"To say that your strength is not strong is definitely nonsense. However, I really can’t use your power!"Su Han rubbed his brows with a headache. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly thought of an idea,"Let's see, you guys leave first."

"What?"The Great Tengu's expression changed slightly. As a being summoned by Su Han using the Hundred Ghost Summoning... he is 100% loyal to Su Han. If he is rejected by Su Han because of his lack of strength... this is something he cannot accept.

"I don’t dislike you, but I hope you can go out and practice."Su Han said in a gentle voice,"After all, your current strength is a bit immature. And wait until you truly reach your peak! Come back then. Come help me!"

Su Han has noticed that the hundreds of ghosts summoned by him have their own emotions. They are not puppets, and since they are not needed, he can simply let them wander outside.

"Is it like this?"Shuten Doji took a few sips of wine and suddenly laughed,"That's fine...if it's your order."

"By the way," Su Han thought of something and added,"Try to leave China as much as possible... If you are in other places, don't hurt the lives of innocent people."

Although these guys in front of them are 100% loyal to Su Han, they are still big monsters after all. If there are no restrictions, they may cause catastrophe in the world in minutes.

Leave China and don't harm ordinary people in other places. As for having malicious intentions, provoking Hyakki's... just die if you die.

"Your will." After bowing to Su Han, Shuten Boy came to the window and spoke softly,"Those who are willing to follow me...leave with me."

Silently, Ibaraki-douji led a group of big monsters and came behind Shuten-douji. Then, they rushed out.

After a brief silence, the Daitengu also bowed deeply to Su Han.. There was a bit of unwillingness on his face, but he still led the monsters under his command to leave. The remaining two other half-saint-level big monsters did the same.

Tamamo Mae left alone, and there were quite a few left. Monsters are obviously loners.

Soon, Su Han's house was cleared. He lay on the bed casually.

Then, seeing what Se Baqi sensed, Su Han turned his head and looked in the direction of the door. , the words brought a hint of helplessness,"I said it all! A family doesn't need to be so divided."

Ram pushed the door open, lifted up her skirt and made a maid salute to Su Han, and then she stared thoughtfully at the still open window,"Is this the reward you just drew?"

"Although not wrong, this metaphor is a bit too much."Su Han touched his nose and said,"They are all beings with their own emotions."

"Feel sorry!"After a brief silence, Ram lowered her head, and then she sighed deeply,"But Master, I have to tell you one thing... If the guy from that day is released, the world will probably go into a frenzy."

"No problem, those are controllable ranges."Su Han was dumb. He took out his phone and looked at the news on it,"And don't you think this world is boring?"

Ram stared at Su Han. Suddenly, a shadow spread out from beside Su Han. The shadow ninja from the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures appeared silently. He prepared tea for Su Han and handed it to him. Su

Han took a careful sip and said softly, these guys will turn this peaceful world upside down!"

"I am now convinced that what Kasumi Shiko said is right. Ram rubbed his brows,"A guy who has nothing to do, but is very powerful and terrifying." It's easy to have a huge impact on the world...for bad or good"

"Aren’t our families full of people like this?"Su Han shrugged.

"I and Rem are maids, Red Eyes and Black Eyes are guardians, Miss Leader is a martial artist, Miss Black Cat, Miss Nimfu and Miss Icarus are studying science... If you think about it carefully, you are indeed the only one. Nothing to do."

After a short pause, Ram said softly,"If you are really bored, you can also find something you like to do."

After that, Ram exited the room.

Su Han lay on the bed for a long time and suddenly laughed,"……This girl."

Su Han also knew that Ram was concerned about him, and was afraid that he would be too busy and something would go wrong. However, his family knew about his family affairs.

Su Han's strength has reached this level, and there is no shortcoming in every aspect of his mind, body, strength.... Can be called immortal.

Perhaps ordinary people's hearts will gradually deteriorate and become bad because they live too long, just like the old bugs in the moon-shaped world... But Su Han is different. In other words, the guild has reached a certain level. None of the guys in the stage would be like this.

Shaking his head, Su Han privately chatted with Black Cat, Asuna and others, and played a virtual game with them.

The next day, Su Han woke up and ate ramrem to prepare While having breakfast, I was checking my phone. Then I saw a new news covering the news page.

《Shock! A Hundred Ghosts Night Parade Happened in Japan》

《It turns out that this world... really has ghosts!》

《The eight great masters of Japan joined forces and were shot down by the three legendary monsters.》

《Legend has it that the unparalleled beauty of the Nine-Tailed Tamamo-mae》

《An existence above the Grand Master? Three holy demons!"

Looking at the news one by one, Su Han paused for a moment, and then said clearly,"~Should I say it's true...those guys finally chose Japan as their destination."

"If you think about it carefully, it's quite normal." Ram said gently and filled another bowl of porridge for Su Han,"After all, that place is their hometown! Since I was driven away by you, I naturally have to find a place I am most familiar with to stay (Nuolao Zhao)."

"It's just... they don't seem to get along well with the local forces."

It's not just bad! This is almost an all-out war.

However, the power of the Hundred Ghosts is too powerful. This is a powerful thing that can compete with the top powers in the world. The mere Japanese was pressed to the ground and violently Hanging, without the slightest ability to resist

"……what are you guys saying?"Wugeng Liuli looked confused. She looked at the two people in front of her repeatedly, always feeling that she had missed something interesting.

After thinking for a moment, she came directly behind Su Han and hugged Su Han's neck. Then stared at the news sign."Huh?" There are really ghosts in this world! etc.……"

After thinking about the previous exchange between Su Han and Ram, Wu Geng Liuli noticed something was wrong,"Lord Demon King, is this your fault?"

"That’s not right! You shouldn't be so bored."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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