The guild fell into a brief silence, and then there was an uproar.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"?????"

Tony is not the richest man:"……This kind of operation can also be done.

Yuan Dagu:"I just want to know how Miss Niang Xingxian feels!""

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I guess my mentality just collapsed, right? After all, whether it is the treasure of the king or the wisdom of the people... they are all forbidden areas in her heart."

Sakata Gintoki:"I'm very surprised, why did they draw this?"

Sakata Gintoki said that he was puzzled.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"It's normal! Jin Shining and Enki are both good friends, while Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika are also a bunch of good friends."

Feng Saka Dahe:"……Is this the legendary accident that must be inevitable?"

Although Aisaka Taiga thought there was nothing wrong with Yukinoshita Yukino's explanation,"543" his face still became very exciting. He didn't know what to say.

Mother Shining:"Asshole! Hatsune

Miku:"Don't be angry, Miss Sparkle!" You have to think so……"

After thinking for a while, Hatsune Miku persuaded carefully.

Hatsune Miku:"Don't you, the president, also have the king's treasure? Since it is no longer unique to you, there is no point in getting angry, right?"

Mother Shining:"????"

Gui Yanye:"Comfort the devil."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Why didn't I realize that Miss Hatsune is so good at talking before? If you can talk, you should speak more. (Funny.jpg)"

Niang Shining:"……"

Niang Xingxian was silent for a long time, and finally couldn't bear the tone.

Mother Shining:"Nayako, let's fight on the virtual battlefield."

Busujima Yako:"Terrible."

Haibara Ai:"Nayako: How come I turned into a scapegoat despite being so good?"

Koro-sensei:"She Not a scapegoat! After all, it was decided from the beginning that the two of them would fight."

Taichi Yagami:"We basically know the use of the king's treasure, but what is the wisdom of the people?"

Yagami Taichi : Taiyi fell into deep thought. Could this wisdom of the people give a bonus to IQ? If you think about it this way, it is quite different from the King's Treasure.

Su Xiaoxiao:"That's not the case."

Su Han remembered the fate anime he had just watched recently and explained patiently.

Su Xiaoxiao:"This so-called wisdom of the people should be countless weapons made from the soil condensed from the ground. And the strength of these weapons is not inferior to the strength of the weapons of the King's Treasure!"

Tony is not the richest man:"……ha?"


Taichi Yagami:"!!! No matter how you think about it, it's too much, right? The King's Treasure has the prototype of all the treasures in human history."

Taichi Yagami's expression changed drastically, indicating that he was hurt.

Edogawa Conan:"It's normal if you think about it carefully... Although Enkidu doesn't have the legend of possessing all the Noble Phantasms in the world! But the one legend she has is everything."

Edogawa Conan:"That is to be able to The battle with the enemy of Gilgamesh."

Tushan Honghong:"!!!!!"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Well-founded and convincing"

"Ding! Shinomiya Kaguya sent a big red envelope."

In just one second, all the red envelopes were snatched up.

Yuan Dagu:"????"

Sakura Kinomoto:"!!!!"

Gabriel:"……What's your speed? Are you still human?"

Gabriel said that her mentality was broken. She clearly saw the red envelope appearing in front of her eyes, but she still couldn't compete for it. Of course, no one in the guild paid attention to her howling as a defeated dog.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"I grabbed a piece. Big gold!"

Sakata Gintoki:"I grabbed the diamond... Hahahaha, if I sell it! I would be able to make a lot of money, so I could close the business and take a long break."


Aisaka Taiga:"Take a break? So in the end you feel that you still want to run the Master House."

Aisaka Taiga heard the meaning of Sakata Gintoki's words, and his expression was wonderful.

Gudazi:"As expected of you.jpg"

Jushiro Hijikata:"I would like to remind you... the era we are in now! It is not the era of modernization of the earth. If you want to sell diamonds... I wish you good luck!"

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Busujima Yako:"Yes...Sakata Gintoki seems to be in the Jianghu era or a longer era? But don't be too desperate! After all, there are aliens in your world. Maybe diamonds are more precious on other planets?""

La La:"That's not right! The universe is so huge, even if you find stars made purely of diamonds, it is not impossible... So, that thing may not be really valuable in the universe........"

Thor Odinson:"Sakata Gintoki... why aren't you talking now?"

Levi:"Maybe he's petrified, right? After all, he's been hit hard one after another."

Levi said a cold joke.

Krulru:"Tch! What a waste, he just takes some specialties from his own world casually! By exchanging them with other worlds, he can easily make a fortune. But he insists on sticking to his so-called samurai character."

Krullu:" But having said that, I still don’t understand what his warrior character is."

Krulru fell into deep thought.

Horaishan Kaguya:"Don't ask, asking is the root of why he became poor."

Nan Xiaotiao:"Pfft... it's so true."

"Ding! Rem successfully obtained the power of ghosts and gods through an unlimited lottery."

Qianshi Qianxun:"……The power of ghosts and gods!"

Onyxia:"I remember Miss Rem is a ghost herself, right?"

Onyxia's eyes became deep, as if she noticed something.

Rem:"Yes, that's right."

Rem:"Huh... This is a huge ability of equally high quality, comparable to the power of the evil god. And it merges with the ghost essence in my body into 4.8!

Rem:"I originally thought that after a while, I would completely transform into an evil god... Now it seems that these things should be able to maintain my ghost essence.""

Shinomiya Kaguya:"?????"

Fujiwara Chika:"You...didn't you say that fusing the power of the evil god will not harm you?"

Fujiwara Chika's expression changed drastically.


Tsuchima looked at his hands subconsciously, and his teeth trembled when he thought that he might become an evil god.

Rem:"When did I say this?"

Rem felt a little strange immediately. After thinking about it, he understood something and added another sentence.

Rem:"I'm just saying...the ones that have been purified by the guild won't do much harm to the body!"

Rem:"If the essence changes...will this have any impact on life?"_

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