"The person who did all these things may not be crazy."Su Han narrowed his eyes. His words were incomprehensible.

Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment, then stared at Su Han in astonishment,"Do you know what exactly happened?"

"Roughly the same!"Su Han did not explain directly, but closed his eyes and entered the guild task column. Sure enough, he found that a main task was refreshed.


Mission name: Kill the time traveler. Time traveler name: Darius Einsworth.

Brief introduction: A special time traveler who time travels into the body of the original character Darius. Has a world invasion system. Darius used a special system to separate the parallel world he was in from the control of Gaia and Alaya, and put it under his own command. But now, Darius wants to get Miyu and sacrifice it. Use the power of the Holy Grail to truly control that parallel world, and use this as a basis to invade other Xingyue parallel worlds.

Character power: Occupying an entire parallel world! Possessing power close to that of the Lord of the World. And the members under his command are also blessed by the parallel world! And let your own strength increase significantly.

Mission requirements: Kill Darius.

Mission restrictions: Current members of Magical Girl Illya World can participate.

Mission assistance: You can seek support from Gaia and Alaya! Let it send heroic spirits to assist. You can even ask Chaldea for help. Let the Chaldeans come. (You can choose independently)

Task reward: 200,000 points, one unlimited lottery opportunity


After reading this mission, Su Han's expression suddenly became a little strange. He thought for a moment, completed the screenshot, and then threw it in the guild chat room.

After a brief silence, countless messages from within the union came out.

I am a Marquis:"???"

The old man is a Marquis:"What? Another mission appears...Darius?! Who is Darius? What is Einzworth? Listen to this name, what does it have to do with Einzbern? Relationship?"

The old Marquis was a little confused. Each of these names feels strange.

Gabriel:"……It was obvious at a glance that the old Marquis had not read the follow-up copy of the president’s new magical girl Illya."

I am a Marquis:"……I'm really sorry for not watching it."

The corner of the old Marquis's mouth twitched, but he could not refute.

The fallen angel twelve-winged black cat clan:"It's too complicated if you explain it carefully! For now, just think of Einzworth as the Einzbern of another world. Although the difference is quite big... But let's just understand it this way."

Nayako:" God really understands this! Just because the names are similar doesn't mean they are the same thing. You are really a genius at explaining."

Nayako was shocked, how can he explain it like this?!

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"So I said, let's just understand it this way!"

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family of the Fallen Angel:"Illya is the Holy Grail of this world! And Miyu Emiya should be the Holy Grail of Einzworth's world, right? She should have the ability to make wishes come true! Not the tainted Holy Grail of Fate/Zero... but the true Holy Grail that can grant wishes."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family of the Fallen Angel:"Now, people from the Einzworth family! Coming across the world for a beautiful trip...that's probably what happened."

Tony is not the richest man:"Okay... I roughly understand."

Although Tony was still confused about the personnel, this was mainly because he had not read the subsequent chapters of Magical Girl Illya. He probably understood what happened.

Then, a wry smile appeared on Tony's face.

Tony is not the richest man:"I’m so angry! I should have known that I would also be involved in this mission. If only I were involved!"So this mission is already within reach?"

Sakata Gintoki:"It's here! Tony Stark's super narcissistic ability!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Yeah, so narcissistic! It doesn't sound like Tony Stark is there. , President, they can’t complete the task! I strongly suggest that President help Mr. Tony Stark get banned for 10 years."

Tony is not the richest man:"??? It’s too much, 10 years is really too much."

Ram:"……Did a mission appear?

Ram:"In that case, I can only let my shadow clone help Irisviel cook.""

After a brief hesitation, Ram decided to join the battle. Although her cooking skills are extremely terrifying, she only learned them for Su Han. What she loves is not cooking skills, but becoming stronger in battle and taking care of Su Han..Now that I encounter an opportunity, I will naturally not give up easily.

Magical Girl Illya:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"So, at this critical time of world invasion! Does Irisviel still care about cooking?"

Leader Luo Hao:"Ignore what is happening outside the window and only focus on cooking black dishes. Kasumi

Shiko:"It's so true!"

Horaishan Kaguya:"Maybe Irisviel has confidence in you! I think you can solve it. So don't panic at all! I prepared the dishes very calmly." , ready to reward you for your return."

Nakiri Erina:"emmm, it sounds like there is no problem! But when I think about it carefully, I feel that something is wrong! How could Irisviel know how powerful the president and the others are? Stronger? How can the final outcome be determined now?!"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"What you said makes sense! I am speechless. I can only be a 666 salted fish next to me."

Kirishima Touka:"This live broadcast has changed from the previous daily drama style to a battle drama style? I suddenly became interested."

King:"What's so interesting about this? It's not a battle. Hot-Blooded Fan! It's more appropriate to call it the Invincible Fan."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Invincible Fan? The type of Saiki Kusuo and One Punch Man? I can't even refute it."

Saiki Kusuo:"……"

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the bright and blazing flames swept out of the room behind him, gathered around Su Han out of thin air, and turned into Ram.

There was a faint smile on Ram's lips, staring at the broken time and space in the distance, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. A single horn appeared on her forehead slowly from scratch, and extremely terrifying magic power poured out of her body. Even distorted the void.

She said softly,"The enemy this time is so strong! You can feel the suffocating aura even from a distance. We must go all out!"

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia looked at this blankly. This scene made everyone feel suffocated at this moment.

It was really because the magic power revealed by Ram was too terrifying and beyond their imagination. All that filled the air at this moment was magic power condensed into substance.

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