"interesting!"Su Han was dumbfounded. He could naturally sense where the Abyssal Reincarnator was from what he had seen. However, since Lang Fanyun didn't ask him, he wouldn't speak without permission.

Closing his eyes, Su Han entered the guild chat room. , and found that the discussion inside was very intense.

The fallen angel twelve-winged black cat clan:"Six six six six six!"

Tony is not the richest man:"I am now wiping tears for those Xia Dynasty troops... A cultivator in the Taoist realm passed by!"

Tony Stark continued to speak after a brief thought.

Tony was not the richest man:"I remember that the Dao Palace could already pick up an entire mountain and throw it into the distance, right?"

White-bearded dad:" Gu la la la, you guessed it right."

Yuan Dagu:"With a mortal body, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods.jpg"

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

Tony is not the richest man:"No...you posted this picture, why is it me in the bottom picture?"

Tony Stark looked confused and said he couldn't understand. He can understand even if you posted Ye Hei's photo, you are now alluding to Ye Hei!

Kyousuke Kosaka:"If you think carefully about Tony Stat's plot in Marvel, he can indeed be compared to a god as a mortal.……"

After a brief sigh of relief, Kousaka Kyosuke quickly added.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Of course! It's hard to say now. After all, he is the Supreme Mage now. The master of the second level of the guild!"

Sakada Gintoki:"It's too true."

Gudazi:"I think......This person who is as good as a god with a mortal body should originally be describing the captain of the United States!"

Gudazi covered his face, no longer knowing how to evaluate it.

Sirzechs:"Thinking about Avengers 4, Captain America faced the Thanos army alone... and still didn't break his spine! We must continue to charge and fight. He really deserves this title!"

Sirzechs Si:"No, it should be said that both Iron Man and Captain America have this qualification."

Hatsune Miku:"Thor silently clicked a thumbs up!"

Gui Yanye:"Yes, the damn fat boy Thor said that he Very angry! What's wrong with being a little fatter? Have you been expelled from the gods? Why do you always have to compare with him as a god? (Funny.jpg)"

Thor Odinson:"……"

Thor Odinson:"You can't attack me with things that didn't happen. My belly is obviously full of muscles now! Although I like drinking, I am completely different from the fat guy before." Thor

Odinson Er Odinson:"Besides, I've hammered that damn fat guy more than once these days."

At this point, Thor rubbed his teeth with hatred. If he hadn't been that obese guy, would he have been ridiculed in the guild? The name of the God of Thunder is crying.

Looking at the discussion in the guild, Thor took a sip of wine and made a decision silently. Wait a minute and go to the Avengers 4 world again to beat that guy again.

Izumi Sagiri:"……It seems that he traveled to the four worlds of the League of Enemies very diligently?"

Tony is not the richest man:"More than that! He even brought another version of himself back to his home world. Then let the other self go to meet his parents and Loki!"

Tony is not the richest man:"I still can't forget the expression on God King Odin's face when he saw the fat house version of Thor."

Tony Stark's expression was very serious, and he suppressed his smile.

Sakata Gintoki:"Pfft……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"This kind of thing! It's really interesting to think about."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Yukinoshita Yukino also had some expectation in her eyes, and then sighed faintly.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I didn't see it. It can definitely be listed as a regret of my life."

Aisaka Taiga:"Mr. Tony Stark, since you have seen it! Then upload a copy of the memory quickly, so that we can also watch it at that time What is Odin's expression like?"

Loki:"I'm also very curious."

Tony is not the richest man:"……This still doesn’t work! Really, I suspect Tony Stark is going to kill me."

Batman:"Indeed...in my satellite surveillance! Thor has driven the Rainbow Bridge to Tony Stark's door and started sharpening his axe."


Gudazi:"This method of threatening... is really powerful."

Ayumi Aikawa:"Actually, Thor should bring Loki from the guild to show to the other Thor. And then tell him that in our world Loki is a girl! (Manual funny.jpg)"

Gui Yanye:"Hiss!"

Doctor Luo Man:"……This idea is really amazing."

Thor Odinson:"You...you have gone too far!"

Thor directly exited the guild chat room. He said that he stopped watching and the more he watched, the more sad he became.

Su Xiaoxiao:"So, you don't pay any attention to the content of my live broadcast now?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows and turned his attention to the real world. Ye Hei showed his unparalleled power. Even if Xia Dynasty gathered tens of thousands of troops, it was still useless. He was crushed repeatedly by him alone..

On the other side, Lang Fanyun found two Abyss Reincarnators. He killed them easily. Only the last one was left hiding deeply. The last one controlled the puppet from time to time and used various methods to sneak attacks. Lang Fanyun. However, the gap between the two sides was really too big. Lang Fanyun simply slashed out with his sword and slaughtered all those who sneaked up on him.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"The key is... this mission Too unchallenging."

Kousaka Kyosuke sighed longly.

Sakata Gintoki:"I think so too! 100,000 points, talk about a hammer. Instant kill mission!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"If the one who passed by this time was a knowledgeable and domineering perceptive powerhouse like Dorag, maybe the mission would have been completed."

Aisaka Taiga:"Well-founded and convincing.jpg"

Hatsune Miku:"But speaking of this mission...it has indeed been a while since I saw the Samsara."

Hatsune Miku rubbed her chin, thoughtfully.

Kousaka (Okay) Kyousuke:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It suddenly occurred to me that the president has a sister who is... a reincarnation person?"

Katsura Yanye:"Indeed, the president has said it in the guild before. And he said it more than once!"

Ernesti:"The Crazy Girl is not bad."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Well... indeed, I haven't seen Ling'er for a while."

Su Xiaoxiao:"I remember that Ling'er has embarked on the path of the Lord God, hasn't she? ?"

Su Han's eyes flickered.


Ram covered his forehead, no longer knowing what to say. Rem let out a long sigh, followed Ram's words with great understanding, and spoke.

Rem:"Master! If you say that, Miss Ling'er is really crying. My brother doesn't care about her at all."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Isn't it mainly because we signed a contract with her? I know her life is not in danger. We still need to worry about a hammer boat!"_

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