Loki:"……I always feel like you are hinting at me!"

Bujima Yako:" Having said that... Ms. Shirai is not qualified to say that, right?"

Nakiri Erina:"I silently imagined the devil in the world of Magical Index……"

Nakiri Erina:"The world of Suzumiya Haruhi! After all, there is only one god like Suzumiya Haruhi. But in the world of Magical Index... there are plural demons!"

Nakiri Erina:"And every demon can pinch the world. Playing with your hands. I want to ask, how big is the psychological shadow of Ms. Shirai Kuroko?"

Shirai Kuroko:"……"

Shirai Kuroko said he was speechless.

One way:"……"

Misaka Mikoto:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"@ Suzumiya Haruhi. Don't forget what we agreed before."

Let the world feel the pain:"The president frowned slightly, feeling that Suzumiya Haruhi might have forgotten what he said before and started to let himself go. So. , the president silently recalled his ban authority.jpg"

I am a Marquis:"A secret threat.jpg"

Tony is not the richest man:"……Uzumaki Nagato, the picture you mentioned suddenly appeared in my mind. This is too vivid!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"……coincidence! Me too. I remembered it all at once...why do I always feel this is so sad."

Whitebeard Dad:"I didn't recall it."

Tony is not the richest man:"……The old man with white beard said this! I feel even sadder."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Xia Shizi:"……Only those people who are often silenced by the president would be so sensitive to think of that scene because of Uzumaki Nagato's words, right?"

Sakata Gintoki:"……It hurts my heart! Are you a devil?

Nayako:"No!" No! How can you say devil? Should you say, are you Gabriel?"


Gabriel looked confused, what does this have to do with her?

Xia Shizi:"Wow! @NAYAZI. I have no grudge against you, but you are so vicious."


Gabriel finally reacted. After a brief silence, she had the urge to blow the horn of destruction.

Xiao Zhizhi:"Pfft, hahaha. A series of combination punches, and Gabriel was knocked unconscious."

Time passed very quickly while chatting in the guild.

Soon, Ram came over and called Su Han to eat.

After eating, he took a few girls into Sword Art Online to level up for a while, and then Su Han went to bed. When Su Han woke up early the next morning, he found that the guild was still lively. And now, a certain Lucifer Demon King has apparently been released from the dark room.

Kasumi Shiko:"@ Sirzechs. Brother-in-law, hello! Do you have any special thoughts after reading the copy of Devil High School Memory?"

Yako Busujima:"@ Sirzechs. Brother-in-law! Actually, I I'm also quite curious about this matter."

Xiao Zhizhi:"Plus me! Also, Rias is my wife. (Funny dog ​​head.jpg)"


Saiki Kusuo:"Why are you guys causing trouble?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"That is, if I don't know your nature clearly, I almost suspect that you have collectively turned into a lily like Ms. Shirai Kuroko."

Shirai Kuroko:"!!! Wow! How many times do I have to say it, I am not Lily, but the one I like happens to be onee-sama."

Misaka Mikoto:"Kuroko!"

Shirai Kuroko:"Ahhh... onee-sama, the spur of love."

Let the world feel the pain:"This is so graphic……"

Nakiri Erina:"This is also a normal thing...Shirai Kuroko Misaka Mikoto Den, this is also one of the famous scenes in a certain scientific railgun."

Koro-sensei:"A terrifying famous scene!"

Koro-sensei:"I feel that there are many famous scenes that can be said to be the dark history of guild members."

Loki:"That's so right."

Kirishima Touka:"Thor patted his big belly. It means what you said makes sense.jpg"

Thor Odinson:"……"

Thor thought about it for a long time, but it still didn't bubble up in the guild.

You say Sol! What does this have to do with Thor, the God of Thunder?

Haruhi Suzumiya:"I have to say! The world that Ms. Shino no Hoshi lives in is really interesting. She is also an amazing scientist! A super mecha! It's super powerful when worn on the body." Shino no

Hoshi:"You can It's the best if you like it."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Wait... Now Suzumiya Haruhi is in the world of Shino no Bunch?"

Su Han was a little surprised. Before going to bed yesterday, he didn't see any news about this in the guild..

Shinozooji:"Yesterday Suzumiya Haruhi privately told me... that I wanted to come to our world to play. I thought about it and agreed!"

Shinozuki:"However, I also discovered some very interesting things."

Su Xiaoxiao:"For example?"

Su Han became interested in what Xiao Zhizhi discovered.

Shinozoo:"For example! Suzumiya Haruhi doesn't have that kind of god-like ability in our world. She is just an ordinary girl!"

Shinozoo:"Of course, because Suzumiya Haruhi is The reason why the game mode used is not related to our world. So! I have no way to conduct further research on her."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Hey... the game mode? I thought that Haruhi Suzumiya would directly wear it in person."

Haruhi Suzumiya:"……Do you have any misunderstanding about me? I always feel like you are questioning my intelligence."

Suzumiya Haruhi:"When you go to other worlds, it's the most basic thing to ensure your own safety, right?"

Kaitou Kidd:"……Nothing to say."

Edogawa Conan:"Actually, I think... there should be another reason, and that is that Haruhi Suzumiya has no points."

Conan silently patched up Suzumiya Haruhi. But Suzumiya Haruhi didn't take it seriously and agreed.

Suzumiya Haruhi:"Yes, that's it."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, now that we're in the IS world, let's have some fun. But next……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"@ Sirzechs. Brother-in-law! Good morning."


Why the hell do you call me brother-in-law? A bunch of girls called him that just now. As a senior girl control, Sirzechs thought about it and said he could bear it. But when Su Han called out like this... Sirzechs thought for a moment... and was speechless. What else could he do, of course, forgive him. Sirzechs is desperate.

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