Nero:"Hmm... welcome to the newcomers."

Yako Busujima:"Welcome, welcome!"

Haibara Ai:"The name is Medusa.……"

Tokisaki Kurumi:"Ah la la, is it the snake demon queen in myths and legends? This time a mythical character has joined in."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"……Isn’t there already Loki and Thor?"

Kuroko Tetsuya:" Monkey King, the Monkey King, doesn't count too!

Kuroko Tetsuya:"Li Jing Aobing is probably considered... right?" Wait, are they gods?

Kuroko Tetsuya fell into thinking. Koro-sensei:"

In the orthodox myth, Ao Bing's tendon was pulled out." So he is probably not considered a fairy! At least not the kind that ranks in the top ranks of heaven... But, should Li Jing be counted?"

Koro-sensei touched the smooth top of his head with his tentacles and fell into deep thought.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"@QueenDusa. @玉小gang. Newcomers, come out and have fun!"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"But then again...the name Yu Xiaogang! emmm"

Xiaozhi:"Xiaogang, is that you?"

Xiao Lin:"……Why do I think it’s impossible for Xiaogang’s surname to be Yu?"

Xiao Lin silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. You can't just see the word Xiaogang and think that this is your companion. It may be another person in a different world.

Yu Xiaogang:"What is this? Strange soul skills!

Yu Xiaogang:"No, I can't sense the fluctuation of soul power!""

Yu Xiaogang sat cross-legged on his bed, his brows furrowed. He was puzzled.

Yu Xiaogang:"But if it's not a soul skill... then what could it be? A new ability that is different from the current power system? It's a question worth discussing."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Although I’m not sure about the soul power you’re talking about, judging from what you said, you still have quite a research spirit."

Tony Stark nodded approvingly. As a scientist, he also likes other scientists who are rigorous.

Queen Medusa:"……"

Queen Medusa:"How dare you, who dares to attack me in the Tagor Desert?"

Medusa's heart was throbbing. She obviously knew that her spirit could be silently affected here. It is very likely that the other party's strength is superior to hers.

However, Medusa has no intention of showing weakness now. Having been in an environment where the jungle prevails for a long time, she clearly understands one thing, that is, she cannot show her weakness in the face of a strong enemy. Otherwise, you will just die in an instant!

On the contrary, if you remain strong, you may intimidate the other party. On the other hand, even if they really angered the other party and died, they at least retained the dignity of their snake-people clan.

Tushan Honghong:"……"

Tu Shan Honghong:"The one in the front is good... the queen in the back! I always feel a little hard to get along with."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"Didn't normal guilds often join Thornhead before? Look at them now. What does it look like?"

Edogawa Conan:"Speaking of thorns, I have to mention the woman named Esdeath."

Edogawa Conan:"Originally, she had an extremely unruly personality, but later she was raped by the guild. After being beaten repeatedly by the killer... he completely shut himself down."

Tony was not the richest man:"Indeed, that woman's bubbling wasn't very bubbling anymore."

Tony Stark rubbed his chin with a strange expression.



Kosaka Kyosuke:"So am I the only one who is curious about the true identities of these two newcomers?"

Kosaka Kyosuke fell into deep thought. This Medusa is really the Medusa in the legend and mythology. Something feels wrong.

Sakata Gintoki:"So, it's time to ask the president again as usual."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……I probably figured out who they were."

Su Han looked strange. Yu Xiaogang... There is no doubt that this should be the master of the protagonist of Douluo Wuhun, right? He is also a rare and tragic figure. He is extremely talented and has a profound family tradition, but his Wuhun is weak. So pitiful...

As for Queen Medusa... Su Han was also thinking about whether she was the one in the myth at first, but after reading what she said, Su Han had a rough idea. This one should be from Dou Qi Continent. The one among them.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Mr. President!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, I will upload the memory copy now."

Su Han was noncommittal and directly uploaded two new memory copies.

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a large text memory copy of"Fighting Continent"》"

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a large text memory copy of"Douluo Wuhun"》"



Hatsune Miku:"……Two memory copies, both text memory copies?

Hatsune Miku was a little stunned. Izumi

Sagiri:"Is it... similar to a situation where one hand covers the world?""

Izumi Sagiri began to think, remembering a song that covered the sky and destroyed the star field at every turn, and the majesty spread to the top powerhouses in the universe. She silently wiped the cold sweat on her forehead.

Queen Medusa:"

Medusa The Queen is a little strange.

Ernesti:"Please go and watch, the guild will give a brief introduction."

Yu Xiaogang:"……"

Yu Xiaogang:"I know about the guild, but! I didn't expect that there would be such a guild that spans all the worlds. This is really……"

Yu Xiaogang pinched his brows. Even though he forced himself to calm down, his mood became agitated at this moment because this situation was so unexpected.

Queen Medusa:"????"

Queen Medusa:"Across all the worlds...what the hell is this?"

Medusa subconsciously didn't want to believe it. Wasn't this bluffing her?

She knew that a strong Douzong, even a Douzun, could cross the void and control the power of space. But this is just wandering around on the Dou Qi Continent, which is a completely different concept from the world.

Nan Xiaoniao:"So, this kind of (good and good) thing will be known after reading the memory copy.……"

Nan Xiaoniao:"I'm going to see it first!"

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng:"Then the old man has gone too."

Zhang Sanfeng was quite emotional.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"I always feel that after watching One Hand to Cover the Sky, my reading habits have also changed... Even when I look at the text memory copy, I am very happy."

Natsume:"What a coincidence, I am the same."

Su Han Watching the number of people chatting within the guild drop little by little, I couldn't help but laugh. Then he moved his eyes out of the guild chat room.

He moved his body bones and finally received the reward for this mission. He transformed the Great Self-Dharma into his mind

"So that’s it, this method is quite interesting!"Su Han rubbed his chin, thoughtfully. He decided to experiment.

With a gentle wave of his palm, three brilliant rays of light suddenly burst out. Then three figures gradually condensed in front of him. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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