Thor held a hammer in one hand and an ax in the other. When he noticed that the Jiujianxian's eyes had moved to him, he immediately snorted coldly,"I just can't understand that guy. I hate him." You are acting in front of me, so don’t think too much!"

"You guy, I didn’t expect you to be quite arrogant."Kayaba Akihiko looked Thor up and down and marveled,"I thought you would just be reckless."

"You guy!"Thor began to grind his teeth. He looked at Kayaba Akihiko up and down with an unkind look on his face,"Do you want to enter a virtual battlefield with me to fight?"

"I don't have the intention to fight with a reckless man like you."Kayaba Akihiko responded with a smile and stepped directly on Thor's painful foot.

"Now that the mission is completed, we should go back."Su Han didn't care about the hostility between Thor and Kayaba Akihiko, he looked casual

"I have no opinion!"Kayaba Akihiko answered quickly. Rather, he is looking forward to going back quickly and integrating the brain of wisdom.

Ao Bing and Thor looked at each other, and the two nodded.

Seeing that several people had no objections, Su Han immediately closed his eyes and clicked to officially return.

A brilliant brilliance surrounded the bodies of several people. When the brilliance dissipated, everyone disappeared. Only

Jiujianxian, Zhao Ling'er, and Grandma Jiang were left at the scene. There is Lin Qinger


In the blink of an eye, Su Han appeared in his room. He lay lazily on the bed, directly withdrawing the guild reward, and a label with a water drop symbol appeared in his palm.

"……Is this the wise brain?"Su Han looked strange, feeling that the shape of this thing was different from what he imagined,"I thought it was a brain-shaped symbol."

After complaining, Su Han thought for a moment, and without hesitation, he pressed the water droplet directly on his forehead. Suddenly, the water droplet integrated into Su Han's brain.

Su Han felt that his brain was clearer.

Closing his eyes at this moment, thinking back to Iron Man... Su Han discovered that he could quickly understand the structure of Iron Man's mecha just by thinking about it. It could even be said that if he was given enough materials now, he could manually knock out one by himself. iron man armor

"Is this the wise brain?"Su Han was sincerely impressed,"What a powerful ability~."

After sighing, Su Han closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room. He found that there were many people chatting in the guild at the moment.

Kayaba Akihiko:"The brain of wisdom has been successfully integrated... I feel now, if I want to! Being able to imitate Shino no Bunch's IS armor and Tony Stark's Iron Man armor at the same time... Well, it just takes a lot of time to analyze."



Gabriel:"How come I, a super genius in stealth virtual illusions, started making armor? (Manual funny.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Too many elements.jpg"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Shi:"Just shoot him!"


Tony is not the richest man:"Don't panic, I have also successfully obtained a wise brain."

Xiao Zhizhi:"I haven't obtained it yet...but it's not a big problem! After some more persuasion, Zhao Ling'er probably agreed to exchange with me. (Serious face.jpg)"

Mio Akiyama:"……I feel like you look like a child with pocket money now! But I have no evidence."

Takasaka Kirino:"Luring a little girl like Zhao Ling'er or something... I feel that Xiao Zhizhi has such a bad character, sooner or later someone will catch him and beat him up."

Jiujianxian doesn't like drinking:"I have a wise brain...I feel the knowledge I have learned! It all comes together."

Jiu Jianxian doesn't like drinking:"Even the computer that I couldn't understand at all before, now that I think about it... I seem to understand its principle."

Whitebeard Dad:"It's so scary!"

Yuan Dagu:"This is not about greatly improving scientific talent at all... It is about transforming an ordinary person into a top scientist."

Yuan Dagu said that he couldn't calm down. This is too scary.

Sakata Gintoki:"The guild... will never let you down! How many cheating items are there?"

Nayako:"After the world sadly lost the scientific genius of the Moon Worshiping Cult Master, it gained the technological giant of Jiujianxian! It’s really hard to explain the blessings and blessings in this."

Asuna:"The only thing that's certain is...this world will inevitably enter an age of technological prosperity, right?"

Asuna added faintly.

Liu Pleiades:"Six six six six."

Henglaishan Kaguya:"This operation is too cool. It makes my scalp numb!"

Tsuchima Mi:"However... this is true."

Tsuchima Mi:"The Jiujianxian who merged with the brain of wisdom and became a scientist has no sense of disobedience."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"With all due respect...I am actually thinking about a question now.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"What's the problem?""

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Think about it, the guy named Li Tianxun who was prompted before the guild mission! Is he Li Xiaoyao's father? Now that Li Tianxun has become a time traveler, is Li Xiaoyao... still in the world now?"

The guild fell into a brief silence. Then it exploded.

Oda Nobuna:"!!!!"

Tomori Nao:"……If you think about it this way, something is indeed wrong.

Louise:"You should ask the Jiujianxian about this question... After all, they are the native residents of that world.""

Jiu Jianxian doesn't like drinking:"~……"

Jiu Jianxian didn't like drinking:"I don't know where Li Xiaoyao's home is at all... I just know that his home is probably by the sea? Which sea?"

Jiu Jianxian looked confused. How did he know this? Local residents are not omnipotent.

Kaoru Chino:"……"

Qi Qi:"In this case... doesn't it mean that authentication cannot be carried out?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"That's not true... In fact, if you are confused, I can tell you."

Aisaka Taihe:"????"

Shazam:"It was strange at first, but then I thought about it. With the president's omniscience and omnipotence, it is normal for him to know this."

Shazam's Solomon's Wisdom suddenly came online.

Dr. Luo Man:"Well-founded and convincing."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Don't think that I'm so awesome! I just used my knowledge and sense to listen to a lot of information when I was in the Fairy Sword World.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Ahem, Li Tianxun is not married! So Li Xiaoyao should not be born now."

Echizen Ryoma:"What can I say.jpg"

Hatsune Mirai:"I have to say... Travelers are really the source of all evil."

Sakuragihua said:"@Jiujianxian doesn't like drinking. Where are you going to take Zhao Ling'er back in the future?"

Jiujianxian doesn't like drinking:"I can only go back to Shushan first! After all, Ordinary places cannot accommodate them.……"

Jiu Jianxian let out a long sigh, and then continued to speak.

Jiu Jianxian doesn't like drinking:"Although Shushan is a little inconvenient, it's better than Xianling Island!"

Feicun Kenshin:"When you say this... I seem to be thinking of the relationship between your senior brother, the head of Shushan, and Lin Qing'er. between……"

Himura Kenshin suddenly felt that something was wrong.


Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"……Considering that Jiu Jianxian liked Lin Qing'er, and the future head of Shushan suppressed Zhao Ling'er."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan of the Fallen Angel:"This kind of grudges and hatreds are truly beyond description in words."

"Ding! The Healing Goddess has joined the Super Dimension Guild"

"Ding! The Dragon Lord has joined the Super Dimension Guild."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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