Looking at this mission, Su Han fell into a brief silence. Then he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Come on! Use your power of complaining. (Screenshot)"

Tony is not the richest man:"What the hell is the power of complaining?"

Yuan Dagu:"A decent mission reward!"

Yuan Dagu:"Of course...The reason why I can evaluate so calmly is because I know I can’t win!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Stop milking yourself, you won’t win no matter how hard you breastfeed! (Give up.jpg)"

Sakata Gin When:"It's so cruel... You break other people's illusions like this! In the future, you will be put in a sack and then beaten up."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……The name of this time traveler?"

Sword Dragon? Yukinoshita Yukino fell into deep thought. What the hell is this name?"803"

Aisaka Taiga:"Maybe it's to get a pair with Sword Dragon.……"


Hatsune Miku:"This is the most outrageous explanation I've ever heard!"

Gui Yanye:"My scalp is numb."

The Holy Lord:"This guy."

The Holy Lord's face was a little gloomy.

Holy Lord:"Did you actually contact several other demons behind my back?"

Izumi Sagiri:"Isn't this a routine operation?"

Doctor Roman:"Yes! In my conscience... even if I go to find the Holy Lord , thinking of the concept of the Holy Lord... I will also be more cautious! After all, the Holy Lord is indeed a villain, and a super villain."

Nakiri Erina:"If you say it, the Holy Lord is still very awesome."

Nakiri Erina Rina:"At first, I thought the eight demons were about the same in strength...until the demon dragon swallowed the demonic energy of the eight demons. Then he was pushed to the ground and beaten by the Holy Lord who had fused 12 talismans! Only then did I realize something was wrong."

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Six six six six."

Weber:"Devil Xiaolong, this is the shame of the devil!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, if you want to discuss it, you can discuss it anytime! We are still ready to start and finish it. Let's do the mission."

Su Han rubbed his brows, and after counting a few times in his mind, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching mission has officially begun."

A prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao! Butterfly Ninja! Ao Bing has successfully participated in this mission."

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then there was an uproar.

Izumi Sagiri:"!!!!"

Doctor Roman:"Miss Butterfly Ninja...Mr. Ao Bing! It's actually these two people?"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"Are you okay? Miss Butterfly Ninja is hard to say! But Ao Bing's strength is very strong."

Wugeng Liuli made some calculations in her mind before Dan's speech.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Put him in the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures, and he can easily overthrow the eight demons, right?"

Ao Bing:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"No! Ao Bing is still a baby. After all, he is only three or four years old! (Manual funny.pg)"

Ao Bing:"????"

Yuan Dagu:"Ao Bing felt a violent conflict in his heart."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Although I really want to complain! However, Ao Bing seems to be only three or four years old... Although there is nothing to tell from his appearance. Just come out."

Sakata Gintoki:"I can only say that the dragon clan, worthy of being the reincarnation of the spirit pearl, is really very different from humans."

Holy Lord:"……How long are you going to talk about it here?"

The Holy Lord spoke impatiently.

Holy Lord:"I'm trying to compromise with this annoying Stegosaurus here, but you are discussing and having fun in the guild?"

Gudazi:"……I always feel that the word compromise should not be used here."

Gudazi's expression was very subtle.

The sick old man said:"……Every time I see the name Holy Lord! I always feel like I am calling some people in our world."

Ye Hei:"After all, will we be called the Holy Lord after our world reaches the second level of Sendai?"

Although Ye Hei has not yet come into contact with the holy masters of the major holy places, he has already watched A Hand that Covers the Sky. He has been mentally prepared for this. After a moment of emotion, he continued to speak in the guild.

Ye Hei:"But old man, you Don't panic! Once you stay in the union for a long time, you should be able to get used to this kind of thing."

Sick old man:"……"

Aisaka Taiga:"Habit? (Why are you so skilled.pg)"

Sirzechs:"Master Bai, beat them all to death!" The

Yondaime Hokage:"But when I saw the Holy Lord... I suddenly thought of it! It seems that the Holy Lord's ten Were the two talismans swallowed and absorbed by the president?"

Holy Master:"……"

The Holy Lord has something I don’t know if I should say 0........

Shirai Kuroko:"The Holy Master dares to be angry but dare not speak out!"

Hatsune Miku:"I also think that Ao Bing is strong and there is no big problem, but the Butterfly Ninja……"

Hatsune Miku's face showed confusion.

Xiao Zhizhi:"Miss Butterfly Ninja, you are not weak! I designed a mecha for her last time. Have you all forgotten?"


Nakiri Erina:"I always feel that Demon Slayers like the Butterfly Ninja from the Taisho era are wearing armor from IS! It's weird, but if you ask me to tell you what's weird... I can't tell."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"It's so true."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, if you want to chat, let's stop here."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Get ready to go."

After the words fell, Su Han opened his eyes. He moved his body bones and then clicked to officially participate in the mission.

A brilliant brilliance lingered around his body. When the brilliance dissipated, Su Han's figure disappeared from the place.


Meanwhile, Jackie Chan Adventures World.

Jackie Chan was carrying an antique belonging to his father at this time. He let out a long sigh,"It's too troublesome."

Before he could say anything more, a gorgeous brilliance lingered around him 3., and then Su Han and others appeared one by one

"Ah la la, is this Mr. Jackie Chan’s home? Butterfly Ren smiled,"It always feels a little different from what I imagined.""

"What did you imagine?"Ao Bing glanced at Butterfly Ninja strangely.

Su Han raised his eyebrows and said,"Miss Butterfly, you haven't read the memory copy of Jackie Chan's Adventures, have you?"

"Discovered by you!"Butterfly endured and covered his little mouth.

"After all, you're not covering up at all."Su Han shrugged. Anyone who has watched Jackie Chan's Adventures wouldn't recognize Dad's Antique Shop.

"President... and everyone!"Jackie Chan put the antique he was holding aside, then patted the dust on his hands, looked at Su Han and others and smiled helplessly,"At first, I thought you would appear at the Holy Lord's side."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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