"What, exactly is this feeling?"Sakata Yu's pupils suddenly shrank, and he felt a fatal threat. This was the first time he experienced this feeling after turning on the limiter. He tried his best to dodge, but it was useless. The void collapsed. , endless cracks disappeared on his body, blood spattered, and his body exploded into a ball of blood mist with a bang.

The void was trembling, and the whole world would collapse in the next moment.

"How powerful!"Saiki Kusuo sighed faintly, with a hint of seriousness in his expression. Living up to his previous casualness, as the terrifying energy spread out from his body, the void suddenly stabilized. Facing the king or Sakata Tama At that time, he could still remain calm. But when faced with Whitebeard's attack, he did not dare to slack off at all. Because if there was no barrier world, Whitebeard's fist would hit the void...not to mention the earth, the multiverse The foundation of

"it's over?"The king looks extremely serious

"It's not that simple."Whitebeard squinted his eyes and looked at the blood mist in the distance. The blood mist possessed extremely terrifying activity. At this time, it was still being combined, trying to restore itself.

"This is the vitality you have after breaking the limiter," Saiki Kusuo's calm voice sounded,"Not only can the combat power of 690 be increased without limit, the vitality is also the same... Those who have broken the limiter no longer have any shackles."

"Is it like this?"Whitebeard thought thoughtfully.

"Although it is equally feasible if you want to deal with this guy, it will be a bit troublesome after all."Saiki Kusuo glanced at the two and said seriously,"Then leave it to me."

He raised a hand and pressed it gently, and the blood mist suddenly stopped. The terrifying vitality was basically wiped out.

A clear mission prompt sounded in the ears of everyone present.

"Ding! The guild mission has been completed! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao received 10,000 points! Saiki Kusuo received 10,000 points! Daddy Whitebeard gets 100,000 points! king gets 100,000 points"

"……So powerful."The king took a deep look at Saiki Kusuo. Even if the limiter was turned on, but looking at Saiki Kusuo at this moment, he still couldn't feel the other person's bottom. And when he looked at Saitama, he also had a similar feeling.

This is enough It proves that even if the limiter is also turned on, (aeaf) it can only be said that he has embarked on Saitama's path, and there is still an unreachable distance from Saitama.

"Gu la la la," Whitebeard laughed,"I have gained a lot... As expected, I have completed a series of small tasks! It’s better to just complete a big task"

"I disagree with your idea!"King's face was expressionless, and his whole body revealed the temperament of a strong man. He retorted,"Although the points are far apart, for beings of our level... the points have very little effect."

"But the extra reward at the back of the guild is more attractive."

"That’s actually right!"Qi Nanxiong took another cup of coffee jelly from the guild warehouse and nodded slightly while tasting it.

"Now that the mission has been completed, it's time for us to go back."Su Han stretched his body and bones.

"So fast?"Saiki Kusuo paused for a moment, but there was no way to stop him. He stretched out his palm and gently touched it in the void. Time suddenly began to pass, not just a certain place, but a vast world.

All the time nodes of the entire world flowed backwards. Before this battle

"What a great idea!"Su Han could tell at a glance what Kusuo Saiki had done, and he was not stingy with his praise.

Whitebeard also noticed something through his knowledge and domineering, and nodded slightly.

Only a trace of doubt flashed across the king's eyes, and he spoke. ,"Mr. Saiki, what have you done?""

"Although your previous battle was in the enchanted world. But there is still a little bit of the aftermath of the attack seeping out." Su Han gestured a little,"It's nothing to you, but to the earth, it is an unspeakable burden."

"The impact is not visible in the short term, but over time! The impact would be extremely bad...so Saiki Kusuo simply turned back time to before the war started. This will erase all the effects!"

King stopped talking. He complained crazily in his heart. This method of erasing the influence is too hard-core, right?

"Okay," Su Han stretched himself,"then Qi Mu, and a few others, see you later."

Su Han clicked to submit the task, and a brilliant brilliance surrounded the bodies of several people present. When the brilliance dissipated, several people also returned to their own world.

Saiki Kusuo looked at the position where the few people left, although their expressions There was no change, but there was a flash of regret in his eyes. He ate all the coffee jelly, then turned around, and his figure disappeared instantly, with a hint of relief in his voice.

"Now that the matter is settled...it's time for me to continue going to school."


In the blink of an eye, Su Han appeared in his room. He stretched himself and glanced at the guild chat room.

Kirishima Touka:"Mission accomplished."

Shirai Kuroko:"It's expected."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……I'm only curious about one thing now."

Kosaka Kyosuke's eyes were a little deep.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"With the strength Saiki Kusuo has shown before, he doesn't need to tell the people in the union at all! You can easily kill the time traveler by yourself, right?"

The Fourth Hokage:"So what are you wondering about?"

Namikaze Minato was very speechless, and he sighed.

The Yondaime Hokage:"Let me give you the simplest analogy... if a time traveler appears in your world! So should you take action to solve it yourself, or should you tell the guild, and then recruit a group of people to solve it, and finally get points."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"What you said makes sense, but I am speechless."

Kousaka Kyosuke was completely choked and fell into the water.

Koro-sensei:"But when it comes to getting points, I think of that man.……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Old Marquis?"

Hijikata Jushiro:"That's enough! The old Marquis is sad enough. He didn't get the task, which is enough to make him autistic... You actually bring this topic up again and again. Hit him. Is there any humanity left? (Manual funny.jpg)"_

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