Xia Shizi:"The ancient emperors of the human race really hold up the backbone of the world."

Xia Shizi:"Those damn forbidden land supremes! If it weren't for my lack of strength, really I want to go to that world and pacify all the forbidden areas."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu exhaled a long breath, with a slightly cold look on his face.

However, her family knew about her family affairs. Although she joined the guild very early, she was not ranked high in the guild because she did not insist on strength.

I really went to the world that covers the sky with one hand, and met the ancient supreme being with the kind of fighting power that can shake the universe... I guess he will die in the end.

The sick old man:"So my future... will be like this?"

The sick old man:"Although I had expected it! When the road to becoming an immortal begins in this era, everything is destined."

There is something in the eyes of the sick old man. Sad, but also relieved. He has already made such plans and preparations.

And now that he has a copy of the memory, he has laid it out.The Forbidden Supreme who can kill. I'm afraid there are more than one or two.

Ye Hei:"……"

Ye Hei:"????"

The Fourth Hokage:"@黑. You are the Ye Tiandi who is famous in the universe, right? The sick old man is the 120 genius who once competed with the Azure Emperor and was immortal for nine thousand years."

Namikaze Minato's expression was subtle, and Don't know what to say.

The sick old man:"Indeed! I didn't expect that I and Ye Xiaoyou are from the same world."

After thinking for a moment, the sick old man suddenly laughed.

The sick old man:"Please tell me your location later and I'll be there right away! Although our traditions are different, my inheritance should be of great help to you." After reading the copy of the memory, the sick old man felt that The future achievements of Ye Hei cannot be understood enough. This is the true single-handedly pacifying the terrifying existences in all the dark forbidden areas. In his prime, he is invincible in heaven and on earth, and can compete with the most amazing people of all time.

In the end, he became a human being.

If Ye Hei could become enlightened during the original dark turmoil, then maybe everything could be changed.

Ye Hei:"Okay!"

There's nothing pretentious about it. No matter how great achievements and potentials there are in the future. That is the future after all. Without growth, there is nothing.

And there is no doubt that a supreme person who is half a step into the extreme realm has tried his best to train him... and the help to him must be beyond imagination.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic. Now that you have joined a guild! You are a family, and a family should help each other."


Kosaka Kyosuke:"It's hinted! The president begins."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Big guys in the guild, it's time for you to stand out."

Let the world feel the pain:"The current Saitama... can punch with all his strength Collapse the multiverse!"

Let the world feel the pain:"Zhen, the Lord of Creation, can control the destruction of the universe at will...and Kusuo Saiki, just has endless super powers, and they can last indefinitely."

Let the world feel the pain Painful:"If any of them pass by! They will clear all the forbidden areas in seconds."

Kirishima Touka:"Have you forgotten Aizen and Accelerator? The Zanpakutō in Aizen's hand can even forcefully command to dominate the world, Accelerator is even more Needless to say! Being able to display the power of the devil explains everything."

Chu Zihang:"A friendly reminder."

Chu Zihang's face was still cold and he spoke indifferently in the guild.

Chu Zihang:"The power of the devil is a thing of the past...the real first-class strong men in the guild! None of them will stop. They are still getting stronger and improving. And the speed of progress is faster than ordinary guild members. Much more!"

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"It's so true."

Ayumi Aikawa:"Maybe this means that the strong will always be strong and the weak will always be weak."

Takasaka (aidd) Kirino:"But speaking of Aizen, with all due respect, Aizen...It really doesn't look like he is helpful."

Kosaka Kirino:"When he was relatively weak! He often made waves in the guild, but now... I haven't seen him for a long time."

Kosaka Kirino Noi let out a long sigh, she was wary of Aizen. While not denying his charm, he also acknowledges his dangers.

Aizen Sosuke:"Don't make it sound like I like the new but hate the old.……"

Aizen spoke abruptly.

Aizen Sosuke:"I just don't speak often! It doesn't mean that I have abandoned the guild directly."

Nakiri Erina:"There is... the largest number in the guild! Diving party."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"……Aren’t you the same? Tu

Shan Honghong:"It's not that I hate the guild, it's just that I just don't want to speak, I just want to take a look!" (It’s so real.jpg)"

Koro-sensei:"I feel relieved to see that you are still angry.

Hijikata Jushiro:"It's terrible.""

Ye Hei:"……"

Ye Hei:"Wait, let me understand! You mean, there are people in the guild who can kill the ancient supreme beings? More than one? And they all killed them very easily?"

Ye Hei finally reacted and took a breath. Cool air.

Who was the supreme being in ancient times? Those were the former supreme emperors, existences comparable to the ancient emperors. There was an era of great splendor!

In the era in which they attained enlightenment, they were truly invincible.

Even after reading the memory copy, Ye Hei learned the final ending. Everyone feels pessimistic at this moment. Because his current strength is too weak and he has not grown up. If there is a slight mistake in the middle, it may lead to a complete loss.

After all, he is not even an ant now. The slightest thought from the Forbidden Land Supreme Lord can cause a storm that is enough to engulf him.

Of course... with the protection of the ruthless man, he would not die on the road. But it’s just that he won’t die!

Clark Kent:"……"

Busujima Yako:"……In fact, let’s not talk about the first level of the guild! There are probably many people at the top of the second level who can kill them, right?

Altair:"I heard that Mr. Whitebeard punched me!" It can smash through the foundation stone of the multiverse... and may even cause a universe-level collapse.

Altair:"With one hand covering the sky, the ancient supreme being couldn't do such a thing!" Therefore, the second level peak power should be able to kill them."

After a short pause, Altair added another sentence.

Altair:"Of course, this is just my personal guess! After all, I am not at that level. How can the weak make an objective evaluation of the strong?"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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