"here it is?"Ye Dan's brows were furrowed tightly. His eyes swept across the scene, and then he saw Joan of Arc, and his pupils suddenly shrank,"How could it be her?"

Yedan recognized that Joan of Arc came from the world of the moon, but according to his understanding of this world... this world is definitely not the world of the moon. Then he saw Wu Geng Liuli, Su Han, Jia Baili, Sirzechs and others fell into silence.

"……So many people from different worlds? Moreover, in daily episodes and battle episodes, that black-haired young man who is perfect to the extreme? It won't be a beauty show...all kinds of different types of characters come together. This is really true! Very interesting."

She said it was interesting, but Yedan's expression was extremely serious.

"Who among us will deal with this guy?"Wugeng Liuli raised his eyebrows.

"Let me deal with it! Sirzechs said with a smile, and the terrifying magic power in his body that was superior to the transcendent was rising and gathering.

"Add me by the way!"Jia Baili raised her hand, a pair of wings spread out from her back, and the bright holy light intertwined in the mid-air.

"Are you actually so strong?"Watch 18 Liuli stared at Gabriel in astonishment. She used to think that Gabriel was just a salted fish. Who would have thought that she actually had the strength?

"……How deep is your misunderstanding of me?"Gabriel's eyelids twitched, her face turned red, and she said angrily,"Even if I like playing games, I'm not so useless that I completely ignore the many powerful functions of the union."

"you! Yedan looked at the frolicking and scolding of the group of people in front of him with a cold expression,"Do you think you've got me?""

"Not so!"An indifferent voice suddenly sounded beside him. Sirzechs appeared beside him at this moment, with terrifying magic power gathering in his hands,"But, you can't be our opponent!"

"In other words, any one of us can solve you."

The terrifying magic power penetrated Yedan's chest. The holy light and darkness intertwined, and his face turned pale. He felt the extreme pain, and he let out an angry roar. The wings behind Yedan turned into light blades and slashed He headed towards Sirzechs, but was stopped by him with one arm. There was even a sound of metal collision.

"Leave it to me!"Jia Baili smiled and soared into the sky, with brilliant brilliance gathering in his palms. Finally, countless light bombs all hit Yedan.

"Hey, hey, hey, you've put me in the attack range too. Sirzechs noticed something was wrong, and his face changed slightly. The terrifying magic power exploded, and he quickly retreated, but in the end, he took a step late and was hit by countless light bullets.

Deafening explosions undulated with each other, and sounded one after another.

Su Han looked at the battles in front of him with a subtle expression. He glanced at the guild chat room and found that it was also very lively at the moment. Tony is not the richest man:"Oh my god... I'm laughing to death!" All I can say is that Gabriel never disappoints us.

Aikawa Ayumu:"Six six six!" It is indeed the top poisonous milk. It’s almost 6 times over!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"It's so true!"

I am a Marquis:"Humph! Although he was obviously stronger than the gang, he didn't kill him instantly. What a shame! If I participate in this mission……"

Yuandagu:"……You participate in this, go all out, and with one move, the earth will be gone. Yuanda

Gu subconsciously complained.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"It can be said to be very good!""

Sakata Gintoki:"Actually, I have always wanted to complain about one thing... the name Yedan! It always feels weird to read. a bit like……"

Nobita:"……Duck eggs?"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Say this word, and then think about your score. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Nobi Nobita:"!!!!"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Sure enough... you can say such cruel things without any expression! You are the devil."


Aisaka Taiga:"Actually... Yedan, this is the relationship between Jesus and Satan. Collectively, right? When I think about it, this guy seems to have become Jesus and then Satan in a certain world.……"

Rena Ryugu:"!!! It's scary to think about it."

Sirzechs:"@Gabrili. After this battle is over! Let's go to the virtual battlefield to fight."


Gabriel:"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it."


Hatsune Miku:"Pfft... I'm sorry, please forgive me for laughing out loud."

Miku Toma:"Actually, I think Gabriel may not have done it on purpose. This is her normal operation."

With Gabriel Mi Toma, who had played countless games, showed an expression that was hard to explain.

Asuna:"Indeed... But in the past, I thought she was a cheat when playing games. I didn't expect that she would be like this when fighting in reality."


Gabriel expressed that he was not convinced.

Gabriel:"Who said that? It's obviously better than in the game! I hit the enemy well this time."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"????"

Hijikata Jushiro:"What she said was so reasonable that I couldn't refute it for a while."


Sirzechs wanted to beat up Gabriel after the incident, but 030 didn't know what to say at this time.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Don't be distracted! The enemy has not been eliminated yet."

Su Han's eyes narrowed.

Yedan's figure instantly appeared next to Sirzechs, and suddenly punched out, tearing the void. Sirzechs' body was wrapped with terrifying energy brilliance, and he forcibly resisted the blow. Then, he kicked Yedan in the chest.

The terrifying energy merged directly into Yedan's body. his faceUgly, he quickly retreated, realizing that he could not erase the dark energy level within his body, and made up his mind. The body exploded into endless blood mist with a bang, and then condensed again.

Yedan's face was pale. He stared at Sirzechs with his voice low and hoarse."You are worthy of being the Lucifer Demon King of Hell... No! It should be said that the strength you have shown now is much more terrifying than I imagined."...And, Gabriel."

The appearance is obviously similar to the anime characters in his memory, and even the power system is similar... but the strength is much stronger.

"Let’s start the second round of battle!"A smiling voice suddenly sounded to his left, and his pupils suddenly shrank, recognizing it as Gabriel's voice.

The next moment, endless chains of light entangled around him, blocking him. All escape routes. Locked his body._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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