"I always feel like you worry too much."Su Han glanced at Nakiri Senzaemon,"Look at the scene around you. Nakiri Erina now possesses a destructive power that is comparable to or even surpasses the ultimate weapon of mankind."

"I don't think that your official side would be so unreasonable... No," Su Han suddenly remembered something and raised his eyebrows,"I remember that your official side suffered a big loss from Nakiri Erina before, right? Although it’s been a while!"

Nakiri Senzaemon's expression froze, and after a long silence, he nodded and said softly,"Maybe you are right."

Suddenly remembering something, Nakiri Senzaemon's eyes lit up slightly. He took a deep look at Su Han and was completely relieved.

He suddenly remembered that it seemed that every time something happened to them, Su Han and others will appear?

What does this mean? This means that even if the situation is extremely bad and something happens to Nakiri Erina, someone will definitely take action to save her... After all, she is not an independent existence, and there is someone standing behind her. He owns an extremely large guild...

Even though Nakiri Senzaemon still doesn't know what the guild actually is, it's not important. What's important is that even with the information he knows, the guild is powerful enough to Nakiri Erina does whatever she wants in this world.

The battle is still going on.

Echizen Ryoma's eyes were serious. He hit eight tennis balls 443 in an instant. The tennis balls were spinning in mid-air, outlined in the void like shooting stars. After leaving traces, he spat out a few words coldly,"Asura Shinto: Different Dimension!"

As his words fell, the brilliance of meteors intertwined, and the void suddenly solidified. As powerful as Noda Beixing, his body paused for a moment. It was as if he had traveled to a different world that was difficult to move.

"……What, exactly is this feeling?"Noda Kitakyu's pupils suddenly shrank. His muscles bulged, and at the same time, the purple venom gradually turned into black, eroding the void.

But before he could completely break free, Nakiri Erina and Liu Subaru, one on the left and one on the right, simultaneously The attack unleashed a sonic boom, and the terrifying air cannon attacks intertwined on his body, causing dense cracks to appear on his skin.

"……It's now!"Nakiri Erina turned her head and growled in the direction of Su Han.

Kangna, who had always been very low-key, suddenly took action at this moment. She opened her mouth and sprayed out a terrifying energy cannon, accumulating energy for a long time. All of it was released and crashed into Noda Kitakyu's body.

Even Noda Kitakyu's violent struggle was useless, his body turned into fly ash bit by bit, and finally disappeared completely.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"……That's it, it's over?"

Whitebeard Dad:" Gu la la la, you look very disappointed."

Yuan Dagu:"Because this battle ended too suddenly."

Yuan Dagu's expression was a little complicated, but after thinking about it, he felt relieved.

Yuan Dagu said:"But if you think about it carefully, this is also a normal thing. Kang Na, the reason why she didn't take action before was because she was accumulating energy, right?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Storage...Kanna still has this?"

Sakata Gintoki:"So I said it a long time ago...don't compare joining the guild with before joining the union."

Sakata Gintoki:"Their abilities have been mutated with the blessing of the union. Compared with the original ones... they are simply incomparable.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"No...why is there such a tacit understanding?""

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned, suddenly feeling that there must be something happening that she didn't know about.

Nakiri Erina:"……Did you actually discover it?

Liu Pleiaxing:"Yes... We just communicated in private through the union's private chat system and formulated a plan.""

Liu Pleiaxing:"But fortunately, this guy was finally dealt with. Aisaka Taiga:"

No, I think even if you don't plan and strategize, that guy will die in the end." Aisaka

Dahe had a complicated expression and didn't know where to start.

Gudazi said:"No way, that guy is just a guy with 150,000 points in the final analysis."

Sirzechs:"What happened to the 150,000 points?" Doesn’t 150,000 points have human rights?"

Echizen Ryoma:"……"

Echizen Ryoma:"With all due respect, why don't you hear the mission notification sound now?"

As soon as Echizen Ryoma said this, the union suddenly fell into silence.

Hatsune Miku:"????"

Ryugu Rena:"!!!!"

Dr. Roman:"……No way? A guy with 150,000 points is so difficult to deal with."

Dr. Roman realized something, and his face was full of astonishment. Erina Nakiri and Liu Subaru were tense at the moment, scanning the surroundings. But they couldn't see anything wrong, and there was cold sweat on their foreheads.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han said that he couldn't stand it anymore and spoke directly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"That guy is indeed not dead, but he was seriously injured and has no ability to resist."

Izumi Sagiri:"Is this like this?"

Nakiri Erina:"I see.……"

Nakiri Erina was relieved. Since Su Han had spoken, the truth must be like this.

After a moment of hesitation, she asked again in the guild.

Nakiri Erina:"So, who is that guy now?"

Su Han's mouth twitched and he simply stopped hiding it.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Erase all the activity of the venom he spilled before. He will be completely dead!"

Liu Pleiax:"I didn't expect this guy to have such a way to save his life... If it weren't for the union If the mission serves as a reminder, he might really be able to escape alive."

Nan Xiaoniao:"This fully shows that time travelers should not be underestimated. The reason why it was so easy in the past! It's just because the people participating in the battle were too powerful."

Kang Na:"……"

Liu Pleiax:"I always feel like you are implying that I am weak."

Liu Pleiax was a little confused, but after thinking about it, he shook his head.

Liu Subaru:"Forget it, I am a chef! It is normal to be weak."

Echizen Ryoma, Liu Subaru, Nakiri Erina and others then started searching. They themselves also possess extremely powerful sensory abilities. They sensed that the venom contained the breath of life, and then destroyed it completely.

After half a stick of incense, a crisp mission prompt sounded in the ears of all the union members on site.

"Ding! The union mission has been completed! Union president Su Xiaoxiao received 15,000 points! Kangna gets 30,000 points! Nakiri Erina received 35,000 points! Liu Pleiades received 35,000 points! Echizen Ryoma received 35,000 points."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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