"What?"Echizen Ryoma looked stunned.

"The direction of this sound is," Nakiri Erina thought for a moment, her expression changed slightly,"it's over to the playground."

Without any hesitation, Nakiri Erina stepped out lightly, and the terrifying force exploded, like a tyrannosaurus, smashing the window glass in front of her and galloping into the distance.

"……What a terrifying power."Liu Pleiades' eyelids twitched several times.

"After all, she has been getting gourmet cells for a long time."

Su Han crossed his arms over his chest with a faint smile on his lips. He opened the trade union live broadcast room.

"Then let's go there too."Echizen Ryoma weighed the tennis racket in his hand, and a look of determination appeared on his face.


At this time, on the large playground of Nakiri residence.

A huge pit appeared in the center of the big playground.

Dense cracks spread to all sides with the pit as the center. A sharp whistle sounded. The guards at Nakiri Residence noticed something was wrong.

"……Really, why did you appear in this place at 13 for no reason?"A voice mixed with some dissatisfaction sounded, and then the earth suddenly broke apart, and a man with purple skin crawled out. He patted the dust off his body.

"Um? here it is?"Noda Beihang's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized something was wrong. He closed his eyes, pinched his fingers, and estimated his location,"How could it be... I crossed half of the world in an instant and arrived in the hinterland of Japan. ? What happened in that moment?"

With a crisp bang, Nakiri Erina fell to the ground. She stared at the guy opposite with a solemn expression. After a few breaths, footsteps sounded, and Nakiri Senzaemon rushed over with a group of guards.

"what's going on?"On the surface, Nakiri Senzaemon was asking about Nakiri Erina, but in fact he was staring closely at the purple-skinned man opposite. His expression was extremely serious.

"Grandpa, you'd better take your guards and retreat quickly."Nakiri Erina's voice was calm,"You are here... you are just dying in vain."

"I see."Nakiri Senzaemon nodded after a brief silence. But before he could give the order, Noda Kitakyu sneered."Come when you want, leave when you want, do you think I don't exist? Although I don’t know why it appears here...but destroy Japan first! Not bad either."

Purple venom spread out from his body and slowly turned into a poisonous dragon in mid-air. The scene fell into a brief silence, and the pupils of the guards suddenly expanded.

"What is this……"

"how come? What exactly is this?"

"Monster...that guy is a monster!"

Nakiri Erina's face was expressionless, as if she didn't see the panic around her,"This look...is a bit like the poisonous fruit in One Piece."

"……There is actually a Pirate King in this world?"Doubts flashed through Xing's mind, but he didn't think much about it. With a wave of his hand, the terrifying poisonous dragon rushed towards a group of people in an instant.

"Asura Shinto: Shock Fruit's Sky Shock!"

The terrifying tennis ball came in time from afar. It crossed the void, causing dense cracks, and crashed into the poisonous dragon. The poisonous dragon was shattered into pieces. And the terrifying cracks continued to rush towards Noda Kitagami unabated.

"What? Such power!"

Because he was too careless before, Noda Kitakyu had no time to dodge at this moment. His body tensed and cracked. But it soon changed into endless venom, which regrouped in the distance. After taking a few breaths, Noda Kitakyu With his brows furrowed, he looked towards the direction of the attack, and then saw Su Han and his party.

"Liu Subaru, that guy is... Echizen Ryoma? Connor? Who is the other one? It looks strange... No, why do characters from different worlds gather together?"

Noda Beiyuki was shocked, and then turned to look at Nakiri Erina. Now that he got serious, he realized that Nakiri Erina's body contained extremely terrifying energy. She was no longer inferior to him.

"Echizen Ryoma who can attack with shock fruit, and a chef who is as strong as a physically strong person? And there are all kinds of other anime characters... What the hell kind of world is this? Is it a modified version of Super Magic?"

Echizen Ryoma came to Nakiri Erina's side and said in a calm voice,"The guy opposite is stronger than me."

"I should be able to fight him," Nakiri Erina looked serious,"But he is a poisoner, so he can restrain me a bit."

"It's not a big problem. The internal strength I recently refined through guild training has just the means to resist the poison." Liu Pleiaxing's voice sounded with a smile,"If you add me, that's enough."

The three of them looked at each other, nodded, and then suddenly took action. A terrifying storm rose up, carrying a large amount of venom and splashing away. Su Han gently snapped his fingers, and suddenly the venom passed through the crowd, All of them passed through, as if they had never been touched.

However, when the venom fell on the house and the grass, it still corroded large areas of them.

"What is this!"The guards were confused at first as to why these venoms would pass through their bodies. Then when they saw the results of these venoms, they all felt their scalps numb. Their bodies were trembling. They subconsciously fled away. Nakiri

Senzaemon After a short silence, he understood what happened and came to Su Han's side, bowing slightly to him.

"Thank you for saving another life of ours"

"This is what we should do."Su Han only said a word with a smile, and then cast his eyes on the battlefield again. Nakiri Senzaemon didn't feel that Su Han had neglected him, and just stood quietly.

Looking at the battlefield, Su Han simultaneously He also focused part of his attention on the guild chat room. He found that there was also a heated discussion in the guild chat room.

Tony was not the richest man:"Okay, okay! I saw the characters in The Prince of Tennis actually standing on the battlefield, and using the tennis balls to perform terrifying attacks... I had mixed emotions."

Daddy White Beard:" Gu la la la, what's so complicated about this? The last time a time traveler appeared in the world of Prince of Tennis! Didn’t that time traveler already perform such an attack? Yuan Dagu said:"


Tony is not the richest man:"Ahem... After all, this time, it was the protagonist Echizen Ryoma who made the attack. So the senses are quite different!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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