Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Have any new people joined the guild?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Welcome new people! But this name……"

Tony Stark's expression became subtle.

White-bearded dad:"Old Heavenly Master... When I talk about Heavenly Master, I go crazy. Sure enough, the first person who comes to mind is Zhang Sanfeng."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"????"


Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"With all due respect, Mr. Zhang Sanfeng is a real Taoist! He and the Celestial Master are two similar but different systems... Of course, Uncle Jiu and the Celestial Master can have a little relationship?"

Jackie Chan fell into thought, The words are also somewhat uncertain.

Lin Jiu:"……I am just an ordinary Taoist priest! That’s what Tianshi said in Longhu Mountain."

Uncle Jiu showed a hint of speechlessness on his face.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"@老天师. Old gentleman, come out and take a shower!"

Old Master:"……"

Master Tian:"What kind of special ability is this fantasy that suddenly appeared in my mind? No! This fantasy does not affect me. I can still communicate with the outside world... What kind of existence are you?"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I suggest you take a look at the guild's brief introduction first."

Ayumi Aikawa:"It's time for the long-awaited introduction to the guild! I can already imagine how shocked the newcomers will be after reading the guild introduction."

Gudazi:"……Maybe the person who joins the union this time will be a big boss beyond imagination! People don't care about this at all."


Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Wait a minute, does such a thing exist?"

Wu Geng Liuli's brows jumped a few times, quite unbelievable. The current guild is not the early guild. The number of powerful people in it is beyond imagination.

Batman:"It's really hard to say."

Batman's eyes were deep. After thinking for a moment, he proposed a possibility.

Batman:"To use the simplest analogy, if Mr. Saiki Kusuo or Saitama joined the guild first! Would they be shocked?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……"

Kosaka Kirino:"It's true that I won't be shocked. But your metaphor is not quite right!"

Kosaka Kirino was speechless and retorted violently in the guild.

Kosaka Kirino:"To use the simplest analogy, although Saiki Kusuo is powerful, his original strength is not among the top among the current guilds, right?"

Kosaka Kirino:"After all, although he is now stable He is in the first stage of the guild, but this is because he has continued to grow after entering the guild."

Sakata Gintoki:"I'm not happy if you say that... Saiki Kusuo! And Saitama! These two They are just stupid. Even if they don't join the guild, they will become stronger every minute and every second than before."

Sakata Gintoki:"The guild has indeed given them a lot of help, but without the guild, they want to reach The current level of strength! It is also possible, but it will take more time."

Saiki Kusuo:"……"

Aisaka Taiga:"……"

Hatsune Miku:"I really want to refute it, but if I think about it carefully, it is true."

Katsura Yanye:"It makes my heart feel cold and cool."

Izumi Sagiri:"Is this the world of the strong?"

Katsura Yanye Ye:"This is not a world for the strong... This is a world for losers."

Gui Yanye complained crazily.

Old Heavenly Master:"Interesting! Since it is a place across the world? Fairyland, or something else?"

Old Heavenly Master:"That's it! First introduce yourself...my name is Zhang Zhiwei."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……It's you."

Su Han's eyes flickered. When he saw the name Lao Celestial Master, he originally had a guess in his heart. The person in front of him was the Celestial Master among the people.

Of course, he was not sure before. After all, he was endless There are so many heavenly masters in the world. No one can say whether his guess is correct, but now that it is confirmed, it is not beyond his expectation.

Weber:"This reaction from the president. Should I say it is true?"

The Fourth Hokage:"Yes, I thought the president should have recognized this newcomer before."

Old Master:"What do you mean?"

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Let the world feel the pain:"Every time I want to explain the existence of the president to newcomers, I feel very troubled."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Yes, there is no way to start."

Kayaba Akihiko:"It used to be simple. To sum it up, he has the power of a God of Creation... As a result, he has surpassed the God of Creation."

Kayaba Akihiko was quite dumbfounded.

Heavenly Master:"……Creator God?"

The old master's expression was very subtle, and he didn't know what to say.

Izumi Sagiri:"You are complicating a simple problem... Just tell the newcomers! As long as the president is the president of the super-dimensional guild."

Old Master:"……"

After Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment, he nodded clearly. Being able to become the president of this super guild where gods and gods gather, you can imagine how terrifying it is.

Master Tian:"That's it."

Tu Shan Honghong:"So after saying so much... what is the identity of this newcomer?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"As for Zhang Zhiwei... you imagine him as Zhang Sanfeng in that world That's good!"

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then exploded.

Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"...Me in that world?"

Old Master:"You? Zhang Sanfeng? Wait...are you the Zhang Sanfeng I imagined?"

Zhang Zhiwei's expression changed, and he only realized it at this time , maybe the Zhang Sanfeng in the guild is the Zhang Sanfeng he understands.

After all, the Wu-Tang Clan also exists in the world under one person. Zhang Sanfeng naturally exists, and he still has a huge name in history.

Busujima Yako:"……It does exist! Moreover, there was Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng in the guild.

Kaitou Kidd:"There are also fox demons from the Tushan lineage, Nezha Naohai, Li Jing and Ao Bing from the myth!" Zhao Linger, a descendant of Nuwa……"

Kaitou Kidd recounted while recalling.

Heavenly Master:"……"

Zhang Zhiwei was silent for a long time, his mind was shaken, and he was finally determined at this moment. I really joined a place where immortals and gods communicate...

Even though there are many immortals here who are not from the Yanhuang lineage, there is no doubt about the high strength and life level of these people.

Yagami Taichi:"Finally, the newbie's outlook on life has not escaped the guild's poisonous hand. It completely collapsed!"

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