Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Yes... A cautious warrior should polish his combat effectiveness to the full level! Then he goes out to overwhelm his opponents. He is also an old yin. -Awesome character! I don’t know how many back-ups are hidden."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"As for Aqua...that’s really true. With her own team, she didn’t even have a novice village after one quarter. Go out...it's so miserable!"

Tony is not the richest man:"In tears.jpg"

Tony Stark couldn't help laughing when he thought of the plot of blessing the beautiful world.

Listeda:"Is this... like this?"

The smile on Listede's face froze. It sounds like this guy named Aqua is even more powerful than the brave man she will summon in the future. Not reliable.

Whitebeard's father:"Gu la la la, I suggest you stay in the guild for a while! Then find really strong and reliable people and ask them for help."

White Beard thought for a moment and came up with a very useful idea. suggestion.

Yuan Dagu:"Indeed...this method is the most reasonable!"

Yuan Dagu:"There are not many people like this in Guild 22...you can even say there are many."

Lisdadai:"Okay...I Got it."

After thinking for a while, Lista made up her mind. Then, let’s stay in the guild for a while first and then talk about other things.

Aqua:"……How could this be possible?"

Aqua softened for a moment, but after a brief silence, she suddenly thought of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Aqua:"By the way, I suddenly thought of a great idea."

Akuya:"@丽丝达达. Are you interested in integrating with my world?"


Listeda was stunned. After all, she had just joined the guild, it hadn't been long, she hadn't even read the memory copy, and she didn't understand the world's fusion mechanism at all.

Tony was not the richest man:"It's so scary."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan of the Fallen Angel:"Miss Aqua said that the plan will not work! Another plan."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I think this is normal."

Kosaka Kyosuke was very calm.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Think about it! The goddess of beauty, Lista, and the goddess of IQ, Aqua. Whose world can these two people merge with? They blend into each other! This is actually the best choice."

Xia Shizi:"……"

Kosaka Kirino:"……"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Gudazi:"Miss Kosaka, this brother of yours……"

Takasaka Kirino:"I understand...but don't worry! Even if he is beaten to death outside, I won't feel bad. In other words, there won't be any emotional wave in my heart.

Takasaka Kirino's face is expressionless.

Sazawa X:"Kousaka Kyosuke: Anti-members can't hurt each other!" So I went to death."



Although she still didn't understand the specific mechanism of the guild, Listede could hear the contempt in Kousaka Kyosuke's words. Immediately he began to grind his teeth.

Gui Yanye:"That...Miss Listede, Miss Aqua's proposal! You can indeed consider it. However, I personally recommend that you read the entire content of the wonderful world and make a decision based on your own heart."

Lisdadai:"Is this like this? I understand."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Hatsune Miku:"Scary! I feel that after watching this, Listede will stay far away from Aqua. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Izumi Sagiri:"Miss Aqua is suitable as an enemy, not as a teammate."

Izumi Sagiri said from the bottom of her heart.

Doctor Roman:"Indeed... the last person who made me feel this way was Gabriel."


The smile on Gabriel's face gradually stiffened. Is this a lie? What did she do? Isn't she just giving the enemy blood-increasing milk from time to time? As an angel, isn't it natural to do such a helpful thing?

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay... Since there's nothing going on, it's time for me to run away!"

Shinomiya Kaguya:"……"

Shinomiya Kaguya:"@苏小小. Mr. President, I have something to ask of you."

Su Xiaoxiao:"!!!!"


Haruhi Suzumiya:"The president thought he was fine, but who would have thought! The guild members actually slapped him in the face on the spot."

Minami Kotori:"Miss Suzumiya, you forgot to add the word"shocked"."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Shocked! The Shocked Body actually returned to the world?"

Aisaka Taiga:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"You are such a fucking talent.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Okay, then Miss Kaguya, what do you want to see me for?"

Shinomiya Kaguya:"I hope to integrate my world with other worlds."

Su Han frowned when he saw this. After a brief thought, he asked in the union.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Which world do you want your family's world to blend with? Is it Gensokyo?"

Shinomiya Kaguya:"?????"

Fujiwara Chika:"!!!!"

Horaisan Kaguya:"Well... Although little Kaguya has not told me about this matter, if she wants to integrate with my world, I agree with both hands and feet."

Horaishan Kaguya said that she Very much looking forward to it.

Shinomiya Kaguya:"!!! Thank you very much 450 for your consideration, but I'm sorry, I can't agree."

Horaisan Kaguya:"???? Why?"

Horaisan Kaguya was a little confused. After thinking for a moment, she understood something.

Horaisan Kaguya:"If you are worried about monsters, you can put your mind at ease! After all, we have reached the modern stage here."

The world of Gensokyo actually has people in it. Moreover, the human world is relatively isolated from fantasy...there are few monsters in the real world. Therefore there is not much danger.

Shinomiya Kaguya:"In any case... there are supernatural powers in your world! And our world is an ordinary, everyday world. I personally don't want to change this fact! It's not that I have any objections to you.."

Henglaishan Kaguya:"……All right! Although I am a little disappointed, I can understand your decision. Penglai

Mountain Kaguya frowned, but finally let out a long sigh and said nothing.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then which world are you going to merge your world with?""

Su Han suddenly became curious, and the names of the worlds flashed through his mind. He was even thinking about whether Shinomiya Kaguya would merge with the world of Black Cat Kasumi Shiko! Although that world has already merged once, But now, isn't it possible to merge for the second time?

Shinomiya Kaguya:"I hope that my world can be merged with Miss Tsuchimami's world."_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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