Mission name: Kill the Abyss Samsaras.

Abyss Samsara team name: Heroic Spirit Team.

Heroic Spirit Team members: Arus (King Arthur strengthened! Controls the star-made holy sword)

Halmans (Hades downgrades and strengthens! Controls the power of death)

Sami Special (Wise King Flash Enhancement! Control the King's Horn Cannon)

Background Introduction: The Abyss Samsara team goes to the world of Lelouch. Trying to kill Lelouch who succeeded in becoming the Holy Emperor of Great Britain! Thereby causing world-class changes and obtaining mission rewards. Halmans successfully assassinated Lelouch through the power of death! Caused fatal injuries to him.

Mission requirements: Completely kill the members of the Abyss Reincarnator team. Mission restrictions: Three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robbery mission mode is available).

Mission reward: 100,000 points! Random rewards: Star-made Divine Sword/Power of Death/King's Horn Cannon


Looking at this mission, Su Han's expression became extremely exciting. Some dumbfounded.

Su Han tapped his fingers lightly on the table and pondered for a moment. The screenshot was completed and sent to the guild chat room.

Aisaka Taiga:"!!!!"

Shana:"Heroic Spirit...Team?"

Gudazi:"@婷 Shining. Excuse me! Does Ms. Ji'er have any special opinions?"

Niang Shining:"……"

With her brows twitching a few times, Niang Xingxian forced herself to ignore the word chicken. She took a deep breath, her face cold.

Niang Shining:"Wise King Shining Heroic Spirit Mode? How interesting... The miscellaneous cultivator who dares to blaspheme the name of the king! You will never be able to apologize for your sin."

Niang Shining:"I will crush the bones of this miscellaneous cultivator bit by bit. Let him die in the most painful way in the world. I will make him repent for eternity!"

Metaki Kurokami:"It's so terrifying!"

Gintoki Sakata:"Shivering under the domineering power of the Queen."

Kousaka Kyosuke :"……turn out to be! Sakata Gintoki is actually a jerk."

Kosaka Kyosuke felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

Sakata Gintoki:"? ? ? ? Damn it! What grudge? Kousaka Kyosuke, you actually slandered me like this?"

Doctor Luo Man:"Hey, hey, hey... should I say that I am worthy of being my mother?" It's really awesome."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Is this the legendary bragging? As expected, it was very embarrassing."

Dr. Roman:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's normal! Dr. Roman is just a stranger to Jin Shining... He is very familiar with Jin Shining! (Clear Vision Club, get to know.jpg)"

Weber:"Thinking of clairvoyance! I can't help but think of it. Merlin! Speaking of Merlin! I couldn't help but think of women's clothing...and then I thought of Dr. Roman, who regards Mei Li as his idol!"

Doctor Roman:"……Shut up, ah, ah, ah, ah! Don't reveal my dark history again."

Dr. Roman felt his brain trembling.

White-bearded dad:"No matter how many times I see him! Everyone thinks it’s very interesting…it’s really hard to imagine! The perfect King Solomon is called the descendant body of God on earth. Is the true nature like this?"

Lelouch:"……Although, I will let you choose a mission. Then come over again! Maximize benefits.

Lelouch:"But can you please hurry up?" I'm still in a fatal state! I just managed to deal with the wound while you were chatting for a while. I doubt I will bleed to death!"

Lelouch covered his forehead. Fortunately, he used to think that the people in this guild were very reliable! Now it seems... these guys have actually cheated a lot!

Tony is not the richest man:"Shocked! He didn't die by the enemy's gun, but he died from excessive bloodshed... the death of a super tyrant who ruled most of the world!"

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Six six six! There is no shortage of shock members within the union."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Tony Stark, the UC staff is full...come to work at Qiandu Company tomorrow!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Let me go to work? Be careful I buy all these companies."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"My super power is money warning.jpg"


Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, let's stop bragging! Now, those who want to participate in this mission! Get ready to start snatching."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Officially begin!"

At the moment Su Han's words came out For a moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded

"Ding! Guild presidents Su Xiaoxiao, Niang Shining, and Edogawa Conan have successfully participated in this mission."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"?????"

Kasumi Shiko:"Emmm, wait! Tell me, who participated in this mission?"

Weber:"???? Edogawa Conan participated in this mission? Oh my God! I simply thought I saw it wrong."

Edogawa Conan:"Is there anything wrong? Recently! I have worked hard to sharpen myself. Armed, color, view, and color! I have already started. Chakra refining technique! It is also quite effective. Three-kaya technique, perfect."

Edo Conan Chuan:"In addition, the leveling of the World Tree game... Although I have not reached the full level, it has become a reality! However, I should still have the ability to protect myself."

Xiaozhi:"It is reasonable and well-founded. Convincing."

Kaguya Horaiyama:"Ill-cultured! I can only speak. Don't worry, this wave is very stable! Please let me participate in the mission. My strength is enough!"

Kaguya Horaiyama:"And culture People are different...they can say a lot of words! To prove that they are very strong. Others can't help but believe."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned, feeling that this was Kaguya Horaiyama referring to him.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……The staff has been selected! Then, let’s start the mission directly."

Su Han stood up and moved his body. Then, he clicked to start the task. The figure disappeared from the place.


In a very bright basement.

Lelouch's face was extremely pale, and beside him, there were several screens on. Among these screens, there are images of Suzaku, CC, Schneijel and others.

"Do not worry! Lelouch."Xunigel, who is currently the Prime Minister of the Holy British Empire, had a solemn face and a low voice,"It is confirmed that you are not dead! Then everything is easy to say...on the empire's side! I will suppress those who want to cause trouble"

"And those who dare attack you……"There was a slight pause, and a hint of coldness flashed in Schunais's eyes."Even if it means scratching the ground three feet away... I will definitely find them. Make them pay the price!"

Lelouch once said to Schunais. Jace casts a special type of illusion. Thus changing Schneijs's mind.

Schneijs is now one of Lelouch's most loyal subordinates. It is no exaggeration to say that he is Lelouch's die-hard loyalist.

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