Even though Onyxia is the big boss of World of Warcraft, after feeling the kindness of the union members, she still felt a rare surge in her heart.

Accardo:"So! The matter of the Black Dragon Princess has been resolved. The next thing to discuss! It should be the matter of Wolverine, right?"

Holding two guns in his hands, Accardo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although Onyxia's fate is indeed tragic, Accardo is more concerned about the X-Men. Because what happened to the mutants reminded him of his own past.

Wolverine:"……I never thought about my past and my future! It would actually be like this."

After reading the memory copy, Wolverine only roughly knew his past. But at least he knew who he was and why he lost his memory. This was enough. Not to mention, after knowing the past At the same time, he also knew the future.

Kasumi Shiko:"Mutants are so miserable! Rejected by the entire world."

Xia Shizi:"It's okay to be ostracized... but he is actually being hunted by the Citizen Army! Then do your research."

Nakiri Erina:"Actually, I'm very surprised... Doesn't Citigroup advertise freedom and democracy?"

Nakiri Erina:"If the matter of human experimentation is exposed...then even if many people in Citizen reject mutants...but no matter how much they reject it, they will at least resist human experimentation, right?"

L:"What mutants should really do! Not as powerful as Magneto. That will only intensify the conflict between humans and mutants……"

L:"But having said that, if Magneto's plan succeeds, only mutants will be left in the world! There is really no need to consider the conflict between mutants and humans……"

L's expression was a bit complicated, Magneto's method was too extreme. Although this is indeed a solution...

After thinking about it, L continued to speak in the chat room

L:"Ahem! What mutants should reveal is that they are actually a vulnerable group in the world! It is the injured party. After some operations, Citigroup officials may stick to political correctness! thus giving shelter to mutants"

L:"Just like now, if you bully people of other skin colors! You may be labeled as racist. If it really gets to that point! Bullying mutants and being accused of racial discrimination basically means there is no need to worry about the survival of mutants."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Not only that...mutants are not only harmed by others, but also by themselves."

Tony is not the richest man:"After all, although there are many mutants with very strong abilities! But there are also many mutants with abilities that are weak but also have fatal flaws."

Tomori Nao:"……"

The more Yuri Nao looked at her face, the weirder she became. Why did she feel that the experiences of mutants were somewhat similar to those of superpowers in their world? However, there are some slight differences.

Mutants are well known to the public in the X-Men world, and the public also has a repulsive attitude towards mutants. As for the existence of superpowers in Charlotte's world, only the top forces and those scientists know about it.


Tony is not the richest man:"@武wolf. If you need help, you can give me permission to go to your world."

Wolverine:"What are you going to do?"

Wolverine, who was in a daze and hesitation, became alert for a moment. Eyes twinkling.

After all, he didn't know much about the members within the guild. I don't know if there will be anyone in the guild who is not good for me or even my world. Tony is not the richest man:"I am very interested in Professor

, because I am indeed very interested in the so-called mutant abilities... I am just researching solutions to mutant gene defects! By the way, I want to satisfy my thirst for knowledge."


Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Mr. Tony is still very trustworthy! And guild members cannot hurt each other."

Kasumi Shiko:"Should you make your own judgment on this kind of thing?"

Kasumi Shiko:"@ Wolverine. Go watch Iron Man and the Avengers series! You will naturally have a certain understanding of Mr. Tony's character."

Wolverine:"……iron Man? The Avengers?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Iron Man and the Avengers for Tony! It's like X-Men and Wolverine for you. If you say this, you can understand it, right?"

Wolverine:"……I see! I'll take a good look. @Tony is not the richest man. I'll give you a specific answer after I finish reading it!"

Tony is not the richest man:"OK!"

Batman:"I'm also a little interested in another world!"

Batman:"@武wolf. You can also take a look at the Batman in the guild! Even the memory copy of the Justice League."

Wolverine:"……Do you think I would release you into our world to dissect mutants?"

Wolverine Logan is obviously very upset about what the guild said before, that Batman likes to dissect people with super powers. After Batman spoke at this moment...he made no secret of his hostility.


Nakiri Erina:"……This is the attitude created by word of mouth."

Monkey D Dorag:"Actually, it's not bad! After all, Batman is a hero who symbolizes justice! More importantly... no matter whether the opponent is a good guy or a bad guy! Batman has never killed a person. Although I don't think this is a good thing!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually... Batman in the DC world has started killing people! That's what's really scary."

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Why is this?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I remember the Laughing Bat from a certain comic parallel universe! It was Batman who killed the Joker. The clown virus infected the clowns! Completely blackened."

Su Xiaoxiao:"The blackened version of the Laughing Bat tortured Superman so badly... He was literally playing to death."

Su Xiaoxiao:"At the end! The Laughing Bat even destroyed the entire world... Compare that to how Batman was restrained when facing villains before he went dark! All I can say is that this blackening is no longer a matter of being three times stronger!"

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