

Tomori Nao:"There are too many flaws in movies from the DC world! So let's start discussing movies from the Marvel world."

Mitsuha Miyamizu:"It's too real."

I am the superhero Shazam:"……"

Shazam said he suffered a heavy psychological blow.

Batman:"@ClarkKent. The two of us! Let's go find this little guy Shazam."

After thinking for a while, Batman made a decision.

Batman:"He is still far away from becoming a qualified hero! We need to help him train well!"

Clark Kent:"What you said makes sense! That's it. Let's go to Shazam together. Meet over there."

Kurumi Tokisaki:"Ah la la...meeting two of my idols! Shazam may be very excited."

Ram quickly added.

Ram:"However, when Shazam goes through the devil training of the two! He won't be excited."

Rem:"Sister is right!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Speaking of Marvel."

Sakata Gintoki :"I think... this battle in Avengers 4! Although Thor is useless, Captain America's performance is very eye-catching! It completely subverted my dislike for Captain America among the three."

Sakata Gintoki quite Some feelings. In Captain America: Civil War, many people in the guild couldn't stand the way Steve hurt Tony Stark. However, Tony said that he could solve it at that time, so no one in the guild intervened.

Nakiri Erina:"Hold a hammer in one hand and a shield in the other. Starting today! Who else dares to question my name as captain of the United States?"

Kirishima Toka:"That's right! How about facing Thanos? If you can't beat it, just force cheat! Continue to force 55."

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Avengers 4, as a work for fans. It is undoubtedly very suitable! However, there are still many places where the logic cannot be reconciled."

Asuna:"……I think so!"

Asuna:"For example... why did the captain of the United States travel through time and space at the end! But he didn't come back again with the help of the time and space machine? Appears later and becomes the elderly version directly……"

Phoenix Academy:"At times like this! It's up to my crazy scientists to answer."

Phoenix Academy:"Obviously...according to Marvel's philosophy! Captain America should return all the gems at the end. He traveled back to 1945! And danced once with the woman who had been waiting for him. He might even get married secretly!"

King:"But... doesn't this cause time refutation?"

Phoenix Academy Fierce Truth:"I understand. Your doubts."

Phoenix Academy Fierce Truth:"But go back in time! There may be two American captains online at a certain period of time... You just need to travel back to the past and hide yourself. Don't overturn past history! There's not much of a problem."

Phoenix Academy Fierce Master said:"Not to mention... there is also the woman waiting for Captain America to help him hide his identity. I remember that woman seemed to have become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at some point in time. ? Thinking about it this way, she should also have a lot of power."

Horaishan Kaguya:"In other words... that mysterious man who married Carter! Is the captain of the United States who traveled to the past from the future? Shocking Got it!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Applause! That's awesome. Oh my god... there is no flaw."

Kasumi Shiko:"The Phoenix Academy is so fierce!"

Weber:"In the guild... There are really a lot of talents. They study time machines! They think about killing gods all day long. They are gods themselves. Cultivation madmen. Great magicians! Super scientists...there are countless."

Su Xiaoxiao:"There are always big guys in the guild, such as Cloud!"

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"@ Tony is not the richest man. So what are you going to do next?"

Tony is not the richest man:"I'm going to... go to Morgan's world."

Tony's expression was calm, with an inexplicable and complicated brilliance shining in his eyes..

Whitebeard dad:"What Tony means... is that he is going to help himself in another time period? Solve Thanos."

Tony is not the richest man:"Absolutely."

Edogawa Conan:"Mr. Tony... I feel You're complicating the problem!"

Edogawa Conan:"A summary of the overall plot of Avengers 4 is that because the Infinity Stones were destroyed by Thanos, the remaining members have no way to snap their fingers and kill everyone. Bring them all back! This is how time travel begins……"

Edogawa Conan:"The key question is! President, he has now perfectly integrated the Infinity Stones. If he wants to! Travel to the world of Avengers 4 and snap his fingers, he can accomplish everything. So it is not possible at all. We need to follow the original plot!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family:"Hey! It's so reasonable and convincing."

Kirishima Touka:"President, that's really awesome."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"So I still have a question that I can’t understand... I don’t understand why Thanos wiped out half the people in the universe with just a snap of his fingers!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"And it’s just that he had a brain attack. Why did he destroy it in the end? Infinity stones?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It has been proven countless times by history! The population has dropped by less than half due to war or accidents. Then after peace comes, there will be a large-scale baby boom. In a short period of time, there will be The population has increased dramatically. Thinking about it from this perspective...does his snap of his fingers make sense? In a few decades, the population will all come back."


Kousaka Kyosuke:"I've been thinking about it! In the end, I can only come to one conclusion... I'm afraid there's something wrong with Thanos's brain."

Kousaka Kyosuke doesn't know what kind of feelings he has for Thanos. Maybe it's because of his relationship with Thanos. Although the concepts are different, I also feel that many of his ideas are very naive and ridiculous.

I am a Marquis:"I think! It may be a problem with the Titan's fertility level. It takes a long time for the Eternal Titan to reproduce its race... Then, Thanos also thinks that this is the time for all creatures in the universe to reproduce their race... So"Say."

I am a Marquis:"Okay... just treat it like this, I can't make it up anymore."

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