing gaze, they were shocked to find that they couldn't find the target!

At this time, the voice continued like a ghost traveling through thousands of years of time and space, "The footsteps of the times have crushed our former glory, but we still uphold the most proud belief. This is the meaning of human existence, isn't it?"

The chairman of the assembly, Flor Jin, whose words were interrupted, also sank slightly, but said in an unexpectedly calm tone, "No matter who you are, I guarantee that you will pay a price that you absolutely do not want to imagine."

Behind the seats on the second floor, the condescending representatives of the Nine Families also frowned and scanned the meeting hall blankly.

And beside the silver-haired old man in charge of the Judgment Department, the Eighth Judgment made Ulduar anxiously listen to the news from the headset.

However, none of the black-robed executive teams scattered around the meeting hall of the Hall of Valor have discovered where the sound came from until now.

Annoyed and apprehensive in his heart, he quickly bent down and asked for instructions from the old man Gru Wiseman who was sitting still, "My lord, none of the teams have found any abnormalities, and the person who secretly disturbed the venue is probably a ninth-level powerhouse! Shall we... evacuate the congressmen first."

Unexpectedly, his voice fell,

It took a while for the silver-haired old man who had been sitting in the Judgment Division for nearly half a century before he raised his head and glanced at him lightly, and said in a calm voice:

"What is the ninth level?"

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